Anniversary Announcement Speculation
Compare to many previous year, we will get the announcement of 7th anniversary on May 2nd and Killer revealed (PTR) on May 16th.
Yes, it wont be this week folks :D
Wrong Number anniversary. 7th Anniversary
I'd be concerned if we got the 8th Anniversary Announced before the 7th was tbh.
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You mean 7th anniversary?
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If it is not Alien or Chucky, i will disappoint.
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the real question is, will it be cake, flan or something completely new.
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Although I would take Pennywise in a heartbeat as well.
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Right you are. I can't wait to buy hundreds of them again and never use them!
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It's already been confirmed to be Alien
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sadly we can't destroy them again by prestiging
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Has it tho? We failed to get any teasers yesterday when it was Alien day.
Alien is my most wanted license in this game but I kinda lost hope. If we do get it then I'll be surprised they missed such a good opportunity for promotion.
I really hope the anniversary is something big. I like the Knight (Apart from balancing issues) but damn the Skull Merchant is disappointing. So I hope they have high standards for the next killer.
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No it is not.
But i hope it is.
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DBD released 14th June 2016. Why should anything happen so early in May? 4 weeks after midchapter patch would be even close to start PTB this week, I think if anything, we will get info earliest late this month
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not pennywise we already have the clown
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So? Comparing the two is laughable at best. One is a legend and technically an alien while one is a diabetic Gacy wannabe. Like I said laughable.
Not to mention the survivor money pit Pennywise would have.
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Sorry if this seems like I took this personal but I have seen this mentioned to many times for comfort. We have Hillbilly and Bubba running around with chainsaws (But still completely different) and yet we can't have Pennywise because of clown? The dude literally just throws a bottle.....not t all similar to PW.
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I really thought this community would be past these kind of comparisons. 💀
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you make a fair point my mind has been changed
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Pennywise actually has many shapes / forms and clown is just one of them. Putting him in DbD would mean picking one (clown?) and ditching the rest (spider, mummy, werewolf, etc.).
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Man I never understood what people like about Chucky. I love horror films (watched all of the other big named horror series)and then I did child's play series and most of it just wasn't scary and I didn't find chucky interesting. I want to like him more than i do. He's the one big horror name I just can't get into
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That's great and you have my respect for life. Most posters on here refuse to change their minds about anything...makes me wonder why they even ask anything.
That's perfectly fine and understandable (How I feel about Jason/Pinhead matter of fact) but that does not change the fact they are legends and belong in the hall of fame (DBD).
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I suppose so. Chucky just doesn't feel nearly as iconic as the others (I'd put the likes of freddy, myers, Pinhead, Jason, Ghostface, lewthface all way ahead at least). I'm not opposed to him being around but I'd be fine not having him
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Let it be entity SODA.
AKA Huntress bathwater
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he is a doll i dont think a tiny killer world work how would somebody the size of victor pick a adult up
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Honest question, what would pennywises power even be? Currently reading the book, and currently all he does is shape shift and eat people
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Told you