Proof that Made for this is Broken (Not OP, like Actually Broken)

BloodBird Member Posts: 189

Here is a video comparing running while injured down the midwich hallway using both Made For This and Hope.

The time it took with MFT to go from one side to the other was exactly 18.15 seconds down to the frame.

Hope on the other hand took exactly 17.38 seconds down to the frame.

Are you really telling me, that a gain of 4% movement speed in DBD amounts to a net difference of less than 1 second, like 77 milliseconds.

There is no way this perk is working the way it is supposed to.



  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Also it would be 770ms since 1000ms is 1 second.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,120

    yeah seems about right actually.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    I didn't think much of it until I faced a decent survivor with it yesterday and boy does it make weaker killers have a miserable time. It is amazing how such a small increase in base speed can make so many loops take an extra loop or even more to finally get a pallet/hit

  • BloodBird
    BloodBird Member Posts: 189

    It's worse than that, in most cases it makes a lunge attack impossible to hit with, one simple turn from the survivor just makes a lunge miss.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,882

    Small speed boosts don't really matter for getting around, which is what ppl think of for just getting from point a to point b like in this test. It matters when in a chase because then your cutting into the speed difference between killer and survivor. If Ghostface is chasing you and your 3% faster... 3% is 20% of the speed difference between you. Now it takes 20% longer to close any distance, even if just running in a straight line. It's kinda like how a stack of PWYF won't make a killer any better at patrolling the map really, but is pretty massive in a chase.

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 1,198

    A better test would be how long it takes a killer to hit you when running in a straight line while injured. I would say it's probably a second or 2 longer compared to without MFT.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    Yep, in chases it is horrific. For a 110 killer like Huntress it can turn normally fairly average loops into almost an infinite. Combined with Hope at EG... just nasty

  • MDRSan
    MDRSan Member Posts: 298

    They dedicated 2 perk slots for that setup, are injured, and the waited until the exit gates are powered. It sounds as balanced as endgame exposure perks. They aren’t running around the entire match like this.

    People tend to brush off the setup required for best case tests like this. In an ideal situation, perks should give an advantage if that situation is what you’re built for. That a killer can’t catch up to a player in this one situation isn’t a bug - it’s the whole point. Sometimes you don’t get a 4K. Be glad. A 100% kill rate would bring a nerf hammer I don’t think killers would like.

  • BloodBird
    BloodBird Member Posts: 189

    I duid that test as well, didn't post it right away cause the results were confusing, on midwich running straight with MFT, I got hit just turning the corner for the second time, but with hope nearly made a full loop before getting hit, the difference was about 5 seconds vs the less than 1 in the other test.