This question is for killers

spagz Member Posts: 91
edited August 2023 in General Discussions

This is a serious question for killers. Do you guys really have fun face camping, tunneling, bleeding, slugging etc? I truly want to know because it has been happening more than before. Is it because the event? Challenges? I’m not talking about when there’s 1-2 gens left because I totally get that. I’m asking the killers who will use these “strategies” at 4-5 gens. I’m also not talking about when survivors are being toxic because I am not a fan of when my teammates do that for no reason. I’m just curious and want to know why I’ve been seeing more and more killers do that. Please no arguing or negative comments 😁. This is a serious question.


  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528

    As a killer main, I don't really understand why killers even facecamp as its extermely boring. The only time I tunnel is when someone is dying to be chased, i.e. BT bodyblocking or 3 gens pop in under 60-70 seconds(which is very rare).

    I believe that most killers tunnel at 4-5 gens due to either a desperation to ensure a win without any resistance, or they just enjoy making the other side suffer. Its actually kind of sad...

    Killers who facecamp at 5 gens cannot be helped...

  • spagz
    spagz Member Posts: 91

    I would imagine it is extremely boring and when a survivor says something about it, they get attacked by killers saying “do gens then”. Which is basically telling me to be a toxic surviving partner and not try and unhook them. If I do gens instead, I am toxic or the survivor on hook will kill themself and the game is just horrible haha I just don’t see the point or where the fun is with using these “strategies”

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 444

    Tbh I wonder the same, and I think the reason is that some people just value their own time very little, if not to say that some are actual sociopaths/sadists. I think it makes sense that people who are disturbed irl would particularly enjoy playing a game that lets be a horror killer.

    I know it sounds exaggerated, but watch this.

    While doing challenges, Hens found a killer player who was LITERALLY BLEEDING OUT THE BOTS:

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Slugging is absolutely more fun then using hooks. I don't use gen perks and entirely rely on altruism to divert survivors away from gens. If anyone bleeds out it is due to poor team altruism or being downed from far to many mistakes. I usually avoid a full team slug unless they leave a solo to die.

    Overall everyone gets more chases and chances to learn from mistakes.

  • spagz
    spagz Member Posts: 91

    🤣🤣 I totally agree! I can’t imagine just staring at a survivor on hook all game and getting joy out of it. To me it is a bit weird and not helpful. If the survivor on hook stays on hook and we get gens done or at least 3-4 and escape, what was it all for? 10k blood points?

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    While facecamping isn’t something I do (unless the game is over and I have no choice) the other strategies are needed to win against decent survivors. The only killer that can freely go for chases constantly is Nurse, which is why I main her.

  • spagz
    spagz Member Posts: 91

    I can see why the face camping when it’s your last resort. I’m not sure how tunneling is fun or warranted right off bat unless you actually have fun doing that. I’d rather have bleeding happen than anything else. I personally think if the survivors are more than just decent it’s warranted to slug, tunnel, etc. when you’re losing or down to 2 gens, but in my opinion it ruins the experience for everyone involved. Id rather everyone just have fun but I know it sucks more losing as killer than survivor.

  • spagz
    spagz Member Posts: 91

    I can definitely see how the competitive gameplay can be quite fun (when the surviving team actually acts as a team) but I’m not sure i could ever see hard tunneling and proxy camping as fun for anyone other than killer haha but to each their own! As long as everyone’s having fun

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,032

    Face camping: no, it's boring as hell. I only do it if there is no other way from preventing a escape, like when coordinated survivors are swarming a hook and I know it's impossible (or nearly) to catch up before they reach the exit gates.

    Proxy camping: not very fun. Sometimes needed and sometimes it's simply the only reasonable thing to do (like when you know the only place the last standing survivor should be going is that survivor you have hooked).

    Tunneling: not really, but I don't really care when I "tunnel" someone by accident. If I just happened to find them when I was looking for someone else, I'm not going to hold back and let them go for free. Tunneling for real, on the other hand, sometimes makes a victory feel way too cheap and unsatisfying is you succeed at it too early. I usually only do it from the start when I notice I am against skilled survivors who brought a map offering. Might not be the most fun thing, but will help me not to have an unfun or stressful game later (also, if they brought a map offering, they are trying to win as hard as me or even more, so no reason to complain).

    Slugging: Hell YEAH! Absolutely YES! Slugging is a risky tactic that is quite satisfying when it pays off: I save time I would have lost carrying the survivor to a hook, so I interrupt a gen in time. Or I just use that time chasing a survivor who was near the first and apply pressure. That gives other survivors a chance to rescue the downed person before I come back and they get a hook state but might also give me a lot of pressure. It would be boring as hell if you were always forced to immediatly hook survivors every time you down them regardless of context. You have to make a decision, and that is good. Additionally, sometimes I slug when I already started the game really well, and don't want to kill a survivor too soon so I can have a fun game instead. Much better than tunneling a survivor out because I keep finding them again and again.

    On the other hand, I don't like just bleeding a survivor to death. That is slow, boring and... unnecessary, really.

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 878

    I bet most Killers that enjoy doing this in game have never even had the idea of 'visiting the DBD forums' cross their miind. :P

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 1,032

    By the way, I just had a Sadako game were I avoided camping and slugging the whole game. There were 3 alive when I downed one and deduced they should be close to finishing the last gen. I teleported there, downed the injured one, but the other one finished the gen in my face and triggered adrenaline on the one I had just downed. This started a back and forth where I would slug the ones I downed to prevent others from reaching the exit gates, and the last person standing would heal another and make sure there were always too survivors standing, until I got the condemns and started killing them without spending too much time. In the end it was a really close game were the last survivor got killed at the exit gate entrance right after opening it. The person even said "gg wp" as it was a fun game for them too.

  • spagz
    spagz Member Posts: 91

    This is a great response from a killer! I’m totally okay with bleeding because like you said it’s a risky tactic and if you can pull it off, more power to you! I’d rather be bleeding so someone can come get me at least haha thank you for the detailed response because it really gives me insight on why you wouldn’t/would use any of these “strategies” and I can tell you’re probably a fun killer to go against!

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Although I don't use this "playstyle" (as well as camping), I can surmise why it's "fun" for someone. It comes only to two ways.

    1) hurt/annoy/troll someone. I haven't saved the links, but in general it's "show 'em pesky survivors", "if I don't have fun, no one will", one kid in the post confessed that when he has bad day at school, he picks insidious Bubba. So the gist is: weak miserable personality.

    2) Very scared to lose even once and clinging at least to a single kill. Problem with killers is that it's really a walk in a park on low MMR to mid-uppermid SoloQ. After that, when you get more hardcore survivors, you have nothing to oppose them skill-wise, but ego forbids losing, there go the cheapest skilless tactic. The gist is: weak miserable personality.

    So we see in reality it's only weak miserable personality.

    Did you notice, that if you face camper/tunneler, 80% there will be hook slaps, bleedout and/or BM in endgame chat? It's just as a common rule. If team somehow counters scum tactic (break the camping or god-looper got tunneled), there will be either DC or so much trashtalk that your eyes will burn.


    By the way, I lied, I facecamp sometimes when doors are opened, also find it is very OK when killers do, because they literally have nothing else to do, plus this endgame-collapse fight is always fun and could shift the scale to complete victory or complete defeat. EGC is my favorite part of the game on both sides.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Camping-I will only ever camp if I've been away from a hook and nobody got the person for like 45-50 seconds. Then I'll go back and secure the extra health state if I'm not doing anything else and that's the survivors fault for greeding the timer in that scenario I'm just punishing the mistake.

    Tunneling-Generally not something I do unless I'm far behind and need to catch up.

    Bleeding-I'm not sure what this means?

    Slugging-Yeah sometimes this is needed to create pressure or if it's a team of rats with flashlights.

    Would I do any of this at 4-5 gens? Only camping and slugging and only if the conditions I mentioned are met which is not often that early in the game so yeah it's rare. I think if anything I'm more likely to do it as Cenobite if anything because sometimes you get the box early you just snowball hard early game and I can get carried away keeping the box under my control so I do think I find myself slugging more often early game as Cenobite compared to anyone else.

  • spagz
    spagz Member Posts: 91

    See that’s so much rewarding than face camping/tunneling! If I played against you I would’ve said gg too! As long as the killers don’t face camp/tunnel and they win, I will always say gg to them! I’m all about both sides having fun! Typically when 4 people escape I will give the killer my item or go have some fun with them around the map. That’s what makes this game so fun and engaging!

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited August 2023

    From what I understand, no its not necessarily fun for most but it beats losing because you didn't do it. It's not fun to lose either and unfortunately those tactics are your best chance at winning most of the time.

    But I can't say much on that personally, as I generally don't use those playstyles unless I get pushed into a situation where I feel it's necessary or deserved.

  • PapaEmeritus69
    PapaEmeritus69 Member Posts: 28

    Face camping in the early game is about the easiest way for a killer to throw. So many perks can deter this and make the tactic honestly detrimental to your game right off the get. But is it fun? With Mikey and Ghost face, kind of. They are goofy and look so adorable standing there looking up at you on the hook. Fills my heart with joy every time. Otherwise, not really. Its bad early and boring any time.

    Tunneling is effective against weak players on most killers. If you have fun winning, you probably have fun tunneling. If I cared about the W every game, I'd target the weakest player and drain them dry. I'd probably be having plenty of fun still but maybe not the other guy.

    Slugging is 100% a necessary tactic sometimes to have a chance to create some pressure, especially while playing particularly slow moving killers or guys with those sexy one hit downs. If the question is, is it fun to slug? Then I would say, sure, about as fun as hooking someone. A down is a down, not hooking is a choice. If you slug or bleed someone out to annoy them then yeah, bm and boring. If you do it because its a viable and fair tactic, then groovy. Lots of perks counter it if you don't like worming around.

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    When i play basement bubba yes I find it fun because of the responses I get it gives me a good laugh

  • spagz
    spagz Member Posts: 91

    I haven’t seen a basement bubba in SO long!! I truthfully don’t mind basement bubbas but they are the only exceptions haha

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    Slugging against teams in end game is the highest possible amount of fun I can have in this game. Although it happens rarely where both the game gets past 5 gens and teams are willing to play the all or nothing game.