Do you think any perk need to be nerfed (both sides)?

Question is on the title.
Let's hear it. Let's see what community thinks about current meta.
Every perk should be deleted so that everyone can stop complaining
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After i saw someone was complaining about Blast Mine... i think yeah... :(
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Made for This on it's own. Made for This + Hope, Buckle Up + For The People are overpowered.
I don't have any problem right now with any Killer perk, but the most ovepowered thing on Killer side I would say atm is Blight's addons. At least like half of them needs changes (nerf).
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Probably no nerfs but just delete Infectious Fright. Not because it's OP, but just because everyone who uses it, uses it to slug
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No need. There are few perks that help you with slugging or againts it even. Killers who run this perk will more likely to slug, however that can also backfire them.
"Greedy" going for more Survivors around js risky and Survivors can pick themselfs up or with help other teammate while the Killer is chasing someone else.
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Id rather weak perks get buffed, but bhvr seem to either over or underbuff perks every time they try.
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Not really. The biggest problem child perk right now is probably Made For This, which could use a light nerf in the form of removing its Endurance element, because that's too much. Everything else... mostly fine.
Oh, this wouldn't really be a nerf meaningfully, but Adrenaline shouldn't directly affect Freddy's power, it's messed up that it still does.
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It's a personal preference and I know there's counterplay. I just want to have fun tho and find slugging boring. I'm not saying it's OP or anything, just something i hate to see XD
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3 perks per side. Down from 4. Would automatically balance a lot of things imo.
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Delete Made For This and NOED.
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For survivors: MFT. Definitely. If not for the haste effect, then everything else.
For killers: Not really nerfed. More like reworked. I hate that Deadlock activates even when the killer does nothing. I also don't like that Pain Res is a great camping perk.
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Get rid of MFT stacking it with hope. And mildly nerf buckle up so it's still viable but doesn't work with for the people.
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Exhaustion perks in general. I’d rather just buff anti exhaustion perks though as they’re mostly trash.
Buckle Up should only apply to the person picked up, not both.
I think NOED is unhealthy design.
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Nah. MAYBE MFT, but it really doesn't bother me too much right now. The top perks right now on both sides are fine. If they want to bring down usage rates, they need to buff the useless and trash perks for more choices.
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Remove the Endurance effect from MFT and remove stacking haste on both sides so only the highest value works.
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Made For This can gets its Endurance removed. Other than that, nothing on Survivor-Side.
For Killer, I think Deadlock should be looked at because it is free Slowdown without any Input from the Killer. Especially annoying in camping scenarios, you will not complete 5 Gens in 2 Minutes, with Deadlock this gets even worse.
Sloppy Butcher should not cause Hemorrhage. It was fine when it was weak, but both Healing Slowdown and Healing Regression are too much for a Perk which just requires to hit a Survivor.
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Made for this: I feel like this perk is overtuned even as a survivor which made me uninterested in using the perk. I felt the same way about Pre-Nerfed (Dash) Dead Hard so this isn't anything new to me. I feel like it should remove the Endurance effect since Buckle Up already has it and nerf the speed down to 2%. Still makes a difference but you cant be braindead using it.
Franklins Demise: I feel like Franklins is too rewarding. Its annoying when you bring a good item and instantly lose all its charges. Worse when you get it back and lose it again. It makes no sense for Franklins to have unlimited value but a perk like Built To Last only has 3 charges. (Not asking for a BTL buff) Franklins should either have a cooldown or only apply to people when downed so that way, you actually gotta work and plan to get rid of Survivors items.
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Perhaps an unpopular opinion but I would like to see them go through, on both sides, each of the generic perks and see about adding a decent amount to survivor/killer basekit. With power creep of the game, a lot of the general perks as basekit could actually help the game feel a little more balanced.
Survivor side:
Deja vu
Small Game
Spine Chill (without the action speed bonus)
Killer Side:
Insidious (limit an area around the hooked survivor where it would not activate)
Monstrous Shrine (for basement hooks alone with the same requirement of needing to be further than 24 meters away)
Shattered Hope (reduce the amount of time it takes for survivors to place a boon totem to balance it)
Spies from the shadows: Most killers eventually gain the ability to notice a crow going up (Have it only be active for the first 3 minutes of a match)
Whispers: Once basekit spies deactivates this would activate for the remainder of the match, deactivating once gates are powered.
Jolt: limited to its tier one level of 6%
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I like this
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Killer side: Delete Knock Out, it only encourages slugging and I only see it in slugging until bleed out builds.
Survivor side: delete Bond and Empathy because most people I see running those use them to screw over teammates instead of helping them.