SoloQ Issues



  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,129

    How do you know they're deranking? Most content creators I watch do not have any increase in their devotion levels, so they're not playing/deranking off-stream.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited February 2023

    For 300 streak demo, the one who posted it literally stated he has deranked.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,129
    edited February 2023

    Yeah I assumed that was the case with the Demo example. But the person I replied to made the claim that other people doing the streaks are deranking

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    I don't play survivor anymore, because the original design is changed the game was supposed to be 1vs1vs1vs1 VS 1. But now it's extremely team oriented and you have 0 control as survivor if even 1 your teammates is bad. The survivor role is meant to be played in 4 man SWF on comms, with 5k+ hours on each survivor player, then its fun.

    So as a killer main I wouldn't mind if the killer role could destroy the 4 SWF on comms, but I am concerned about the game longevity if they would buff the killer even more.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Like I said to the other person both sides go on streaks, but saying people are doing 300-500 is a lie like the demo example.

    I'm fully aware people can do streaks but it's not anywhere near as high as they claim and both sides can/do streaks.

    And most killer streaks are on nurse (before nerf) and blight using their strongest stuff being played by a massive 0.1% player and even then they arent versing people their skill because the matchmaking isnt good.

    My point is its survivor sided because of the ability they have to be the strongest role especially against half the roster. Solo Q can just suck because people give up/DC as well as the matchmaking being bad but that doesnt mean the games imbalanced.

    As for streamers it depends on the streamer, I could list streamers that do solo Q streaks but the issue is their stream is kinda of a lie, they're an experienced player versing way lower skill level and I dont think that's fair to use even to back my point as its misleading but this sorta of thing is on both sides and alot of people struggle understanding what skill level people are at

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Game has never been a 1v1v1v1 V1. That's stupid dev talk, if that really was the chase you would be judged on chase alone for mmr but that isnt the case.

    In a 1v1 the killer is meant to win, it's a 4v1 period. Play as a team to win as a team, you shouldn't win if your team is bad.

    If you balance so you can win 2v1 or 3v1 then that makes any time it's a 4v1 way more imbalanced. And let's say we do balance for bad survivors you then have to balance for bad killers too! You cant do double standards but that's not the case at all, nurse got nerfed because she can be strong in the right hands but most nurse players are bad and casual hence her win rate is low, just like survivor its really strong in some hands but that dont mean buff it for the others or so many killers have to be buffed for casual.

    I'm sick of double standards of balance for bad survivors but balance for really good killers it's stupid.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,271

    I think you mentioned this in this thread already, but its funny how survivors dont realize what crazy buff logic theyre currently getting.

    • Buff a character because bad players are worse at using said character than good players that additionally use third party tool for advantages. Its also a perpetual cycle because good players on comms will still be better than bad players

    Thats like saying we need to buff the nurse because i suck at her compared to a theoretical marth or supaalf thats also using hacks.

    Its also wreird that the whole "closing the gap"-thing isnt applied to the actually different killer characters, but instead we are nerfing the top killers instead of buffing the bad ones. If both sides were actually using the same balance logic, either all killers would need to be buffed to get as close as possible to nurse or we had to nerf the survivor character to push comm users down to the default solo survivors.

    As for the whole 4v1 turning into a 3v1 once a survivor dies argumentation... I think people forget that a survivor dying is a part of the game flow and doesnt mean that its now a 3v1, the dead survivor had plenty of chance to leave lasting effects on the trial, be it generator progress or just killer time getting wasted by their death, or a blast mine or coh-boon staying around. Its only a "futile 3v1" if the trial starts with 3 survivor; If a survivor "dies too early", they messed up, which is a skill issue, like as often thrown at killers who mess up too.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Because you must balance for the majority, just like in RL.

    You have a business, have 5 consumer, and 4 wants a certain thing, you would be crazy to not fulfill the majority wishes. If you cater to only 1, 80% of your consumers leaving.

    But again I don't mind killer buff, but then I better hope that others won't mind playing victims (survivors)with 0 control over the game

  • wydyadoit
    wydyadoit Member Posts: 1,145

    it depends on how you determine a win and how you calculate fun.

    so really it's a personal perspective thing.

    also not saying 1.5k hours isn't impressive, but a year break is enough time to lose your skills and fall behind. so it could be that as well.

    i personally play for pips, challenges, and achievements. i'm mainly a killer player, but i tend to play solo survivor when i get bored.

    the current matchmaking system doesn't seem to account for skill (though i could be wrong) and rather seems to just put players together based on demand and connection stability.

    my experience with solo survivor tends to be this - people are afk and die, swf's refuse to help the odd person out and will let you sit through 2 hook cycles while they gen rush, new or bad players are like lead weights and landmines when you come across them, and killers are simple enough that as long as you know the map you can pallet smack them for days.

    if a team is optimum in their gen rushing a match can be finished in under 3 minutes. but that requires players to avoid instant downs and getting cornered. like i said - new players or bad players make that go from 2.5 all the way up to a possible 470 seconds. or almost 8 minutes. you can tell wheb you're in a crybaby lobby as players will kill themselves or go afk.

    but i get bloodpoints all the same and sometimes i escape through hatch or whatever. i recommend bringing an aura perk just to see what others are doing and take note how many players either try to get themselves killed or try to kill other players when you're soloing. you'd be surprised how sadistic survivor swf's are.

  • PrincessCalla
    PrincessCalla Member Posts: 139

    Exactly. I usually always get much more BP than the killer, even if I die.

    I'm always like "I consider this an absolute win." because I'm playing for BP to level up, and get more items. As long as I had fun, tried my best and helped my team out, I don't care if I die. It's funny seeing the end screen game and I'm like, yup, I still more BP.

    I get OP point though, soloq is still quite a challenge.

  • G_Hunters
    G_Hunters Member Posts: 74

    Glad to see someone else who can see the big picture,it's so rare.

    For some reason,the majority of the playerbase doesn't realize this.

    I blame some of the content creators for having a little indirect part in to this (win streaks videos for example),people are so influenced by them and their opinions.

    But that is a topic for another discussion maybe.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    This is a skill issue, not a balance one. It sucks getting lots of bad teammates and I know how annoying that is, but that isn’t a balance issue, it’s a matchmaking and skill issue. We need to stop trying to balance for bad players.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Majority of nurses are bad so we buff nurse? Or are you being double standards for one side...

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Last time the devs released stats, even at low mmr, the nurse had over 50% killrate.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    The stats which show actually nothing and even the devs tell you not to use them as such and they are meant for abit of fun.

    Thankyou for clearing that up for me, you are yet another person doing double standards. Most nurses struggle hence why she has the lowest kill rates of all the killers but you're saying it's okay to keep buffing survivors (who have the ability to be way stronger than majority of the roster and all if the matchmaking works) because most are bad but not buff nurse for the bad nurses which is the majority.

    Double standards, made up stats and use the stats devs share and warn people not to draw conclusions from but just for fun. Conversations over for me, you cant talk to people who tick those boxes sorry but either treat both roles equally or your opinion means far far less as you're being one sided.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Its 1 vs 4.

    Asymmetrical game, by definition the game can't ever be balanced.

    It's the only game in the genre, the only big one is Identity V, and that game is even more survivor sided than dbd.

    I know what you want, you ask that a good killer to get 50% chance to win vs a perfect 4 man SWF on comms.

    What you don't realize, there is only about 1-4% of survivor playerbase fits the description.

    While to master the killer is so much easier, because you don't need teamplay, you don't to rely on others, if you are skilled get huge over 96-99% of teams, sure you are autolose against the perfect survivor teams but against everything else, you have advantage.

    Also high MMR killer outnumbering the high MMR survivor teams, because once again to be good at survivor you need 4 perfect survivor player, and work as team.

    For a killer only 1 player enough so can do strategy tactic lot easier

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Nice you result to strawman and twisting words to try discredit what I'm actually saying. Damn why not just do that from the start so I know not to waste my time on someone who does double standards and then strawman arguments because they cant actually defend the points I raise.

    Yes it's a 4v1, yes I believe survivors have the advantage because I take into consideration of everything in the game and when people actually learn to loop and do gens they're incredibly strong verse alot of the roster.

    Difference between us is I dont treat one role differently to the other, either both roles are balanced for casuals or they both arent. You cant pick and choose, I just believe matchmaking and DCs is the biggest issue for solo Q not the actual balance. I think you should balance for a team of survivors that do gens and understand looping, doesnt have to be amazing loopers but they should do both.

    Making survivors who cant loop or do gens efficiently win is stupid as anytime they do the games massively imbalanced.

    It's a 1v4, the 4 should try work together to win. Should balance both roles the same for people that have a game understanding. Not high level but a decent level.

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    as I said at the end "you can't fix that with nerfs and buffs, it's just the casual playerbase" game is in it's best state (balance wise) right now. Agreed.

  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    these issues will remain as long as bhvr leaves the matchmaking so bad which makes the swf much stronger than solo q is not the info you get sure it has an impact but why swf is better you have seen your own matchmaking the Meg who is scared and just hides and Nea who goes down in 10 seconds are not in your team but of course you also take experienced players who have 5k+ hrs in your team and you often get a hundred hrs killers who don't have a chance, of course very rarely come a Nurse, Blight and Spirit but most of them aren't that good anyway so they'll also finish them off, the difference is all the other killers get 0-1 hooks and the trio get a few more hooks and the chance of a kill, sounds sad? NO! bhvr wants this! because actions say more than a thousand words! so the main problem is bhvr, so many things have been going wrong for years and they just ignore everything, either dbd gets a new dev team or the leadership needs to be replaced, they had enough time and did almost everything wrong and are very, very slow in everything...

    a dev team that has no idea about their game, just great, instead of listening to people who have say 5.6k 10k+ hrs (experienced players who have been playing dbd daily for years) as an example I recommend Fog Whisperer (not all ) only those selected by the community and also people from the community itself, talk to them, but no! other games "hay community you are very important to us, what is your opinion on that ? hmm you don't like it ? ok then we'll leave it, but you like it ? ok we'll bring it in"

    and bhvr: "Well you don't think the matchmaking works, neither does hit validation, we are damn slow in everything, things that are annoying are not killedswitched although we have recognized that it hurts you a lot (latest examples Euraption and Skull Mrs 30min+ games) instead of killswitching them, tackling the problem and when the problem is solved putting them back in we'll leave everything as it is and eventually we'll patch that but all the while things can continue to frustrate you, and that's nothing! if you look even more into the past you will see how bad we are hmm i mean gOoD"

  • bmclac
    bmclac Member Posts: 8

    As a player who has been here from the start and clocked up god knows how many hours as survivor and Hill Billy. But I'm still just average at best, the new MMR plays exactly like the original rank reset where everyone went back to rank 20. It made the game unplayable for about 3-4 days while we'd all wait for the red rank players to piss off. So in summary: The new MMR for solo queue survivors plays like it's just a random selection of players thrown in willy nilly. Sometimes you get lucky and escape but for me 5/6 matches end in death. I don't even try to escape anymore I just try and do my tome challenges. Hopefully they change it back to how it was prior - I honestly thought the old ranking system was fine after they tweaked it a little so red rank went back to purple, purple rank went back to green etc.