I have one rule:



  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Pop goes the wessle vs a gen tapper is just the best

  • vampire_toothy
    vampire_toothy Member Posts: 381

    The first sentence sounded fair enough, but then we get into this part...

    Bodyblocking is not an exploit, infact this means that less survivors are on generators and you can injure them. In the future you'll actually come to like bodyblockers because it means less people are on generators and will waste time healing. The best thing you can do is either hit them or if all of them are there then drop the survivor and chase them until you down another one.

    Gen tapping is actually good because it reduces the speed of which generators are done which the speed of the game is actually a big problem in the later on ranks. You should be glad they're taking more time to do the generators because it gives you more time to get kills.

    Looping isn't too bad, the only problem is horrible buildings such as the disturbed ward, haddonfield and wretched shop as 3 examples. Mindgames like moonwalking, manipulating your red stain, doubling back, etc are all your friend at jungle gym loops. The real problem again is just the duration of matches, not looping which is by the way the only thing that survivors have other than stealth which is incredibly boring and annoying.

    Cheats and exploits? Fair enough, I think that's a point a lot of people can agree with but that's still incredibly rare and nothing to get worked up over - report them and move on.

    Also I really hate to say it but rank doesn't actually mean anything. Right now I'm a rank 1 killer every single month but I never boast about it because it really isn't an achievement right now because anybody can make it to rank 1 with enough dedication. Ranks are awarded with fair and intended gameplay rather than actually being skilled at it - for instance a really good hillbilly that downs everyone with their chainsaw within 40 seconds won't double pip but they will if they draw out the game for long enough and get regular hits which means the emblems are pipping you because of your skill.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    I have given up hope that anyone on this forum would either be smart enough to see an exploit when they see one or merely understand why such things shouldn't be allowed. It's the nature of this community to mock,discredit, and/or argue till the end of time why half the BS things that should be bannable aren't even when they have zero idea what they are talking about.

    Most players in this community have done one of 3 things:

    1. Accepted how things are and don't bother fighting it.
    2. Abuse these mechanics religiously and therefore will defend them till the day this game dies no matter how much of an exploit they may be.
    3. Believe everything everyone else for god knows how long has said and therefore believe anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they are talking about.

    The reason why 95% of the BS survivors pull hasn't been deemed bannable or patched out is because they've been used since the game's inception practically and therefore any mention to patch out these issues or outright mark them as an exploit has been met with an outcry of this community.

    You should of seen the survivor mains when Bloodlust was first introduced to counter the pallet looping exploit in hopes of giving killers a fair chance to catch them while not patching pallet looping out to avoid a riot from survivor mains. This failed.

    They rioted so hard because their pallet looping exploit strat fell flat on its face. Bloodlust was nerfed to a joke state within a month of its release because their playerbase plummeted by 80% until news of the massive nerf hit mainstream outlets.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250
    edited March 2019

    Survivors run this game's meta and despite a few killer mains like myself attempting to balance this out so the devs will listen to us, the survivor mains still outweigh us 8 to 1.

    Post edited by deathsia on
  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Look. Weather its annoying, toxic, a bug, and exploit whatever. It's also optimal play.

    You shouldn't just expect optimal play. But you should plan on it and maybe even rely on it.

    If playing optimally causes problems, then that is on the devs.

    We all agree that the legion moonwalking to end a chase is an exploit. But I would never get mad at them for doing that either. They should always be doing everything in their power besides outright cheating to win. When that comes up and is BS that isn't the players fault for taking advantage of it but the devs fault for making it possible in the first place.

  • Ok... So I'm a lurker and literally just made an account to reply to this cuz you are hilarious.

    1. If you think everyone else is wrong, it is usually you being close minded, so hear others out.
    2. Rank doesn't mean #########, and stop talking about you being rank 10. That's not even a good rank...
    3. It's a game that has mechanics, which can be abused both sides. You tunnelling people will actually harm you in the long run.
    4. The rest of the points about you thinking what survivors are doing is toxic was addressed by other people.
    5. I don't mean this in a toxic way, but stop blaming the game and start learning strategies to beat survivors. If you don't play the nurse, spirit, billy, or huntress and you match up with 4 survivors who can pallet loop really well, you can't possibly get a 4k. Even at rank 1 players don't know how to loop pallets properly. As mentioned, rank means nothing in this game. The ranking is not percentile and it is about ranking up or down. Therefore the more you play the closer to one you will be. Has nothing to do with skill.

  • Gorgonzola
    Gorgonzola Member Posts: 176

    What the hell is that post? You want survivors to hold W and just die?

  • VoodooTheKiller
    VoodooTheKiller Member Posts: 81

    I think you just need to not play killer. You seem confused on a lot of basic things. People are explaining everything to you multiple times, and you still don't see anything but your own views on how things should work.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @deathsia You're on Reddit now. I was browsing r/deadbydaylight when I stumbled across this:

  • drunky26
    drunky26 Member Posts: 686

    Honestly if survivors tbagg and spam flashlight and use ds on top of that I try and tunnel them and get rid of them first. I don't care about other stuff they do.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    By god, just when I think I've seen everything, this community goes above and beyond to be as toxic as possible while at the VERY SAME TIME being the most ######### I have ever seen.

    PS: Oh noes! Someone said I was the most toxic player ever for stating things that are toxic to do in game are unsportsmanlike! I'm so going to reply to said topic so everyone can harass me on reddit!

    Oh wait, no I'm not. *reports post as harassment on reddit and closes page*


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Doing optimal play with the goal of maximizing your odds of winning does not fit the definition of toxicity. If you think it does then provide a definition, since it wouldn't fit the one I've been using. And when I say a definition make sure you state a rule rather than an example.

    In otherwords if Toxic = Tbagging then Not Tbagging = Not toxic