Seriously, who would you like me to play?

I play wesker you all hate wesker cause of he played to much. You all hate legion cause of I have to mend. I play huntress you all dc when I down you in the beginning of the match with my hatchets. You survivors have a issue. Stop acting like you have some favorite killer you like going up against you treat every killer like weaker you find any excuse to hate going up against these killers. Except knight and skull merchant cause seriously they can just be deleted. So really who the hell would you like me to play as some fluffy bunny that hands you out candy? Will legion in a bunny costume with a knife satisfy you then???
Play whatever killer you want, all killers you mentioned are fair and have no issues.
And honestly Wesker is so fun. If survivors bored to face with him, they should blame BHVR for 3 flopped killers in row. Killer players did not get any fun killer in last 3 chapters.
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Drink salty tears like the wine of victory my friend.
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Don't worry. Someone is always going to find a way to be offended. Play the killers you like, try not to be a jerk and eventually you'll find a lobby where people really appreciate that.
It has less to do with the killer you play and more with the people you play against. As long as you don't play Gen Merchant. No offense to her mains but you can hardly blame someone for losing their will to live when they encounter her of all killers.
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Important to remember that survivor players are not a hivemind.
A handfull of players told you to not play those killers. Not the entirity of the playerbase.
If you're going to listen to every rando then yes you'll soon be out of options.
Some might say that the mayority of survivor players hate playing against Wesker but in reality it's probably closer to 10%, with 5% that love playing against him and 85% that really just doesn't give a damn
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Demogorgon please.
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Play whoever you want but... the three you mentioned are in the top four picks according to nightlight's killer statistics.
If your aim is to provide variety, you could always pick someone from the second half of that list.
Also Knight is fun, he doesn't deserve to be mentioned on the same page with SM.
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Remember, you can't please everybody.
So just play what you want and try to ignore the "haters".
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Lets see. In the last days i´ve seen threads asking to nerf: Nurse, Sadako, Wesker, Trapper, Wraith, Clown, Legion, Trickster, Artist, Bubba and Skull Merchant.
So uhm *checks notes* Twins and Demodoggo are pretty save to take.
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Omg not twins🤢
(Only demo now)
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Play Billy.
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Singularity wasn’t a flop.
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Then what was he?
End transmission tiny success came from busted ass MfT. Not Singularity.
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Why do you care what survivors have to think seriously? You pay for a character and decide NOT to play it because it'll upset survivors? That's foolish
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Play who you want, but I do get the confusion at Survivor mentalities. I once loaded in as Singularity trying a build on my boi and as soon as a Twitchy saw me they DCd. Game was an easy win after that cause of course it was, so went in to the Twitchies stream just to see why, and it was because I was being boring playing this overused Killer.
It was a day after his release.
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Play who you want.
except wesker. 🤣
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That's the secret, survivors don't want you to play anything.
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I've been really enjoying playing as the Singularity. I see a lot of people saying he's bad, but most people don't say why. I'd be curious hearing why you don't like him, if you don't mind divulging. :)
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But yeah, play as whoever you want to play as. If someone's of the mood to complain, nothing you do is going to change that. So might as well do what makes you happy instead of trying to appease people who will find literally anything else to complain about.
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He’s a killer that takes time to learn but is fun and rewarding. I understand not liking him because of his high skill floor but he doesn’t deserve to be put in the same category as Knight and Skull Merchant in terms of how successful or unsuccessful they were.
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I main singularity and community wise the dlc IS a flop, very few people play him and his perks are niche at best, while gabriel brought a game changing perk, singularity just exists.
Mind you I love him, I love the cctv aspect of his power but I too realise he wasn't a succesfull chapter.
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I agree with that. I have no problem with skill floor (that's a good thing) and everyone should have their own opinions based on playing him. Most seemed to not like him so if not a flop then what? My personal issues with him @GannTM @Wylrin is based off the nauseating experience switching cameras/tagging is on console (could be PC too idk). Not to mention it's quite clunky on console as well. I also always feel like anything I do with him I could do better with another killer.
If you two like him that's fantastic but I just don't personally see the appeal. When I would rather play my Pig should tell you everything you need to know.
All is MUTE now though as Xeno is coming and I will never touch anything else again.
EDIT: "All is MUTE now though as Xeno is coming and I will never touch anything else again". is assuming Pennywise never comes to DBD. They pull that off I will play him and Xeno for life.
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How can you suggest someone play Demo? So overpowered and toxic. But I think they could balance him by nerfing the Pig.
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Ahh, I understand. I play Dead by Daylight on the pc, so I honestly have no idea what console gaming for different killers is like. If it feels clunky to play as the Singularity on the console, then yeah, that's definitely a problem that should be addressed.
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Play Pig
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In that case I can understand. I guess that if we boil it down to that then yeah it wasn’t successful.
I think my main problem is putting Hux up to the same standards as the dumpster fires of Knight and Skull Merchant. I think we can just agree those two were blatant disasters while Hux was just unsuccessful.
Also I don’t play on console so maybe I don’t have the understanding of console players when it comes to Hux. I can understand that as well.
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I have a few I like but every now and again I'll branch out and play Killers you see less often (Billy, Twins, Demo).
Barring those who will whine whatever you do, I think people appreciate a match against a Killer you don't see as often, win or lose.
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huntress is so annoying with her hitboxes, wesker and legion are fine though.
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Nobody plays him though, he is too hard and can't handle half of the maps.
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They want you to play the weakest killer so survivors can get an easy escape and tbag at you at every possible pallet and exit gate.
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we want Billy, Billy and more Billy
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I love going against Demo. Hopefully I'll see him again within the next year.
And the twins are survivors now.
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Play as Wraith no addons or perks. :) They'll all be happy then.
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*cuts to a video of survivors choosing to become unnalived on first hook vs billy
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Do whatever you want but let me do the same in such a case.
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Us personally? Whatever will make the most outrage.
On a semi serious note, play whoever you want, all we personally ask is you don't be a **** while playing. People will complain about everything here, so you need to find something that YOU enjoy, not necessarily THEM.
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legit just play who you enjoy.
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Correct answer:
Who cares
Play what you want, caring about the opinions of strangers online isn't the way to live.