Sadako is getting her mori every game now?

Is it just me or does Sadako seems to get her built in mori every game now even when people know what they're doing?
I watched Otz play with Aaron, Nina and another guy last night. All of them got moried at 3 gens.
If it's that easy to get a 4 man mori against full time streamers that even teamed up with tournament players how is a 4 man solo team supposed to do anything?
solo Q struggles against literally every killer, so i dont understand the point there. the best way to counter sadako is to keep a tape in your hands, and if your against a good sadako, nice! she still has very weak chase potential. i haven't watched the thing your talking about, so idk what add-ons the person ran on sadako or what perks, so i can't really give a detailed response
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I rarely play survivor and if I do the killer is usually Wesker or Nurse so I was confused watching them play. All they did was run around looking for active TVs until they got condemned and eventually mori'd.
Is it a big deal to find/keep the tapes?
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Op mentioned about
“it's that easy to get a 4 man mori against full time streamers that even teamed up with tournament players”
I dont think solo needs any change anymore, but more to killers’ power thats requires extreme coordination
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yes its a big deal, coming from a sadako player.
yes holding a tape can give you 2 stacks IFFFF the sadako hits you, but thats only if she finds you and hits you. theres a reason why 100% of onyro players (yes 100%) are all saying and said even in the PTB that the cursed tapes give survivors protection instead of this "curse". if you hold a tape, you will never get condemned ever unless she hits you and breaks the tape. thats why people are saying, to just grab a tape at the start of a match and bam you counter her power (see image below)
solo Q def needs more changes to make it so much better to play, i already made a post about it if you wanna go to my prof and find it :3
but solo Q always started to suck the moment survivors kept getting consistently nerfed (rightfully so), but the nerfs only made solo Q a worse experience, while SWF has always remained super strong. theres not many ways to buff solo q without also indirectly buffing Solo Q, but theres definitely things like making kindred basekit (without the killer aura) are directly buffing solo q without buffing/nerfing SWF.
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She is still weak unless you get hit. So just treat her like a worse clown and predrop or use god windows. What will she do, walk at you faster. Just play really safe and she has no power.
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So apparently you can only receive a tape from an active TV, and you can’t grab one from a turned off TV. So at the start of the game survivors need to run to an active TV to grab a tape, and Sadako needs to spam her teleport as much as possible to turn TV’s off where she thinks survivors are. Taking a tape also turns off a TV, so that means even fewer opportunities for a survivor to grab a tape if The Onryo is spamming her teleport as soon as it’s off cooldown, primarily where she thinks the survivors might be to prevent them from grabbing a tape.
essentially meaning Sadako is no longer playing a game about hooks, and just about spamming teleports to build condem and hitting survivors that look like they’re carrying a tape, but still spamming teleport even while chasing to keep TV’s turned off so other survivors can’t grab a tape.
For whatever reason I thought you could grab a tape from a turned off TV. That is not the case, and means that survivors do not know where a turned on TV is, and Sadako can herself turn TV’s off to prevent a Survivor from grabbing a tape, with the introduction of now mapwide condem whenever she turns off a TV herself.
She can basically disable her own counterplay by ignoring Survivors and prioritizing teleport spam, since teleporting disables counterplay for a given TV, while building up her instakill.
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Beautiful guide!
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I’ve almost died a few times myself because I’m not used to condemn actually being a threat and it’s like oh wait I have like 7 stacks better be careful
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I think she went from weak to balanced. But with new or changed killers there is always this time period where survivors will die a lot before learning the new way to counter the killer, like jump into a locker or down yourself with new perk when you have a tape and know a hit will give Sadako a mori.
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So did old Sadako, if you knew what you were doing.
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Played 4 games while only using slowdowns + Brutal Strength, kept spamming her power to Condemn everyone, they cannot do gens because of the instant condemned stacks, and I always ended up with 4 Condemned kills at 3-5 gens.
I think they kinda broke her...
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I honestly don't know why they buffed her so much, sure she wasn't the strongest but neither is the average random solo queue survivor team. I won every match other than against the truly good survivors but those survivors are the type that will give any killer a challenge.
I know BHVR likes to go on stats but they don't tell the whole story, as always
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Is the objective to make the game impossible for the average solo player? …just because the streamers, that are still nursing, can get through it in a breeze? Behavior didn’t break Sadako, the streamers broke Behavior.
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And how did your survivors manage their tapes?
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I play Sadako a lot and I do agree: since the buff I get the mori probably 2/5 games (certainly not every match).
In defense, there’s a clear way to counter her power and whenever I’ve gotten a mori, it’s usually a survivor being greedy and trying to push/gens and deactivate her TV’s too much. She certainly feels more oppressive now which is a good thing as the original “condemnation” posed virtually no threat to survivors. You also have to remember, her “other” power (demanifestation) is just a weak version of Wraith and she’s still predominantly an m1 killer with weak chase power.
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survivors are used to being able to ignore her condemn, once they realize it's no longer a non-factor they'll adapt
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There is no adapting. It's just uncounterable in the current state. There are videos of 5000+ hour SWFs showing that you can't do anything if the Onryo knows how to play. You literally can't do gens because you build up so much condemn. This is something that will definitely be nerfed when they realize no one is capable of playing against it. Her kill rate is going to be astronomical if coordinated players with 5000+ hours can't handle her.
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i agree, but you have to come to realize that if they buff solo Q by a lot, and in ways that also buffs SWF, it just makes the game for killer more unbearable against a SWF. it’s moreso a situation of they want to make the game fun for everybody. yet they don’t know how to properly buff solo Q without indirectly buffing SWF, even though it’s so stupidly easy to do.
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You realize that just because survivors aren't in a 4 man SWF, doesn't mean they're solo queue, right? 2 and 3 man SWFs exist too.
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idk maybe you're right i've only played against her once since the rework & haven't had time to play as her. maybe my 1 game was against someone who just hadn't figured out how to play her. i still think 2 days is too short a time to be certain of her power level but we'll see
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There have been games I have played against Sadako where I am actively trying to get rid of condemned but can't because she is teleporting so frequently that no TVs are on.
I feel like she shouldn't be able to teleport to TVs that you are interacting with. Other than that, I think she is fun idk.
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I can say they tried to do something with them, idk what, but it was an experience
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I haven't been playing, but when I read the patch notes it sounded like Sadako is now a better version of Pig. Every survivor essentially has an active trap on their head that they need to get rid of, so Sadako has built in slowdown with Survivors needing to manage their condemned throughout the trial.
Is that accurate? ...cause it made facing Sadako sound like an absolute pain.
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Yeah, but you are not mentioning one important detail about this game: 3 people didn’t listen to Hens and grab tapes right away, so they got mori‘d. Just listen to the guy who played sadako for two days straight.
And I think it was also this game in which Nina didn’t know how to use her perks.
Yes, I watched Hens‘s stream and saw this game live.
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Either way, it means the 96% number being solo queue is false
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No. There is a huge difference between playing solo and as a duo.
The simple fact that I and my mate can call out the Myers or coordinate a rescue, a bodyblock or another trick makes it much better. I play mostly duo and we are able to get a very good survival rate for our level just by making a few call outs and looking at the new hud to interact with our team.
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After watching many streams of both survivor and killer streamers I'm sure Sadako basically broken. Her mori is the normal outcome in almost every game for most people.
I guess the devs really wanted to boost her sale rate. Once everyone bought her she will get nerfed.
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In theory the guide, posted above is very good. In practice there are multiple obstacles preventing you from taking a tape in the first place:
The number of tvs on a map is limited, additionally you can only get tape from a powered tv, and other survivors will be looking for the tape as well, however, as not all survivors read the patch notes some survivors will be taking a tape and then putting it back in other tvs disabling other tvs. Plus the killer is teleporting meanwhile disabling tvs making it harder to track which ones are turned on and which ones are not. And if you get sent to a terrible map you may have troubles finding them. And there are perks like sloppy butcher that force you to stay injured the whole game because developers decided to nerf self care options tremendously, so killers can simply opt out of chase and run around the map completely stealthy hitting everyone and basically the match is over till this point. Some may argue that these killers tend to be weak, but the killer's power in fact depends on rng and map, if you play survivor and you get send to midwich, dead dawg's saloon or yamaoka you are very very very likely to be dead already
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Oh yeah that illustration was made and even the author of it has since said it doesn't work out like that.
Stuff will happen to her, she badly needs to be nerfed. Sadako is turning into the next killer to encourage DCing or give up on hook (if she even chooses to hook you).
Just gotta wait for whatever is put out.
The current system, she just slugs/tunnels and then the game is over without having to worry about gen progress or hook stages.
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We have to give her changes awhile to sink in. People were so comfortable with how weak she was for so long. Now that her power is actually doing what it should've been, players just need to give themselves time to adjust. She is for sure stronger against solo's, but not by much. Any solo Q group that loses to her now would've still lost to her before the changes anyway.
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Yeah it's annoying to go against.
The matches are long, filled with mori's and I find myself worrying about having a tape and hiding then actually doing objectives. It's like I have to guess when she is near. Maybe the heart thing will help lol.
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You can also jump in a locker while holding a tape, that way you won't gain 2 stacks and the tape will be destroyed on hook.
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I'm not a fan of the "turn-your-brain-off" style of gameplay she has. I also don't like how she can have very unskillful gameplay while simultaneously requiring Survivors to manage a LOT.
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She has way too much pressure with the stacks. All they need to do is buff her stealth/chase abilities and nerf the passive stack gain to make her more enjoyable to play against while still being viable.
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@SirCracken put it pretty well in their thread.
"Equip Iridescent Video Tape + Mother's Comb.
Spam teleports until someone picks up a tape.
Intercept and hit them before they can dispose of their tape thanks to Mother's Comb revealing where they are.
And Iridescent Video Tape forcing them to run to the furthest TV.
Go back to teleporting until that survivor is fully condemned.
Then kill them.
Repeat steps 2-4 until everyone is dead."
Every single Sadako that has played like the above stomped everyone pretty hard, every Sadako that did not play like the above got stomped.
This makes her pretty binary, I'd hate to see her get a flat nerf instead of a readjustment though. I think the biggest problem is that you're afforded maybe a single mistake with managing your condemn before you enter a losing battle that ends up in a mori.
Maybe making her condemn exponential, lower stacks = less gained from every source, higher stacks = more gained from every source to make it super punishing to neglect her power for too long, but also make it so you're not forced to sit at 0 stacks at all times or risk dying.