Do you think killer Tier lists should be considered in the rework or buffing process.

We all know who the top 3 to 5 killers are, all S or A tier stab friends.
What about the other end though? The C, D, and F tier? And I’m not talking about the crying over a “F tier no skill” killer like you see some people talking about. I mean killers that just go unused because BHVR is more focused on the Top 5. (Not including pig Because clearly they hate their own creation) it seems low tier killers get kicked to the curb way to often by the devs.
Do you think they should stop the nerfs for a season or two and just focus on buffs for some of their lesser used cast members? Add-ons, powers, hit boxes, he’ll even them fixing animations could help bring some of these killers back to the spotlight.
What do you guys think? Should they focus more on the lower tiers before caring about the higher ones?
I don't think bhvr has the ressourses or means to rework/buff more than half the cast.
So the best is just to choose what killers really need a rework and hope for some quality of life changes to some killers.
Also not every killer can be A tier, its just reality.
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I know, believe me. But no killer should be C, D, or F. A range of A’s and B’s should fill the selection.
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Recently there was a dev comment to the effect of "We're not going to waste a lot of precious development time on lower usage killers. At best each killer is only impacting 3% of the game, we can better use dev time to have a larger impact on the game by focusing on other aspects"
With the recent Sadako rework I'd also worry that any larger changes would be detrimental to the fun aspect of the killer.
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If all the killers started playing the lower tiers once they got buffed maybe the devs won’t have a million “I’m sick of Nurse, Wesker, and Blight” threads and have more fun ones like “Do you think Wrath could steal from a Vending Machine with his long arms”
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I don't think some killers should get changes, even if they aren't the best.
Legion isn't amazing but he is popular and has a decent kill rate, but if he got buffed it would create problems for lower skill levels, so i think he is in a decent spot.
Sadako got changes and now she is terrorizing solos.
Some killer designs just shouldn't be that great for the health of the game
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I feel like the issue truly comes from tunnel vision or spotlight blindness. Too much attention on a few things instead of on a bigger picture.
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I'm adding that to the list.
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The funny part is, if bring every D,C killers to B,A. Means average kill rate would be increased alot.
The result is Devs will either buff survivors or nerf killers in general so that 68% can be dropped back to 60%.
C,D tier killers are there to keep the average kill rate slow so S-A tier can be high.
Note: the numbers are there to let you understand my point, not for exact stats
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