Okay that's it, I'm learning how to play Nurse
No matter how hard I try to apply pressure and be a gen defender, the gens just pop one after another. Survivors are really strong right now and even with a 20 game lose streak I still haven't dropped low enough to actually win any games.
Probably going to suck just as bad at Nurse for the first 20 or so games but I can't wait to be able to actually win games XD
Or maybe after 20 games of just losing, you maybe aren't that good. Best of luck with nurse tho
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I feel like every killer player have said this at least once before realizing how high of a skill floor Nurse has. Your not just gonna lose those first bunch of matches. You might not even get a hook/hit. If you have a 20 game lose streak, I feel like you might be struggling with some of the basic parts of killer gameplay that swapping to Nurse isn't going to fix. How much time do you spend LOOKING for survivors? Roughly how many hooks do you get and how many chases do you start? How often do you drop chase with a survivor to go pressure somewhere else?
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Or, alternatively, gens can pop pretty fast since the gen defense perks got nuked and unless you're playing an A-tier or S-tier Killer it's hard to keep up. It is possible but rather than just disparaging somebody you can acknowledge there are issues.
It's sort of like with solo queue; I can still escape close to half the time but that doesn't mean there aren't issues in solo queue for BHVR to address.
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Yes, MMR works as it should be !
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20 games of not getting a single win is the definition of a skill issue. You're definitely not doing something right especially with how easy killer is now.
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If you think your streak of bad luck ends after 20 matches with Nurse, then you gonna have a bad time.
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I lost like 40 games in a row trying to play Nurse.
Granted, I was on the Xbox One, I think, and Nurse makes me motion sick.
I'd recommend Blight, but even Blight won't mask fundamental issues.
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That's not a foregone conclusion since it's entirely possible that a perk carried them up to a higher MMR than they should have been and now it takes time to adjust. That happens in DbD. A similar situation could be seen in 6.1 when DH got its first nerf and it was a bloodbath for a few weeks. The survivors who had to adjust weren't bad players; they just needed to readjust their MMR and relearn their tactics.
We don't know their MMR or anyone's for that matter. We don't know their playstyle or which Killer they use. We do know that gen defense perks have been nerfed heavily. Since we don't know so much and the only thing we do know is that gens are going much faster jumping to a 'get good' comment isn't helpful in the slightest.
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Even then SBMM should prevent something like this from happening.
I've experienced this too. Every so often it feels like my games are completely unwinnable and I can't do anything. Then I'll lose a few douzen games and some days later my games are super easy. I have a theory that the MMR threshold is actually a point of discontinuity regarding matchmaking. You reach it but then you aren't accurately placed at the lowest / highest end of that MMR bracket but more towards the middle. That would also explain what the devs mentioned about it taking a while to drop down a MMR bracket again.
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LOL. I went down that same road years ago with Nurse on Xbox 1. 2 weeks of brutal games and the most toxic survivors I ever came across. I wrecked havoc for months torturing any survivor I came across after that. Now I play more survivor than killer but your post gave me flashbacks I did not like.
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I am sorry for saying this but if you are losing 20 games in row, i don't think Nurse will change this fact as well.
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If this mindset drives people to play Nurse, then that killer really should be removed.
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killers with teleports and aura reading add ons help. just run regression perks and you can usually win
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Thanks for sharing
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Pick Myers and apply tombstone piece ur welcome.!
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Helpful tip, play Blight he is easier and more fun and does not get punished if you mess up his power.
Nurse requires a lot of Mechanical Skill and if you are on console then good luck with it.
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Inside the giant machine that is the matchmaker is actually just a break room designed for monkeys to throw darts at a dart board. OP's issue is the monkey assigned for him keeps hitting that "best killer in the world" spot, lol.
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Feel like Spirit might be a better pick. She's not mechanically challenging, so a controller isn't as much of a handicap while she can do pretty good without having as high of a skill floor as Nurse.
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I play a lot and dont have that much of a hard time, and I play almost every killer. Yes you will lose! But you certainly are not going to win every game.
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Nurse is not that hard and Op probably will not get as good survivors first games. After few game you get the idea of blinks and you can already win games. Even I play her once a week I usually win or get kills. Killer is on bad states now I either win or loose terribly there is no middle ground.
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I though u were the best killer... nurse ceetainly is better on console than blight. I don't hit anything on blight and survivor spin every hit. On nurse however I win most games. I really enjoyed startstruck on her. But im on xbox series S she works lot smoother but still pc nurses has few advantages. I think blight anyway is worst killer to play on console.
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i can't believe u went 20 games without a survivor giving up immediately. nearly impossible these days
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Nurse makes me intensely motion sick.
Blight isn't ever going to be his PC self, but he's still one of the best on console.
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The difficulty of Nurse is really overexaggerated.
Yes, you will lose some games as her. Yes, you will feel really stupid while losing those games. But you wont need 20 games or someting like that to learn her to a Level that you can beat the majority of Survivors.
And once you learned her, you realize that she is pretty dull to play.
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Nurse isn't fun to play, win or lose. You'll end up switching to a strong but not as strong killer that is actually fun.
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Here's some advice pick a killer your interested in take all the slowdown perks you can
So you can maximize the amount of learning in a game take breaks watch some yt vids about the killer you picked once you get good with power lighten up on gen slowdown experiment
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Okay, let us know how it works out for you
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i mean 20 game loss streak might be a skill issue, but good luck with nurse
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You're better off learning Blight tbh he's somehow avoided nerfs left right and centre while even Sadako has been catching strays
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if you feel like nurse will be fun for you, that's perfectly fine! more power to you!
you could also try to create your own goals to reach instead too. i think that might be a refreshing state of mind you'll benefit from when you play killer (or survivor, should you choose to play that side too)!
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It's cause he's to fast lol
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Exactly. I've seen it so many times. They lose their matches then say that's it I'm learning nurse!
I can kite nurse but it doesn't belong in the game. Let survivors teleport through walls with a perk and see how it goes lol.
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Counterpoint, you get matched as close as you can be to have a 50/50 chance of winning (more like 60/40 when playing killer). At some point this isnt an sbmm issue its the player not playing well.
Or perhaps its the definition of a skill issue because there is no way you can lose 20 games in a row as any role, unless you are intentionally not trying to win or purposefully playing bad.
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Nurse isnt the solution BTW, since you will find out after learning her that many survivors using subtle and not so subtle cheats so you will be griefed a lot.
Example: you slug the survivors about to hook one and you can't game throws you out, or a survivor teabags you before getting down suddenly you see server thrown you out, or every gen is done instantly at the start of the game, or someone recover alone without unbreakable etc etc.
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Nurse has the highest skill floor but that skill floor should be no farther than 10 games out with even mediocre talent. I have probably played 25 games of nurse since I started playing 2 years ago, I have lost once or twice. Yeah, what a high skill floor. Don't try and pull the mmr bit like my blight didn't run only a full meta build and alch-ring green-speed in the months leading up to my first nurse game, she was well above the threshold.
Not defending op btw since he clearly is doing something wrong to feel this way.
You can use blights power for only map traversal and impossible to dodge hits because spins don't do anything to a shoulder flick regardless of platform(unless 100+ ping is a factor for anyone). Blight is not the worst killer on the console, the only thing gated for console blight is extremely fast bump logic. Probably under a 100 blights in total doing "Extremely fast bump logic" though. So yeah, skill issue. If it's that much of a problem run c33 and be nemesis with 2.3X map traversal speed lmao.
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So if I stand still as killer for 100 games resulting in 100 losses it's a balance issue by your logic.
No, just no. Both sided should earn their wins. If you are bad you should lose every single game until MMR puts you against players that are at your skill level resulting in even matches.
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That would only be possible if op played at the absolute lowest end of the MMR range. Otherwise MMR should not place them so high that everyone they face in douzens of games is better than them. I find that unlikely. Especially when other players have reported similar experiences every so often.
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I wait a day to see ok console blight so far everyone I faced have been bad. I looped even P100 console blights 5 gens. Maybe it's skill issue for us but I do think the skill required is way too much compared to pc. We don't have 4000 dbi and 120 smooth fps+.
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The biggest hurdle with learning Nurse not so much about learning blink distances/ timings etc but how many things mess up blinking. There's so many terrain issues with her power it can be quite frustrating learning what areas will screw you over when trying to blink & you end up just getting stuck, standing in place or falling through the floor. You basically have to learn every single map again because her power is so unique. It takes some time to become efficient, but she's pretty fun when you do.
Good luck
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After 20 games of failing to apply consistent pressure on survivors, you might be struggling from a common illness known as skill issue.
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Ah another I'm gonna go to nurse because blah blah blah, if your getting your teeth kicked in with an M1 then your about to get destroyed with nurse, at least for the first 30 or so matches. Nurse is op but only after you get cooked so many times you can literally predict most surv movements and whereabouts. She does get boring when you run meta perks and such but only after you get amazing with her. She is super super high reward and medium to high risk depending on your skill. Nurse is my main because when I first got the game my friends told me she blight huntress and curving billy were the hardest to learn I never could get the curve down, blight didn't really interest me and huntress is my 3rd behind hag.
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try wesker he's fun AND strong join the wesk crew
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In my 3400 hours I have never even come close to losing 20 games in a row. I think the highest I got was 6-7 when I was brand new and trying to play Pyramid Head. I don't know how people can lack the self awareness to realize that they just aren't very good. If you're losing 20 games in a row on normal killers then you're going to get destroyed as nurse.
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And there's nothing wrong with not being very good, i think it's important to emphasise that. Alot of popular streamers do these win streaks etc and I think so much of the playerbase tries to measure up to them. But these folk are popular for a reason. They're the outliers. They've played for so long and for so many hours to the point where it's now a *job* for them. People need to not be so hard on themselves.
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This may be the truest statement of the whole thread fr
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Nurse's skill floor is overstated. It takes a while to get used to her blink ranges but it's not that bad. I played Nurse after hearing about how you needed 100 hours before you could even compete against mediocre survivors, but after a few hours I had a feel for her blink ranges and the second blink helped cover for mistakes I made with my initial blink. Once you get her blink ranges down you can go on to ignore the hardest part of the game which is looping.
As awful as she is to play against, I can see why people use her. She is a lot of fun. Blinking around the map feels great. Much more than getting in range and doing an M1.
Although picking Nurse won't fix a 20 losing streak. That requires hard liqueur.
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Proud of you 👽️👾
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I mean I play on 1200 dpi, it's all about how fast you can move you mouse. The framerate I will give to you, that is a sad reality of all console players, although I play on 100fps because it feels smoother in dbd(only game I can say that about). Shoulder flicks though are a mitigation to the lack of really fast mouse movements, it doesn't matter if someone try to spin or wiggle you if you literally don't have to turn your camera in any direction. I have watched lilith do live reviews of console players on subathon streams, the max potential is definitely less but that doesn't mean you can't be an oppressive killer vs many many survivor teams.
Keep in mind, anything but a shoulder flick, even on pc is not guaranteed.
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Well those console players probably should saved the effort to get good on blight on pc instead unless they want hard challenge. Console blights I have faced I could say one was okay. I actually though he might be on pc as he did made some nice moves. The P100 one I have faced actually multiple times he plays very unique way not effiecient way though. He did miss multiple swing on me both games.
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Yeah, I'm not that good lol. Kinda comes with the 20 game losing streak. Thought it might be MMR but I saw they removed it so I don't even know any more XD