What do you think of buckle up?

For those who don’t know, buckle up now gives endurance for 10 seconds when you pick up a survivor from the ground, for both the downed survivor and the rescuer.
In my opinion, I think this perk is healthy for this game.
- Ash finally has a good perk so it’s not a waste of money purchasing him. (His other perks are still fun)
- It HEAVILY discourages slugging which has been on the rise lately, from my experience. This means the killer is more likely to pick you up as slugging may not be worth the risk.
- It shakes up the META which is always a good thing.
Disclaimer: There is nothing wrong with slugging if you feel like it’s the right thing to do in the moment. However, it should be a risky thing to do and shouldn’t be mindless. This perk makes slugging a lot more dangerous.
There are some valid complaints, such as it working with For the People, putting the killer in lose/lose situations. However, this can easily be fixed by making them not work together.
If you agree or disagree please state why and I would love to try and read all of them. Thank you.
Buckle Up alone is fine really, with For the people its really a lose-lose situation like the old DS/Un.
I think it should be either healer or healed get the Endurance. I like to use For the people, but its really hard that only work if teammate drop a pallet/window and down at the opposite side. Feel really rewarded when success. With new Buckle up it feels really easy to pull off.
I prefer to have only the healed get the Endurance.
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The change was very uninspired it’s just half of made for this and we’re are gonna forever put into a perk
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It should be reworked again. If someone gets rezzed right in front of you then you just lose, FTP or not. Slugging shouldnt be mindless but neither should countering it. This perk is just completely braindead, it puts the killer in lose lose situations for minimal effort.
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I'm just glad it's not awful finally after all these years.
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I find it funny how this perk was the worst perk for 4 years and now it’s finally good and people say oh it’s too strong. Your probably not even going to see this perk that much
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The only issue with it is For the People tbh.
The perk itself is fine.
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No my main survivor finally has two somewhat viable perks (OTR and FTP) so I don’t wanna see it nerfed. Let’s hope Red Herring gets its well deserved buff.
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It needs to not work with FTP. Otherwise it’s fine.
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Imo made for this shouldn’t have the endurance, and I think the endurance from wglf should be reworked.
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It wouldn’t really nerf FTP, it would just make it so it doesn’t work with buckle up.
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I disagree, if someone gets revived in front of you, without FTP, it’s because you slugged them to create more pressure. This could be negated if you just pick up the survivor. Ik there are situations where you can’t, such as under a pallet but you’ll have a survivor down and you’ll be looping another one. Many perks are considered “brain dead” and are still fine. For example, deadlock, off the record, unbreakable, sprint burst. Just because they’re brain dead, doesn’t mean that’s a bad thing.
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In that case, it would either be a worse MFT or WGLF.
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Buckle Up/For The People combo cant possibly stay how it is.
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As a solo player, I don't find it's worth using perks that rely on the Killer slugging, because if they don't, then my perks are wasted. I could see it being decent in a SWF though.
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Anytime I’ve ever brought perks to deal with slugging, the killer doesn’t slug. Anti-slugging perks are just too much of a gamble.
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Its solid now I think. Maybe to get better use you need to pack For the People though. Like in solo or duos, I have been using it to help if the Killer tunnels or to get that last save. its strong but I think it isn't massively OP outside of 4-man SWFs but what isn't crazy in squads.
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To make the perk use, you need the 3rd survivor to keep killer busy.
Sabo build only need 1 teammate (you) to help the down survivor, more reliable.
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Okay, so I just watched Otz's video on this, and yeah the For The People + Buckle Up combo is stupid unfair in a SWF. Definitely remove that interaction.
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Sabo builds are also pretty useless. Hooks spawn too close now.
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Its RNG, there was a match I was able to make 3 hook saves in Garden of joy. Was really satisfied.