Has your mindset changed as killer?

Personally speaking I used to try everything I can to 4k but ever since I took a year long break from the game I noticed I'm really only playing with a 50% mentality like all I really try to get in a match is 6 hooks so even if everyone escapes I got my "2 kills" in theory since 6 hooks is the equivalent.
Playing killer has been way more chill for me ever since I changed to that mindset.
Has the mindset changed for anyone else over the course of the years?
I was always a very soft killer with the mindset of "just here to have fun", and I usually find my fun either in the killer's mechanic and using their power (a 0K where I did some good chaining on Legion is still a game I had fun in), or in player interactions.
I've found that I have much, much more fun in playing with this attitude (and meet many fun opponents as well who are down to chat and joke around) than my more competitive friends find in being more efficient and ambitious.
In fact, it's more my survivor mindset that has changed, as when learning, I used to be very salty about long dying streaks, but now I consider a game that we could have won but fumbled at the end to be just as satisfying as an escape, because I know we had our chances, and that when I'll be better at the game, I'll be able to escape such games.
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I don't think so. Killers play the same (some tunnel, some camp, some play friendly) and me I sometimes feel like wanting to win and sometimes I want to give them win.
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I love to win even if its a 3k or just a 2k, but idk surv make it impossible to even enjoy killer in your winning moments they always say something you do is toxic or boring and its just weird.
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Not really for me.
Still trying my best to win.
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I don't play killer often, when I do I go with the intention to win I guess?
But if survivors are getting stomped or someone DC's I feel bad and don't go as hard usually. Or if they do cute stuff we just play around. I guess my bias as a survivor player still shows sometimes.
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If someone DCs I'll give the last one the hatch usually (but no longer when the bot replacement starts).
I normally go in with the mindset that I'm killing 4 survivors and nothing is getting in my way. But then someone will drop an item and do a gesture that says "hi" and damn if I don't play along. At that point they have me wrapped around their little survivor pinky fingers. The interaction is fun and welcomed but that's not at all my goal.