Gen-rushing has lost its meaning

mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669
edited July 2023 in General Discussions

Just had a solo queue game against a Wesker (as usual) and this EGC should be self-explanatory of why I made this discussion.

The build I was running was: We'll Make it, Desperate Measures, Windows of Opportunity, and Botany Knowledge. I didn't get any value from that build whatsoever because the game was hectic. I also had a yellow flashlight which I never used. Out of the entire team, apart from the survivor getting tunneled, I sat on gens the least because I was either getting chased or cleansing Pentimento after Playthings were cleansed. He saw me finish the last gen and assumed I was gen-rushing for whatever reason. I completed the last gen with Pentimento active since his gen pressure was pretty bad. Funny thing is that no one in our team even had toolboxes.

Gen-rushing has really lost the meaning behind it and it's commonly used to excuse bad gameplay now.


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Exactly, it's a shame because whenever you mention gen-rushing now you won't even be taken serious in the slightest.

  • Objectively_speaking
    Objectively_speaking Member Posts: 487

    I remember the good old days where four gens got done in less then twenty seconds. Ah, true genrushing is really different now I rarely meet the comp squads, but god when you do you feel it.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,081
    edited July 2023

    I wouldn't mind this person. Salty killer looking for an excuse.

    On topic, I notice this in another discussion. There is no consensus on what it is and it means something different to everyone. It is a vague umbrella term that can be used to describe multiple things now. Is it a build? A strategy/playstyle? Is it an action? is it related to balance or gameplay design? Is it considered a gen rush if all the gens aren't completed? or the killer has enough pressure to draw out the match to say 7-10+ minutes? Is it something to point out as a scapegoat for overcommitting or misplaying?

    It has lost its meaning for sure and, as seen here, you can be called for it for doing any little thing the killer doesn't like (like doing gens).

  • EmmaFrostyEyes
    EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685

    “We'll Make it, Desperate Measures, Windows of Opportunity, and Botany Knowledge” hey thats the build i use on my kate😎

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    The reality is that survivors arent do gens any more than they ever have. killers just have less perks to mitigate the damage, so it feels like the gens are being rushed. Unless toolboxes are involved then I could consider it genrushing. But most of the time when someone says genrush they really just mean the survivors were playing efficiently and they didnt like it. Honestly one more good regression perk would be great for the game imo, something surge level that any killer could use not just m1s. or maybe surge could just be down based and not m1 based? idk.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,081
    edited July 2023

    Yes and just as quickly that Ebony and Ivory Moris allowed killers to Mori on first down without hooking. So either get out or get downed and enjoy swift death xD. Now that was the true kill rush experience.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 376

    You dont need Perks or Items to "Genrush". Genrush for me means the game is like 5 min long. (But I never it Genrushing as funny as that is). I dont think genrushing is toxic or even something you should care about. Is completting the objective as survivor like tunneling is for killers.

  • DavidHypnos
    DavidHypnos Member Posts: 730
    edited July 2023

    I guess I think of “genrushing” as dedicating your build to getting gens done as quickly as possible. Doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen. Today I was using a commodious toolbox with scraps & wire spool for a grand total of 52 charges. I was running tier 3 Streetwise and Built to Last (to get the most out of those charges and increased speed) and tier 3 Inner Healing (for a quick heal that can happen while I charge my toolbox) and tier 1 Deja Vu (for an bonus 4% speed and easier way to find gens.) That’s what I would call a genrushing build and in some of my games I was able to do them very fast but in others I wasn’t because of circumstances. If I wanted an even better genrush experience I could’ve swapped out Inner Healing for Prove Thyself but I wanted an ace in my sleeve in case of injury. Now if someone called me a genrusher because of this build id agree. I was prioritizing my objectives mostly because lately I’ve played with many who simply did not.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    It makes healing so much faster and Desperate Measures literally won games for me because the killers couldn't grab me while unhooking lmao. It's such a nice build!

    The amount of tunneling it prevented as well...

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669
  • EmmaFrostyEyes
    EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685

    Proof. Yeah i love the build. Fast heals for teammates its so helpful. I have a specific build for unhooking but its super situational

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    I absolutely despise Skull Merchant players that play like that. So unbearable trying to find knocked teammates in solo queue.

    Back to the topic, yeah it counters Sloppy Butcher as well and healing was so slow I couldn't even bother sometimes.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,793

    Nearly every instance of "genrushing" is just Killer copium due to a loss. If they won, they wouldn't claim genrushing. There are legit instances of genrushing, but like when the unhooked Survivor bodyblocking the Killer off of hook claiming tunneling, the well is poisoned with more false instances than true.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 931

    Just like tunneling and camping

  • Sharby
    Sharby Member Posts: 498
  • hmeekins
    hmeekins Member Posts: 44

    I agree with you. However I think this goes for both sides. Terms like tunneling and camping are overused as well. There have been plenty of matches where a survivor tries to body block their friend after just being unhooked so I wait out the bt timer and down them and get called a tunneler. So it’s fine to try and waste my time by making yourself a target while you know your safe but the second you are no longer protected I have to let you go? Let’s not forget getting called a camper because I defended a hook when I saw two survivors actively waiting for me to leave so they can unhook, guess I’m supposed to just give away my pressure so survivors can have a good time. I’m honestly just so sick of how whiney a lot of Dbd players have gotten. Like I genuinely can’t think of a game where people complain more than Dbd. The only game I know where people will consistently call you toxic for not throwing the match.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,933

    There is no consensus about what gen rush really means, but several things changed, compared to the past:

    - survivors bring more gen related perks and/toolboxes

    - suevivors stick more to gens AND split up. Some did this in the past, but nowadays it's the universal approach

    - gen defense got severely neutered and there is not much the killer can do. POP made a bit of a comeback, but I still despise the percentage, and PainRes has a sort of identity crisis. I think it should just have tokens and after 4 scourge hooks it stops working, that you only get for shots and this have to be with 4 different survivors? Ugh

    Well, whatever. Some peeps claim that killers is easy mode and this isn't mirrored in my games. It's really disheartening when you have a sorta good 1st chase, due to Lethal get in there right from the beginning, and still, before you can even hook that survivor,3 gens pop.

    Yeah, 3 popped gens don't mean that the match is over, but it instantly changes the whole trajectory and undertone. When you pop three gens in my first chase, I won't be playing nice; were I trying to hook two others before circling back to the first survivor, the match would end with 2 hooks and ggez at her exit gates.

    The last two years have been a steady arms race between killers and survivor's, and even though 6.1 gave the killer the biggest buff ever, after a couple of days I knew that this would be it and that we would probably be seeing nerf after nerf after this. The reality was much more nuanced and complicated than this, but the game just became more and more competitive, and the competitive nature optimised the fun out of it. It's literally kill or be killed and everything is happening at a breakneck speed with no room for cute interactions and snoot boops anymore.

    The game needs a big reset and some caps on both sides, while also setting up systems that reward killers for hooks, not kills and possibly giving suevivors a real side objective. Nearly every single time I showed mercy to a survivor and purposefully didn't tunnel them out when I could at 3 gens, I paid the price for this, as 4 healthy survivor's at 3 gens is just a nail in the killers Coffin. The game could really need some escalating debuffs or global regressions for each hook while everyone is alive, while giving the remaining survivor's increased repair and healing speeds.

  • Exarion
    Exarion Member Posts: 69

    Post game chat is the purest form of sodium chloride.