My first impressions on the upcoming Perks

Hello there, good people of the fog!
As we all know, chapter 11 "Demise Of The Faithful" is about to be released in the PTB. And we are going to see a new killer, a new surivor and most important for this: new perks.
now, before i start here is a little disclaimer: these are purely my opinions. if you disagree with them, that is fine and i would like you to say why in the comments, but please dont get insulting in any way. i also have not been able to play with eigther of these perks, i will only be refering to what the devs at the stream said today, so there will be some speculation. also, my thoughts might end up being completely wrong, there is no guarantee that what i say is actually gonna be how the perk is used.
now that we have this out of the way, lets start!
Dark Devotion:
this perk is very interesting. allowing the killer to disable his own terror radius and apply it to a survivor is a very cool idea and i can see me and others having a lot of fun with that. however, how strong the perk is going to be completely relies on how long the time is that we have no terror radius. imo it should be at least 30 seconds, so that the killer actually has the time to switch targets and get a spooky grab off of someone. if the timer would be too short, i dont see this perk having a lot of viability, as you would not be able to switch your target fast enough to be unnoticed by said target. also, if the obsession is still around they would still be able to hear the heartbeat and their awareness would be higher. all in all i think it'll be a good meme perk, but nothig we'd see too often in the actual game.
Infectious Fright (also knows as the "######### your pants"):
this one is easily the strongest perk this chapter will give us, as it will allow strong killers like the Hillbilly or Myers to go on a rampage and shut down multiple survivors at once (just imagine a tier 3 Myers downing someone near you and suddenly you reveal your own location to the killer... scary...) this is something i can see being used quite a lot, especially on the strongest killers. it can be hard countered by calm spirit though. it will definitely find a good spot in slugging builds, combined with Knock Out.
Corrupt Intervention:
this perk seems to be a little to weak for my tastes. now dont get me wrong, being able to shut down 3 gens at the start of the match sounds great, however it is just not worth a whole perk slot, if it remains to be a dead perk once its timer has run out. though, the idea is awesome, so ive thought of how i would change the perk: every time a generator gets repaired, the 3 furthest away generators that are not currently being repaired get blocked by the entitus for X amount of seconds. and if i understood the devs right, their auras also wont show up / the entitys aura gets revealed to you, so you can go and patrol the other gens. i personally feel like this perk has a lot of potential, but is simply not strong enough the way it is atm. again, we will see on the PTB.
Now this is an interesting one. i belief that it is neigther too weak nor too strong and a perk that might find some use in the game for survivors, maybe even replace selfcare for some. i think if you combine it with bond, you can heal up pretty fast. this perk is basically a counter to the current "anti healing meta", as it allows you to heal 1.5 survivors in the time it takes you to heal 1, which will have quite an impact on Sloppy Butcher builds. im interested to see how it will affect the game.
this one is surely a great perk for all the stealth players out there. it allows you to complete a generator and then quickly leave the scene of crime unnoticed. it surely is highly situational and can be countered by Bitter Murmur, however it surely is a great addition to a stealth build, especially if you repaired the generator while you had a heartbeat, as it will allow you a quick getaway. i personally can see this perk being used by some players (especially stealth players), however it will most likely not make it into the meta. it would also allow a survivor to jump from gen to gen quicker without starting a chase with the killer.
Head On:
the last perk on this list. i think this will make lockers much more viable, as it would actually allow you to get away from the killer once he figured out where you are, while also not being broken. thanks to its restrictions this perk seems to be very balanced, as survivors would not be able to just jump into a ocker mid chase and then stun the killer, while it can also not be used to jump out and gain a huge distance with other exhaustion perks, as it triggers the exhausted status effect on you. i can especially see stealth players pick this perk in order to hide themselves better and not be dead meat once the killer figures out where they are. i can also predict that there will be some players on a small map (like Lery's Memorial) who will interrupt the chase between the killer and a different survivor by jumping out of a locker while the killer tries to pass and therefore stunning him. i personally do like the idea and we'll see how the players find a way to make good use out of this perk.
and thats it!
did you agree with me or not? feel free to tell me in the comments!
have a great day and i will see you in the fog!
I believe you are right for majority of what you said, my only complaint about any of the perks coming out is head on. I personally don't see it being used often bc of the restrictions if you cant use it while in a chase and it gives exhaustion what good is it? Yeah I could see myself in a few situatiosns where I get pulled out of a locker and go I wish I had head on. But there would also be be situations where I pop head on either too late or too early and I say I hate this perk. For me I think it's not worth it bc of the situation restrictions. I could be wrong about it it could be a real game changer but the way I understand it it's not worth the perk slot. When I could use the window next to the locker with lyth or use the hill or opening with balanced.
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Solidarity and self care is going to be pretty strong as you can heal eachother very quickly especially if you are using a medkit
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yeah, i understand that. however, the perk would be simply too strong when you could just jump in and out of a locker mid chase, stunning the killer. and it would also be too strong if it had no cooldown. it doesnt have to be exhaustion, but the perk shoul not be allowed to be activated immediately after its first usage, otherwise you could just stun tht killer in place (jump out of the locker, get back in wait 3 seconds and jump back out. the killer would barely have any time to move until the next stun occurs and it would be annoying af)
i agree that there wont be too many players using it, but it does give lockers some safety and therefore makes them a lot more viable of rstealth players, especially with the aura denial.
i can see it being used by a few players, but not too often.
its more of a stealth / meme perk.
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No I agreed it should be an exhaustion perk so it can only be used once per chase, but three seconds is a long time when it's a make or break situation. That why I say make it instant so you can actually get some use out of it besides in certain scenarios.
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but thats exactly the thing i do not want to happen, as survivors would be able to just jump in and out of a locker during a chase, allowing them to stun the killer (and belief me: no one wants to be stunned). this would just result in a lot of pissed off killers, while also not giving you and real benefit, as the killer would still catch up much faster than with lets say a Sprintburst or Lithe.
so basically, this would not give you the chance to escape a bad situation, but to just piss the killer off and therefore be his favourite survivor to take out of the game.
i think its good that we have the 3 second rule to prevent that.
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I am not so sure while dark devotion removes the terror radious as it's only useable on the obsession and doesn't activate in dying state, DS users rejoice, swf can easily counter that in many ways by the obsession being stealthy or stay injured, imagine one running OoO giving the position of the killer away and sit in a locker with head on, if tinkerer is any indication the terror radious change won't last too long, may be ok on the game and lery's.
Infectious fright just being a notification is hit or miss, some killers I agree it can be strong in the right circumstances but for the majority it won't make a difference as you can be gone before they arrive, a lot of killers tend to check the area before picking up any way in that respect it makes it easier but I don't think it's strong enough to be used, maybe useful if you see a few flashlights in the lobby but strong enough to stop dodging?
Corruption intervention I can't see being used much either I agree, as others have also said players will just do totems or look for ruin, it's hard to say as the time frame needs to be stated but it's a one use early game perk, once a survivor is found and in a chase they just lead the killer away, it won't do much in the red ranks as we know the gen placements in most maps anyway so can work out way around to them.
Solidarity in theory a good SWF bodyblocking perk as most block then leave to heal up, it seems ok but no where bear strong enough than the current meta as its conditiinal and especially for solo players.
Poised well I won't ever use it and I always play solo, I just don't see it being viable as if you hear a killers heartbeat you will generally be seen if they are not in chase and come towards you, you can walk/crouch with this perk being part if the game now and a killer never knows, I suppose it could be just as useful to not run it in theory.
Head on I see as a direct basement counter, it's useful in some ways but yeah in general more of a Dwight meme perk imo, as always stronger with SWF, I agree it can be used for some strong plays when solo also but I still think it's too conditional to break the meta, end game with an swf member in locker near the gate could be interesting, advises where they are, injured person runs past it, jump out and stun killer.
I think they are a bit underwhelming tbh, too conditional and not meta breaking.
Killer perks well those mechanics are similar in ways already used by other perks but those are rarely used due to others being more helpful.
Survivor ones are not strong enough or useful enough over what we have also.
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Corrupt intervention needs to be base
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It might just be me but I'd rather have a perk that I can actually use and yeah I might get tunneled and camped over a completely waisted perk that never gotten used the entire game
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I think Head On should auto-activate when the killer open a locker containing you. Wouldn't make much difference and reduce the chance for it to miss (in a laggy game for example).
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oh, i just thought of that, but can we please have the deadhard animation play when a survivor with head on jumps out of a locker? @not_Queen
i think this would be a nice little addition to the perk!