Hot Take: Gen Rush

Gen Rushing is the only viable thing to do because every time I try to be a good teammate and save someone or heal someone I get murdered immediately
It's usually the people who do gens and play stealthily that escapy, not the guy running the killer for 2-3 gens unfortunately.
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But also at the same time running Gen speed perks is absolutely boring in my opinion
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Gen rush is totally unacceptable. It is probably the biggest contributing factor to why you see killers doing a bunch of unfun things and in general being really sweaty. Gen run totally destroys the ability for the killer to relax and just have fun, go for hooks do chases ect.
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Actually no. When regress meta was, killers still played scummy.
Gen rush exists, cause killer play that way in the first place. Tunneling and camping ruins the survivors ability to relax and just have fun.
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You're absolutely right, at this point I can no longer blame survivors for genrush meta, it's clearly a failure in game design and something the devs need to address and as usual probably won't until it's far too late.
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Welp...we can't fault that logic XD
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This is so wrong, it is not even funny anymore.
Even with Slowdown on its peak (with Eruption, Call of Brine and Overcharge), Killers STILL tunneld and camped. Despite having so much Slowdown... Sad thing is, you cannot improve Killer gameplay and hope that they will play nice. Killers will always play scummy as long as it is not discouraged.
Hard agree. With the new HUD you see how inefficent Survivors are. I never cleanse Totems and I never open chests, because I cannot afford it.
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It goes both ways. One can also choose not to use any gen perks and end up being hard tunneled, facecamped or bled out for 4 min.
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it’s hilarious how there’s always an excuse that “forces” killers to camp or tunnel. Don’t you know that every survivor is consistently solo cranking gens for efficiency and if they’re not they’re optimally running loops with made for this??
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Survivors can literally do 3 gens before even 3 minutes into the game. 60% of your objective. and then you guys absolutely refuse to not bring perks that actively encourage camping, and its going to be even worse next patch because of Deliverance.
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People want change camping is boring even as killer unless your bubba.
Post edited by EQWashu on0 -
You two remind me of my kids.
Me: Hey! Who tf spilled this milk?
Kid # 1: Not me!
Kid # 2: Wasn't me!
Kid # 3: I don't know!
Kid # 4: No it was them!
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Yeah, this is very easy (and wrong) thinking. Of course from the raw numbers, 3 Gens are 60% of the Objective.
However, the Survivors can do 3 Gens before the Killer even gets a Hook and they can still lose, despite already doing 60% of their Objective before the first Hook. Because not every Gen is the same, I would say that the last Gen usually takes more time than the other 4 combined. So saying that 1 Gen is 20% is way too easy and does not take into account how a game of DBD works.
Survivors are at their strongest at the start, but the longer the game goes, the stronger the Killer becomes (this is also why Slowdown is so popular, when you drag the game out long enough you have it easier as Killer). Ressources (aka Pallets) are gone, people are on Death Hook or even dead and other stuff.
And IMO it does not even matter if the Survivors complete 0, 1 or 4 Gens. Everything below 5 is a win for the Killer.
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That’s how the game works and always has though? Killer is weakest in the early game. You are aware that your logic can be applied in the same exact way for killers, there are plenty of perks you can bring to ease pressure in the early game.
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Real gen rush doesn't even exist anymore.
Gone are the days of 1 gen being finished then 4x gens popping in rapid succession over the span of 30s thanks to how original BNP worked.
Focusing on gens isn't really "gen rushing" its just prioritizing the objective.
If people want to maximize objective progression that's what they are going to do prioritize the objective.
Survivors will smash gens asap AKA "gen rushing", killers will go for as early an elimination as possible AKA "tunneling"
What baffles me is how people still think this is some sort of anomaly, this is the game as its always been when played competitively. A lot of people play very competitively.
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I hate the word genrush. Even with the current BNP and gen speed perks/toolboxes you can’t call it genrushing. There are still plenty of ways to slow down gen progress. And stop blaming survivors doing their objectives for why killers can’t have fun. A lot of killers will camp and tunnel on 5 gens because they don’t care. If survivors didn’t have all their other items made near useless maybe they wouldn’t focus on toolboxes and gen speeds as much.
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When you can do 3 gens in LESS than 3 minutes then it is your fault. There is no way you can be that stupid that you cant see how doing this might cause the killer to want to do whatever they can to catch up. So you are just being deliberately dishonest. I could just leave it at that and just ignore you and disregard the rest of what you said but I wont. Gens pop WAY too quickly. Period. You dont get to sit there and say completing 60% of your objective within the first 2 or 3 minutes of a game is reasonable and then complain about what the killer has to do to stand a chance at actually catching up. BHVR gives incentives for killers to camp and tunnel because of how far the killer gets put behind so quickly and giving survivors perks that directly encourage us to camp and tunnel. Then when killers do the things they encourage us to do they punish us for doing them. It just shows that BHVR has no idea what they are doing.
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"Survivors are at their strongest at the start, but the longer the game goes, the stronger the Killer becomes (this is also why Slowdown is so popular, when you drag the game out long enough you have it easier as Killer). Ressources (aka Pallets) are gone, people are on Death Hook or even dead and other stuff."
But thats the problem with modern DBD: the game doesn't work that way anymore most of the time, because of the breakneck speed. In theory the game should be a teeth-gnashing event by the time the 5th gen pops, with a couple of survivors on death-hook or maybe even dead and a lot of pallets gone, making part of the map into dead zones.
In reality though, with the current hyper fokus on slamming gens, by the time the 5th gen pops, the killer either tunneled someone out, hooks the second and hopes for a mistake by the others, or the killer is just in his second chase, got his 3rd or 4th pallet out of the way, because everyone greeds like mad these days, and it doesn't matter if he downs and hooks this survivor, because 3 healthy gnats will just swarm the hook and escort their peer to the 99%ed exit gate and engage in a fun twerk parade, to show off their sick moves.
The players skills and tactics on both sides have totally outrun this games original mechanics and by now the roll of duct tape is not capable to hold everything together anymore.
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I personally find the interaction with the killer the most fun aspect of the game as a survivor. But when that interaction turns into them staring you into your second hook stage after you've looped them or god forbid stunned/blinded them, then there isn't much fun left to be had. But it is what it is :)
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The game is unplayable for normal killers that for sure. I can't catch up to survivors not i can stop gens. The game is honestly in a very bad state
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This is a "you can't put the genie back into the bottle" type of situation. In the olden days gen rushing and focusing on gens existed, but mainly due to old DH and several other mechanics, survivors were so safe that they didn't had to and could just fool around. Then 6.1 and the gen kick meta turned this upside down and survivors adapted by hyper focusing on gens and especially splitting up. No more cute "working on a gen together while discussing yesterdays hot topics and shaking the head at your friend if they messed up a skill check", now it was splitting up on gens and making the killer pay dearly for every second that a chase lasted.
Over time Eruption and all the other gen kicking perks, and basically all slowdown perks, were nerfed and shut down, but now not only a select few "SWF - complike teams" used splitting up as the true meta (most effective tactic available), but basically everyone did.
And the same was happening on the killers side. Tunneling was always the most effective way, but it wasn't always necessary and it always came with the stigma of being a bad and unfun player, as a lot of killer players could do without. Same with 3-genning; 3 Gen was ALWAYS a very good tactic for killers, heck, when I started out and watched some "how to play killer" or "killer 101" tutorials, 3-genning was always mentioned as an advanced tactic to keep in mind and I sometimes did it myself. Not in the hardcore way, but I would look at the gen split at the start, decide at a good 3 gen and then chased the survivors off of those and went on my normal business. When I could defend the 3-gen, I would do so, but when I had to chase someone, I would prioritise that. Then the gen-hyper-focus-split-up meta happened, and a lot of killers adopted the 3-gen tactic, until it got noticed by nearly every survivor and got called out for being "the next unfun thing toxic killers do!!11". Well, and the addition of the Skull Merchant with her kit tailormade to holding a 3-gen, but not really winning chases, right in the aftermath of the Knight, even aggrevated the problem.
Now we are at the situation were both, the survivor and the killer population at large at not only vaguely aware that splitting up and 3-gen plus tunneling someone out asap are the strongest tactics, but they actively play that way. Like I said, the genie is now out of the bottle and you won't be putting it bad by just saying "thats bad and we don't want DBD to be played like that".
Here is a possible way out:
1) give the killer old BBQs BP bonus at basekit, but only increase the counter for each survivor hooked while everyone is still in the game. This gives the killer a side objective besides tunneling someone ASAP.
2) give the killer a mini BBQ that shows them a single survivor that hasn't been hooked yet, after hooking a survivor, thus peeling them away from the hooks and sending them after someone fresh.
3) give the survivors some kind of debuff upon being hooked, but only as long as everyone is alive. Basically, don't make the killer sabotaging themselves and shooting themselves in the foot by keeping survivors alive, MAKE them WANT to keep everyone alive; at least until everyone has been hooked at least once.
3.5) maaaaaybe throw in a Grim Embrace like effect at basekit, once the forth survivor is hooked and anyone is still alive and block all gens for a while.
4) inverse the gen teamwork penalty, ie make gens go faster when survivors work on a gen together, but let gens repair slower when they split up. Splitting p would still be possible, but there wouldn't be 3 gens popping in union after the first chase, anymore. This whole thing would allow the game to go back to the good old times where it was "one survivor lost a chase and got hooked" - "a gen gets done" - "another survivor gets hooked" - "another gen gets done" - "the playing field shrinks ... uhhhh ... things get spicy now!!!1"
5) give all remaining survivors action speed bonuses for each dead teammate and 30s of undetectable. The killer could tunnel someone out, but this would strengthen the remaining survivors and rob the killer of all the Entities debuffs on the survivors and slim down their BP gains severely.
6) each month nerf the 5 most used perks in some numerical way, while buffing the 5 least played perks on both sides. Next month the last month changed perks wont count for the next round of nerfs/buffs. Thus we would get a living meta that ever evolves, with meta perks falling out of favor, old favorites coming back and new fun perks becoming suddenly eligible, until they are overplayed.
6.5) (a bit controversial) make only one OG chapter and one Licensed chapter per year plus one Community contest chapter. Reserve the last quarter of the year for game health.
In essence, we want to somehow give the killer a reason to go for more hooks and not tunnel someone out asap, while also give survivors a reason to not split up on gens and be out of the exit gates in 4mins. And we won't be reaching that goal by only aplying the stick in abundance, we also need some carots on both sides that promote the behaviour that lead to more fun games on both sides.
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I don’t know what kind of games you’ve been playing…
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Definitely not the same one I've been playing that's for sure..
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Well, sadly a lot of these. Either become the monster that everyone despises, or get "ggez"ed and pointed and laughed at for being such an inadequate killer. The amount of times where three gens popped, even after a pretty good chase without any blunders, is staggering, and each and every time it happens its so disheartening. Yes, the game isn't over when this happens, but three gens popping like INSTANTLY sucks the fun out of this match. Imagine getting downed by Bubba 30s into the game and then be brought to the basement, with him standing there and nodding at you. Yeah, in theory your friends could rescue you in a daring escape attempt, but in reality all prospect of fun just instantly left that trial for you in one fell stroke.
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I mean you have to look at it from both perspectives. I am never that kind of player no matter which side I’m playing. I just do my best and when people are toxic I put it aside. It’s harder for me to deal with toxic killers, personally, because they can rob me of even being able to play the game. Even if survivors get gens done quickly during my killer games I’m still able to do a lot and have a fun time. I never take a “loss” to heart and only get upset if I’m pushed out of a game right away and that includes people disconnecting.
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See, I am a killer main, but I also play a fair amount of survivor with my DBD friend group, I would say my split is 70/30, maybe 65/35 at times, so I know both sides pretty well. And a toxic killer can be pretty unfun and upsetting, but you have always your other survivors to fall back to, especially when you SWF and talk about whatever. And even getting thrown on the hook after a very tense chase, gives you a moment of respite.
The killer though is always in the action and on the edge, and when nothing is happening they know that this just gives the survivors more time to do gens. I am not playing this game as my job and I am not taking it THAT serious, but over the last 6 month the game has changed its face severely, and not for the better. Everything feels to competitive and balls to the walls. And everytime you try to take things a bit slower and more relaxed, you pay for that with insults and BM. I guess that some survivors are so on edge due to their last couple of games that the moment they meet a killer who shows weakness, they pounce on that as a vulture and vent of some steam themselves.
Most games are really at a breakneck speed and both sides can not effort too many doodling around or in case of the killer even one bigger mistake. If not 2 gens pop in the first chase, thats already a breath of respite for me, and if we are not down to 2 gens remaining 2min into the game, I feel like I am playing todlers. The fun games of old, where you chased and hooked and chased survivors, while slowly turning the map into a dead zone and one gen after the other was done, this games don't happen more then once per day anymore. And this is the result of several metas shifting and pushing the player base of both sides into the most efficient and hyper focused playstyles, least they instantly lose.
If you want to scroll up a little bit, I did a pretty big post just two after the one you replied to, where I delve more deeply into this problem. I really love DBD, but of late it has become really unfun, and that for both sides.
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All I can really say is… the more they try to balance the game the more they force people to shift their playstyles. My first month of playing this game was a never ending tirade of being tunneled, camped, and slugged. I got better at the game (which was hard to do because you can’t learn when youre subjected to these things) and so while it still happens a lot I am in a better place to avoid it. My meta is to be as efficient as possible. That’s the best way I can get to actually play the game and make it a better game for my teammates (and the killer, honestly.) Gens are my biggest focus because that’s my objective. Altruism is important to me because I know what it’s like to be robbed of my agency and I know how important teamwork is. There are some things in this game I still really suck at. Chases are my biggest weakness when it comes to vital gameplay. I tend to try to avoid the killer because of that unless I’m trying to distract them from a teammate or buy someone time. I can’t work a flashlight to save my life (literally.) I don’t think I’ll ever learn because i’m hit or downed before I even get a chance to try and steady the beam. Keys and maps are so situational and with all the healing nerfs that once again puts most of my focus on generators and toolboxes. I don’t feel that I play the way I do solely because that’s how I prefer to play but because that’s how the game shaped me. My games tend to be pretty 50/50 now. I survive or make it to the end just about as often as I get taken out rather early in the game with one or no gens done. I can understand your frustration but the one thing I’ve learned is no two games are ever the same. You have to adapt and change your own perspective and play how it works for you and know that any week you might have to adapt again.
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Its been an interesting back and forth to read and you both make good points. I'd like to highlight one element of your point though.
"It’s harder for me to deal with toxic killers, personally, because they can rob me of even being able to play the game."
Non-participation is one of the threats you face as survivor, its a core part of why you are trying to escape the killer. You are still playing the game while hanging on hook, just unable to participate in the objective, but that's the point.
You aren't just playing to escape the trial but to avoid the negative consequences of getting caught, which are non-participation and elimination.
The fact that the consequences of getting caught can be so harsh in game terms, i.e. complete inability to participate or game ending elimination, is one of the reasons DBD is so great.
There are few games that are so visceral in the mechanics and this causes a response in the players, its like a genuine survival horror experience and should be celebrated not denigrated.
The day you get to respawn and retry and we just farm for points every match is the day DBD dies as every game becomes a bland repeat with no real threat. Often what people describe as "toxic" in game are some of the strongest points about DBD's design.
What's toxic is more about how people react to these mechanics rather than the mechanics themselves.
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I’ve no issue with the “you’re dead, game over” way that the game works. I just think that it’s a lot easier for killers to take advantage of this. The game is designed for survivors to get caught. If things like tunneling and camping are going to be legitimate strategies then survivors need more resources to be able to elude them. But if you change certain dynamics like movement speed, endurance, etc. people just get all upset. I don’t think the game can ever be completely balanced (nor should it be) but it has to be fair to both sides,.
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The killer also needs to do 4x the work, so there can't be parity like you suggest. For every chase a survivor does, the killer needs to do 3 more. That time has to come from somewhere.
I get what youre saying, but youre thinking in 1v1 and not 1v4: extending chases gives less time for more chases, Which is why so many people on both sides swear by the endgame meta now (and/or devour hope to snowball/prevent it.) Time To Down is a delicate balancing act that should rely primarily on skill for both sides, but Macro-wise needs to favor the 1 over the 4. Asymmetrical balance is weird like that.
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That's a very good point too.
Its a balance between having to the tools to lessen or avoid the impact without completely neutering them as a strategic option, that's the tricky part.
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Idk what hot take means but this is entirely true.
Ppl whined and complained about healing, CoH, med kits and whatever else causes them to lose so now all that's left to do is sit on gens and fall asleep.
Thanks. It's super fun dudes. Next, toolboxes will get homenogized and the game will really be super boring.
Put it back the way it was. :<
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If i remember correctly, Deathgarden's final nail in the coffin was removing the need for the runners to rescue someone from that bloodpost. With instantkills and respawns, there wasnt any need for runners to do any helping actions but rush gathering blood. It killed the team interaction.
Hope that never happens to DBD.
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The less tangible threat that exists in the game the less exciting and playable the game becomes.