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Hatch/Solo Endgame Rework Idea - The Last Stand


(I rant for a little bit about my thought process, scroll if you want to get to the actual idea)

I was thinking recently about the hatch. Specifically how it's pretty lame that whether or not the last survivor escapes and the killer gets 3 or 4 kills is usually down to pure luck. And how this system, by most conceivable metrics (kills, hook stages, emblems, bloodpoints), encourages the killer to slug the penultimate survivor and spend those 4 minutes looking for the last one, to deny the possibility of the hatch spawning.

So leads me to this post, where I want to try and think of a way to fix this, and hopefully suggest a system that is more fun and more fair. Feel free to tell me why this is a great or terrible idea, or suggest your own solution.

While the current solo endgame is not a terrific system, it does solve two very important problems. 1) The last survivor needs to reason to not just hide forever. 2) If the survivor does still decide to do that, the killer needs a way to end the game. The new system cannot compromise this. Additionally, it shouldn't last much longer than the current system. As much as I enjoy playing this game I'd rather not drag out the matches any longer than they already can be.

I want the new endgame to involve skill from both sides, have as little rng as is realistic, give each player a roughly equal shot at coming out on top assuming roughly equal skill, discourage slugging for the 4k, and above all else be fun.


The Last Stand

(exact numbers are negotiable)

Firstly, the hatch is removed entirely. This means that keys, left behind, and sole survivor need reworks, which I have ideas for, and hatch offerings need to be removed or given total reworks.

Secondly, besides the above, if the exits gates are already powered this doesn't happen and gameplay proceeds as normal.

When there are 2 survivors left, and a survivor is hooked or dying, they have the option to instantly kill themselves regardless of bleedout/hook timer. (maybe reward with bloodpoints or smth to minimize trolling)

When three survivors are killed, the Last Stand begins. The last survivor is healed to healthy, and alleviated of of all statuses, including killer specifics, ie they are awake, uninfected, etc. Their aura is revealed to the killer for 5 seconds.

For the purposes of hope, noed, etc the gates are considered powered and the generators are considered finished, but they cannot be opened.

When the killer is further than 16 meters from the survivor, they gain killer instinct on them. (Not aura reading because distortion/shadow step/lockers would make this really stupid)

After 120 seconds (timer shown on screen) the exit gates are opened. (and it does the bubble thing so the survivor knows where they are) Each generator finished reduces this time by 20 seconds. (You could maybe instead make it so that they auto escape and that'd probably be fine, but the time would definitely need to be longer, and I like the gate idea better)

You could also add the finisher mori so that you cant bleedout the last guy, but that's not necessary to the concept.

General idea I'm going for is that the last guy can escape if they last long enough in chase, and the killer gets their kill if they can end a chase fast enough. I think that pretty fair, and fits the spirit of the game. I'd like to incorporate the number of hook stages this survivor has left, but can;t think of a good way.

Left behind now decreases the last stand timer by 10/20/30 seconds.

Solo survivor increases the distance the killer won't detect you during last stand by 4/6/8 meters.

Keys are now used to instantly/very quickly open exit gates. (i know in universe this doesn't make sense since the gates are opened by levers but... they're KEYS. KEYS open DOORS. It should've always been like this, fight me.)

So that y'all know what variety of stupid comments to leave, I am a console killer main (Oni/Various M1s) of 900 hours who started playing just after the prestige changes. Jokes aside I'd love to know what y'all think of my idea.


  • EasyMcgee
    EasyMcgee Member Posts: 9

    Forgot to mention that sole survivor keeps its current effects as well, I just wanted to give it something since you probably won't be able to open the gates if you are the last surv with this change.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,553

    You're giving hatch too much credit. The game doesn't consider hatch an escape. It's considered null. It's purely a means to an end. All of this is just a convoluted way of doing the exact same thing, except it gives killer more time and opportunity to get kills, which they would - especially since most resources are gone by the end of the game, so the survivor has to last 2 min in chase when alot of the map is a dead zone as pallets have been used during the actual game. And killers have bloodlust.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,170

    As someone who likes to run goofy builds, and is not very good in chase... this sounds horrible to me xD

    Nah in seriousness, it's a cool thought process, but I think the one flaw here is this favours killers who are strong in chase, and bloodlust will naturally feel pretty cheap to survivors.

    You could disable blood lust ofc course, but again your stealth killers and your m1 killers will naturally be disadvantaged compared to their faster counterparts. Hatch in its current form does at least mean your chosen build/killer doesn't matter as much.

    I agree with the premise though... it would be nice if in chase a survivor has some kind of indicator to give a vague direction where the hatch is to at least try and survive the encounter instead of just looping blindly... but I guess that's why you take Left Behind 😅

  • EmmaFrostyEyes
    EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685

    “General idea I'm going for is that the last guy can escape if they last long enough in chase, and the killer gets their kill if they can end a chase fast enough. I think that pretty fair, and fits the spirit of the game.” Just give the killer a 4k as soon as its a 2v1 then

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,373

    this actually sounds great and gives fair opportunity to the survivor especially if the match was a complete stomp or ppl just gave up since all resources would still be available then. i am and will always be the biggest advocate of hatch getting removed so anything goes really. they can just remove hatch and give the killer the ability to open door themselves and start egc, and even that would solve the problem. it's not like hatch is the only sensible solution to this whole holding hostage problem.