Anyone Else annoyed by the trend of Yellow Vault locations?

It's really annoying me with new maps where all vaults are getting yellow tape or whatever, even on obvious general tiles you get on all maps.
The new map has these on the tiles that are on every map and they look out of place :/
Not really, they should be highlighted and easy to spot for new players or ppl who are just new to the map.
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I don't mind it too much personally but it does break immersion a bit. Although it is something that probably helps less experienced players.
Post edited by Xernoton on2 -
I know the point is for visual clarity but tbh obscuring what is and isn't a vault would be way cooler and reward map exploration.
If the tap is going to stay I wish they'd at least theme it after the map.
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It makes some sense on RPD, where it originally debuted. I always imagined it as some kind of yellow police tape.
It's pretty weird on any other realm though. I will say I've occasionally mistaken the broken windows in Garden of Joy as a vault, but it rarely happens and it's not worth the weird tape.
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I'm perfectly with it
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I'll always take clarity of design intention before immersion in design. Interactables should always be clear and recognizable.
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The yellow tape is a design choice intended on making vaults visible, its an eye-catching color. If you want an example of why its bad not having them, the exit area in The Game used to have a vault largely unused due to it lacking the yellow tape.
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The scourge of modern video gaming putting yellow on everything
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Resident evil is the biggest one lol
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I'm good with it. I do think they should make an effort to make the markings map thematic though. But clarity is important.
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It wasn’t used because it was the worst vault point in the game. Running a killer around a z wall or a rock will be more effective.
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They could make it an option that is auto turned "On" for new folks. And those of us that want it off can do just that. :D
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they should be green and turn over to yellow when you only can vault it one more time. red when they are blocked
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Obscuring vaults would only lead to 2 things: more people running windows, and more complaints about map design.
There's literally zero reason to make vaults harder to see. Maps and map design/balance are already one of the biggest complaints in the game, let's not actively make the problem worse.
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I made this topic before, to me they need to add the cloth on vault locations. A survivor in this match didnt know that place was vault-able.
They should revisit old maps and add cloth on all vault, even TL and gym. And add a tutorial how to recognize a vault location.
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While it is true that this vault is not good at all, many players also simply did not know that it existed.
Making it themed for the map is usually not what is done with stuff like that. It should be clear what it is, once a player noticed they can vault it, they know it on every map. It would not be the same if it differs from map to map.
(Another example for this are breakable walls. When they were introduced, the Devs said they want them to be themed for the respective Map and they did not do that. Same reason - players should see it is a breakable Wall, it should be easily identified... Same why Pallets all look the same on every Map. So vaults should stay like this as well)