Why is this game so ableist?

MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

So is there any particular reason as to why the game is ableist as hell?

Gaming has ALWAYS been inclusive and tried to make as many people from every spectrum enjoy it.

Why do we:

Need a headset or else you can just forget hearing survivors breathe or squirm, have bad hearing? Tough #########. Hearing the terrorradius is also ######### hard esp. with the loud music, why not give us little hearts that indicate how big the TR of the killer is similar to Identity V?

Not have Colourblind mode in friggin 2019, it's not hard to implement devs. The skillchecks are a pain for people who cannot see specific colours.

If you ever want this game to exponentially Grow, maybe start thinking about making this game playable for a broader audience.


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    To be fair, there is a limit to this because of how hiding is a thing in this game. Like I'm all for giving the disabled some stuff to make it easier, but if a normal sighted person can enable colorblind mode and see better it becomes an issue.

    I do think that there should at least be a perk that turns down chase music.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I just wish we could turn down the in game music. I can hardly hear important sounds at times because of it.

  • Fenrir
    Fenrir Member Posts: 533

    Bait just ignore

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Nice that people just want to ignore others who have bad hearing.

  • ThGameIsHardButSoAmI
    ThGameIsHardButSoAmI Member Posts: 196

    Maybe change aura/skill check colours at your will would help, and the heartbeat could be translated into the vibration of the controller (dont know if that already exists), but survivors pain and breathing sounds need to be audio based in my opinion.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    The problem with Dead by Daylight catering to people with disabilities (color-blindness, and bad hearing to name a few.) Is that it is more than likely that people without the disabilities will use these features for selfish competitive gain.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Why should only a miniscule amount of players be able to utilize BASIC tracking tools of this game? The idea behind that is flawed beyond levels. True and Monto for example set their volume so ridiculously high that they'll need a hearing aid themselves in a few years.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    I don't recall Tru3 or Monto being deaf. It only takes a half-decent pair of headphones to properly hear everything, since they fixed the audio space with the Emblem update. Before that, you did have to strain to hear survivors' running (such as when you were blinded as the killer), but it was very doable without loud volume.

    Audio is an inherently good tool for tracking, but it's not the only one, either.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    The thing is not every game is suitable for everyone, you dont need perfect hearing in this game it just helps, you don't need perfect vision but it helps, check out deaf girl gaming she does just fine.

    Think about the multitude of games out there and with many your senses give an advantage, not all of them can cater to every single request by how they are designed as that can break the game and be abused by the masses breaking balance.

    It's just how it is.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Thing is that some of these things would not break balance (like showing survivors a heartbeat visually once the killer's TR becomes bigger) or having a colourblind mode just for the damn skillchecks.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    While those certainly help with those two problems sound has many more uses in this game, the killers powers, gen being worked on, saboing a hook, footsteps, locker noises to name but a few sound is so important in this game just as much as sight.

    Colour blindness is easily sorted with different colours yes but at the same time what about scratchmarks? Would the new colour be easier too track so everyone would end up using them?

    As I said not every game is desinged with these things in mind, maybe the DBD devs just dont want to invest in making everything have a visual option as the market is not big enough or due to the game being based soley on sight and sound, some of those I mentioned being visual could break the game as some of the sounds are directional but you have to listen well to follow them but to make it visual it wouldnt work without seeing where it came from.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    I would certainly appreciate color blind mode. When I go against a Hex Ruin, I HAVE to cleanse it or else my repair check is a game of luck because I CAN'T SEE THE DAMN SKILLCHECK! It's not TO terrible and fills me with some small pride when I do pull off repairs, but it's certainly not enjoyable for me.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    I can hear Survivors breathing and walking just fine with speakers and headphones.

    Headphones are simply superior thanks to direction. (Some speakers do have 3D as well, but nothing comes close from what i know.)

    It's a limitation no one has control over until they can make the speakers stand on equal ground.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,268

    Hes kinda right about killer hearing tho.

    It always gets nerfed whenever devs crewed with the game engine, and then NEVER restored to the levels before.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    People if you have no problem hearing survivor breathing then how would it hurt you to not have to set the game so loud and make other ppl able to hear breathing too? Hearing is not a skill that should be relevant in any game.

    And by the way I can hear the survivor breath just fine while playing survivor, it's when I'm killer that it becomes impossible even with stridor in a KYF match while the survivor is next to me doing nothing (not even chase music)

  • Quake
    Quake Member Posts: 230

    There's a reason why there is only low/medium/high ultra in graphic settings,or u can only adjust the main menu music-sounds and in game music-sounds.You can't just turn in-game music down for a reason.

    Everyone gets a fair chance this way and it should remain this way.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    What a fair chance, people with good headsets can track survivors that people with bad hearing and no headsets can't. Fair.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,034

    the skill check part I like

    I would like to be able to change the colour of the checks

  • Quake
    Quake Member Posts: 230

    It is fair for non disabled people.I understand your point,i really hope there is a solution for this,but...

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    All that does is allow those with good headsets to track them even easier, giving them even more of an advantage and breaking the balance.

    Someone with the best will always have an advantage in any game but it shouldn't be designed so it breaks the balance between the two sides.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited March 2019

    Sounds like bait, but in the off chance you're serious: too many visual and other alternative indicators would mess up the hud. Maybe some stuff (different color for scratch marks, icon appearing when you're in killer's TR) would help some people. BUT. Only if these things are optional.

    And there's no such thing as "ableist". If you can't use a lawmower, don't buy one. No one is obliged to cater for everyone's unique needs.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    You gotta be kidding me? Hearing is a big part for most games and it's also an act of skill to be focused and pay attention to noices. In Dead By Daylight aswell. It's an important part of the game as it rewards people that are attentive.

    Sorry if this sounds rude but there are plenty of games that don't require good hearing, Dead By Daylight is apparently not one of those.

    I know, I know, how selfish. Life is unfair, you gotta learn to deal with it.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    That's like saying cinemas are ableist because blind people can't see the films.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    I would love it if we could turn down the music. It’s gets so loud that I can’t hear anything else. I have issues after being in the service and when one loud sound overwhelms everything else, I can’t manage it and I have turn all the sound down.

    So instead of hearing everything until a chase, then hearing only blaring music, I’m forced to hear basically nothing EXCEPT the chase music.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    But people already are able to hear the friggin Stuff with no problems, you're not giving them an advantage anyways, you are removing an unfair disadvantage. I'm not somebody who thinks integrating ppl at the cost of integrity is the way but giving colourblind mode for example purple scratchmarks would not change the game.

  • KingB
    KingB Member Posts: 747

    How exactly does the color impact skill checks?

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    to colorblind people, have you tried EnChroma glasses? I have a friend who got ahold of a pair and his life has changed radically.

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    The skill checks can blend into the background for people with color blindness, making them nearly impossible to see and complete.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299

    That depends if someone who isn't colour blind could see them easier than the current red.

    A fix isn't always straight forward.

    The game is not albeist it's just designed around sight and sound, not every game can and will be for everyone.

    If any game isn't designed around people who are blind are they also albeist? Don't try to make something into something it isn't.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    ill just ignore you from now on since you don't seem to get the point and your "ableism is not a real thing" speaks volumes about how you think already.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    I wouldn’t say ableist- I believe the design could be seen as that way due to its design, however, I feel that this is unintentional. The Devs have seperate priorities as it stands, and they’re constantly reading the forums! Good for whoever posted this, their concern and opinion matters.

    I hope this issue gets attended to, and sorry to whoever is struggling with the game’s current design.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    I think the volume on the breathing just needs to go up a little, old DBD had breathing too that I could hear and it never was an issue.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited March 2019

    Why because you can't refute my points? What about blind people? You negate that they cant play the majority of games so by your way of thinking they are all albeist.

    I never said ableism isn't a real thing if you cared to read I said this game is not ableist, albeist is being PREJUDICED against someone for having a disability which is far from the case here.

    Games are what they are and some mechanics in them are never going to work for everyone it is how it is but it's not prejudiced it's about balance and what could give someone even more of an advantage.

    You seem to have an agenda and refuse to see why it's not as straight forward a fix as you think, stamping your feet and all because you feel it should happen rather than see the possible problems if it does.

    Why don't you make a game that relies on sight and sound and have it caters to all disabilities out there, deaf, blind, amputees to name but a few and if you can't make it viable for each of them you will out course be albeist yourself.

    It seems like this could be your word of the week to use in a few sentences or as others have said it's just bait.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,268

    Its funny how everyone is admitting that the sound doesnt work correctly by admitting to NEED "better headsets" to hear breathing.

    I think there wouldnt be much of an advantage in tinting the scratchmarks/skillchecks in a different colour. The marks have a ######### delay before glowing anyways.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    it's okay if doors weigh 30 kilos, some people can't open them but we can't please everybody. Do you know how stupid you sound right now?

    I'm not saying show survivors when they're close, I'm saying don't make us turn up the volume to dangerous levels just to be able to play the game without feeling strained out after an hour.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited March 2019

    And some people can't open doors at all? Should we remove all doors? Should they all be automatic? What about wheel chairs and steps? Even those real life scenarios don't always give what someone needs, but this is a game not real life and to bring it into the conversation makes you look like you have ran out of arguments.

    You accuse the devs of being prejudiced, you think it's a straight forward fix, when someone states something you don't like you refuse listen and throw your word of the week at them.

    This just sound like a special snowflake post who is offended at everything that isn't made for every single person on the planet.

    You do not have to raise the volume to dangerous levels, I can play around 50% volume with my $50 headset just fine, if you do that then that's on you, doing something which can damage your hearing just to play a game? Who sounds stupid now? No one is making you increase the volume that is a choice and if you chose to do that more fool you.

    Not everything is for everyone, a book isn't always in Braille, music isn't designed for the deaf, it is how it is, stop looking for issues that don't exist all because you want something, it's offensive to say the devs are prejudiced just because you don't think something is fair on YOU.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    That's fine for you if you can do that, how would it impact the game in a negative way if more killers could properly hear survivors since you can hear them without problems anyways? Let's make the game much harder by this logic, how about making it MUCH darker and returning flashlights to their former glory where you will feel physically ill after being blinded.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    I can't take this seriously. Either a troll post or completely delusional.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    The sad thing is I now believe that the OP is sincere. Which makes this all the more pathetic.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,299
    edited March 2019

    Now your just throwing pointless arguments around, it's not about making the game harder for everyone but I'll bite, if they did make it darker it affects all users not just me so everyone is affected, if they changed flashlights to go back to bright white I can easily look away from the screen as many others can but that change was more about QOL it does nothing to affect overall balance, those arguments are silly frankly and embarrassing to post.

    The fact is how much more of an advantage would I get if they allowed what you are asking for? how could it affect the balance of the game? think about that before screaming me me me as it not only affects you it affects everyone, if the vast majority don't have a problem with the sound then the vast majority would get a major buff.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    I ruined my hearing through constant partying between 16 and 24 so yes I am sincere and I don't see what ######### difference it makes for ppl who can hear them anyways.

    What's the point of noise being so ######### in this game, when I play anything else that requires hearing then I don't have any issues. War Thunder, Pubg, Apex etc all rely on hearing yet this game makes it stupidly difficult to hear anything aside from the way to loud music.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    Okay, @MhhBurgers Allow me to explain why the game regrettably cannot have handicap features for players with disabilities.

    As I stated earlier, if handicap features were introduced to either side of the game they would be abused by "abled" players for an advantage.

    I currently attend a college where I witness "abled" people using handicap measures for their own benefit. The easiest example to use is the door switch. On my campus we have the standard handicap "automatic door control" buttons at most entrances. I assure you that 90% of the people that use these entrances never open the door manually and they all just use the handicap button.

    If people use handicap measures to open a door just because they can you can bet that people would enable colorblind or hearing impaired options so that they wouldn't need to listen too hard or look to hard.

    So, let's say BHVR never adds handicap features. If you get upset at that then you're far too immature to be playing Dead by Daylight at all. It isn't BHVR's fault that you bought DBD. In the Age of Information you have every opportunity to research a product before buying it. With all of the /ttv's I see in my lobbies you can't tell me you had no way of seeing gameplay before purchasing Dead by Daylight.

    As someone stated earlier, it's not our fault that you bought a lawnmower you can't use.

    (I noticed your profile picture is now Legion @MhhBurgers please don't tell me you started this thread because you couldn't see scratch marks while Frenzing.)

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    Your allegory is crap and you should feel bad. If all doors were automatic then nobody suffers because of that except we'd use a little more power (electricity is unlimited so who cares). That's my point.

    If you're able to hear the TR then it would make no difference to you if a little heart started growing on your character the louder the TR is. Same as it makes no difference to me to give ppl colourblind mode esp. for skillchecks/scratchmarks because currently I can already see the scratchmarks and skillchecks easily and there's no way to make it even more easy for me.

    I started this thread because I have 2 friends who cannot hear at all but play survivor, I have bad hearing and I have 1 friend who is colourblind and can barely see skillchecks because of that.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @MhhBurgers Look, I want as many people to enjoy Dead by Daylight as possible. However, adding in mechanics to help disabled players better enjoy this BHVR product might backfire in the community.

    People already complain about NOED, and claim it's a crutch perk. I am genuinely worried about the impact of handicap mechanics and how the community will react to actual crutches appearing in game.

    On the subject of the door buttons in reality, I wasn't saying that they needed to go, I was demonstrating that people will use handicaps they don't need just to benefit themselves.

    I long to see the day a colorblind mode appears on Dead by Daylight and I eagerly await a full options menu. Until that day though the devs and community will be cautious to make any major changes to the game. (It took 2+ YEARS to get Decisive Strike reworked. Just imagine how long it will be before any handicaps take shape.)

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    I'm honestly offended this game requires hands and fingers to play. Absolutely disgusting. And why should I need to buy a computer or console to play it? Devs should provide a system if they're going to charge THIRTY DOLLARS to play this.