Screaming before survivors hooked?
Any one know why they added this? Not a fan at all...
The games feel uncoordinated in a sense because of it
Not just that, but hooked based effects activate before they are actually hooked.
Try out SH: Pain Resonance and No Way Out to see for yourself!
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Yeah it's not good at all. Hope this is fixed ASAP
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Its really bad, they better fix it next patch
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Spirit is also soundbugged again, survivors don't scream anymore when you hit them (not in every game but i had it happened today and a friend too, but i don't know what it triggered) which feels very weird and also takes away some of the tracking potential (especially if you immediately go into phase after the hit)
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I thought it was my internet…
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Haha that's exactly what it reminded me of. When my internet is playing up.. L
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Its a bug Im sure, screaming before hooking happened before.
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Pain Resonance is disgusting because of this
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I would also say it is a Bug. Because if it is an intended feature it is really badly implemented. It certainly looks and feels like they messed something up.
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Occasionally I'm in a match where it seems like the survivors are screaming randomly every few seconds, and not when the killer is a doc either. It's one of the few times since I started playing this game that I consider playing something else instead. I don't know if the screaming is by design or some type of bug. I'm not even trying to make a statement about it being fair or unfair. My thought is that it's literally one of the most annoying things I have ever run across in any game I've ever played.
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Two of Nicolas Cage's perks make the survivor scream. Could they have been running those?
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I wonder what the IRL response time it takes for a person to experience pain to then scream.
Could they have made it frame perfect to the Survivor getting impaled on the Hook?
Haven't seen it yet.
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Why is this topic marked as "answered" if nobody came to address it at all?
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Yeah, they definitely messed the coding up on this one because even with saboteur, I have a hard time figuring out when the pain res is about to go off because the timing of the scream and the hook are out of sync
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It's prolly just the new cage perk
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This has been before that, but I did notice he has a couple that cause screaming. That should make for even more annoyance. I will live. I will keep playing this game because it's fun otherwise. There is something about constant survivor screaming that is just annoying to me. I don't even know what it is.
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It could also be that hex perk that makes you randomly scream when not in the killer's terror radius. Today I played against a Sadako who was running that. It was super annoying.
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Bit confused as well. Not sure why it’s been marked answered? I never said it was. Would love if a forum mod or developer could address this :)
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but the screams don't feel long it seems they just proc as soon as the Survivor gets impaled by the hook instead if after the animation ends.
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If this is the case… I can confirm Majority of the player base are not a fan..
it doesn’t align with hook perks. I hate it. It was more realistic prior in my opinion..
Hopefully it’s a bug ):
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yeah i know i like it that way actually but it has indirect effect on perks like pain res and bbq in case of pain res it makes it so Survivors can't time the to dodge the scream and it wastes like a sec from bbq aura cuz they both proc early instead of after the animation.
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The thing is, when they want to do it realisticly:
You dont scream directly if you get strong pain. Also a scream requires air, so the old screaming was actually accurate.
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I just assumed it was a bug. If it isn't... lol.
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To make PR easier to soft counter for newbies.EDIT: Someone confirmed effect of those perks its when they scream
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Yes. I'm pretty sure that's it. Cause I'm never really close to the killer when it happens, but it's definitely over the top annoying.