Can we actually play?

Tamo Member Posts: 90

So the last 2 games I've just played at the start of my session have been horrendous. The killers haven't been merciful which has been a shame but they're not the problem. This sounds like I'm about to be all "my teammates suck" when I'm the problem but it's not that kind of problem. Survivors have been going down & just killing themselves. Trying to die on the hook. They refuse to just leave & give us a bot that will at least try to survive & instead opt to leave us alone at 4gens remaining or worse. It annoys me because this kind of stuff is still not getting penalised, or rather no it is but in the wrong way.

Like with killers tunneling, my take on this is how is it my fault I can't play the game because someone else decided they were going to do what they did? Tunneling especially when it's happening game after game can be what takes you from 4 pips to next rank all the way back down to none. Because the killer decides they just want to play like that. It's not fun for the person getting tunneled & there needs to be a way to acknowledge it in game when it's happening back to back all the time game after game, I say this because it surely can't just be me that sees it's not fun for anyone except the killer. Now back to the real point at hand though, survivors are just dying on hook now as fast as possible regardless of if the game just started or what. This puts the whole team at a disadvantage & as I've seen can be more than just one person doing it. It's really upsetting because the rets of the players can only do so much now after that before they inevitably get killed too. You can be trying to play the game but you get penalised & lose progress & get to have no fun because your teammates decided dying was better than getting a penalty for dc'ing. There's an argument at every point here but can we not all agree that survivors doing this is the worst thing that's happened since the bot system came into affect?

My point on tunneling just kind of tied into what I was thinking but the main point here is towards any & all survivor teammates. The game gets rough sometimes, but why does that have to be at everyone else's expense in the process. Killers are already something survivors have to worry about, that's the idea. Why do we have to worry about you trying to get the rest of us killed too?

Sorry this was long. If you read this far bless you. I wish you luck killing or surviving in the fog.


  • Naiki
    Naiki Member Posts: 4

    The point of playing survivor is to survive, players are killing themselves on their first hook. It's not fair to the rest of the team that's actually trying to escape. If you're loading into a game it's because you want to play so what's the point in trying to die as soon as you get on your first hook?

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    buff BP a bit and I bet less people would suicide right away, but no it's always "punish more!!", and that's why it always fail

  • Tamo
    Tamo Member Posts: 90

    I'm glad you see it from a similar point as me on the original main topic, I agree with what you said to this guy.

    I also agree it's efficient for sure XD I think we may just have to disagree that it's not fun for the killer. I've no doubt there's plenty that are enjoying feeling like a god at the game for it. But we can't ALL agree on EVERYTHING, that's just the way this works.

  • ThatRedPyramidThing
    ThatRedPyramidThing Member Posts: 91

    If I get hooked and no one is on a gen I tap out.

    If you want me to try then you better try.

    If even one person is on a gen I'll stay because that means someone else is at least trying. But no gens means no game. Not even worth trying if y'all aren't.

    The amount of times I look at the survivor hud and there is nothing on it, is infuriating. No gen icons besides my own. It's crazy how many solo players just do literally nothing but walk around the map. I hate survivors. I never get mad at killers because every loss I've ever had as a survivor was due to incompetent teammates.

  • SantaKlawz1
    SantaKlawz1 Member Posts: 192

    I don't mind when a random kills themselves right away. I usually play in a 3 player swf and the 4th is usually dead weight anyway. We've won a ton of matches with just the 3 of us.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    Yep, this was every single one of my games yesterday when I played for a long time. 3vs1 because the game didn't go someone's way so they leave the game via hook on their first hook making it 3vs1.

    It's not good, I'd rather have a bot if someone for some reason queues up and doesn't wanna play. The game is literally unplayable rn.

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 338

    As killer when this happens I let everyone else escape because it annoying when it happens

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 338

    It's also really annoying when you get paired with ######### teammates that just hide in lockers all day.

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 522

    As I keep saying, matchmaking is the real issue. As in, there isn't any, despite what BHVR would like us to believe. The algorithm exists, but it is concentrated on queue times instead of skill, so the games where people are instasuiciding on the hook are often those where the entire survivor team is overmatched completely and your teammates are just giving up as a result. If BHVR even tried to revamp matchmaking a bit to actually care more about skill, game quality would improve a ton.

  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 378

    Bold of you to assume I have friends to play with.

    No probs. My opinions are mine alone and aren't facts.

    Oh I know there's some people that find it thrilling. I personally don't, but that's me I guess.

    Look I just don't like people giving up before the game even starts. Experience taught me that your first assumption can be wrong. It won't always be, but it can be. Just try and see how it goes is all I'm saying.