Fellow DBD gamers, took a 2 month break. How's the game state now?

Planning on return, is it the same, worse, better. Will be reading every comment.


  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Depends on what role you play and how you treat the game.

    For me, as a very competitive Killer, the game is fine. I dislike the matchmaking, because it feeds me people that have no business playing against me, but I rarely feel like a game is unwinnable. I've heard this is different at a more casual (normal) level.

    For me as a Survivor, the game is not very fun. I'm not a very good Survivor, I'm either average or below-average. Most games will see someone getting tunneled or camped out early on. Teammates are questionable and some Killers can still feel downright oppressive in the right situations.

  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331

    As much as others would have you believe, the game's health has improved. Mechanics are grinded and polished for the better.

    However match making can still be an issue, and you may or may not need to sweat a lot to win. But a lot of bugs are gone

    It depends on your own personal attitude and how you like to play.

  • Skydiverextrm8
    Skydiverextrm8 Member Posts: 10

    The game from two months ago to now is a bit hard to compare with the new survivor coming into the game. Just know that solo queue will always be chaotic and there a next to Zero Skull Merchants in my lobbies. In the past two months I have only ran into ONE skull merchant(whom i promptly gave up against) This next month is going to be the most chaotic month of the year so far so definitely get the anniversary cosmetics and keep reading those patch notes! If you play killer more often then be ready for most survivors to be running 3% faster, its not pretty when playing huntress or trickster.

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498

    I also took a 2 month break, came back and lost most of my games, now I win most of my games.

    Gen kick meta is thankfully dead in the ground, so now games have a lot more interaction.

    I'd say just play and see, better than any conclusion others can give you that might warp your opinion. People love exaggerating.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    After a taking a week break I logged on and played 3 games. Every match I got hard tunneled out of the game.


  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    I got you beat I'm on a 4 month break and counting🙂

    Probably the same as last time

    Killer fun. Survivor boring.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 937

    RUN!, Run now that you can.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    Bit janky rn. There are a lot of players on for the masquerade and toxicity is through the roof. But BP is flowing like water.

    Hopefully it'll calm down in a couple of days. Currently the balance mechanically between killer and surv is pretty close. So killers are tunneling and facecamping a lot to make up for the shortfall and survs are genrushing extremely hard.

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    its... different? idk. depends.

    nic cage has voicelines. killers can no longer grab players from hook rescues. cosmetics are getting sexier.

    everything else is still the same.