2 days until the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Game destroy Dead by Daylight!

Are you as hyped as me? 😍💖
I'll keep the game's existence in mind as i continue playing DBD after it launches.
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did you register to write only this? looks like trolling
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Watched a few streamers playing it. I've not done a deep dive so I may be badly misinformed, but after watching a while I have a number of concerning impressions: -
- Heavily telegraphed maps. The layout of the map is very stylised and impressive, but that also means not a lot of wiggle room for map/gameplay variance. Once you learn it, it's learned.
- No variance I could see about each characters powers. The characters seems to operate their one way, and one way only.
- Bubba is the star, Hitchhiker and Cook will never be as popular to play.
- Little room for expansion, what could they add in terms of new content that still fits within the design and lore they currently have?
I think it'll do OK as a game on release, but once the hype is gone, people will lose interest.
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Oh noez! We're still recovering the massive impact of VHS, F13, Evil Dead and... dang, it's so hard to remember the names of all these titles.
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Ghostbusters, predator hunting grounds, last year... I could go on lol
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Sadly my favorite game is being removed from stores this year F13. I loved that game it sucks that that game had to die cause of legal problems
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I played the Beta and i love the mechanics. I really wish DbD would expend the Core Gameplay with Mechanics from TCM. But DbD won't get destroyed by TMC. It has many licenses from Peoples favorite Franchises all coming together in a solid gameplay. And People always love Crossover Games with no restrictions to one Franchise or Company and seeing Characters from Franchises come together that otherwise would've never happen.. Another great example for that is Super Smash Bros.
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it won't destroy dbd. itll be popular for about a week or so and then go back to normal when the alien chapter comes out
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I would be if I had any money to buy it.
Oh, well. Still got Midnight Ghost Hunt and Evil Dead.
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With how many posts I see here complaining about facing the same 3 or 4 killers over and over, I'd be surprised if that game does well for long.
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Yep. Great game while it lasted.
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Isn't TSM full of half the issues people complain about within DBD though...?
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I also go to tcm but you overrate too much
dbd has a monopoly in this genre, in order to beat dbd tcm must have as much content as dbd has produced in 7 years
a new game has a chance to destroy dbd (definitely cannot) only if the new game is not tied to a specific killer and will be fundamentally different from dbd, and these differences should still work many times better
most likely dbd will be killed by bhvr, no one has harmed dbd online as much as bhvr themselves who continue to shoot themselves in the foot
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The streams were from the tech test that was more so to test the servers before launch, it had very limited amount of options. Only 4 of the 5 victims, 3 of the 5 family members, and 2 of the 3 maps that will be available at release were available during the tech test.
While general layout of maps was the same there were minor things that change on the map like the fuse and fuse box location, valve handle and valve location, generator location for main exit, grandpa's location, and victim item locations. There's plenty of room for additional changes to be made to the maps once the game is out and people start playing it - maybe crawl spaces/vaults become more random to add variety.
Skill trees were not available during the tech test which offer additional perks and attribute points to each character to adjust how their power works, there's apparently even one for grandpa. The devs just showed an example of skill tree on live stream like a week ago to give a brief explanation before release.
I've seen plenty of people say they are looking forward to playing the other family members. Even during tech test I saw streamers who were excited for Leatherface start leaning toward the other two family members because they fit more into their playstyle. While I'm sure Leatherface will be popular he isn't going to fit everyone's playstyle.
As for additional content, they have the license from Kim Henkel, they creator of the movie. He's already given the OK for multiple characters not from the movie to be used (all 5 victims and 2 additional killers were not in the movie). As long as they can continue to think of new powers they'll be able to add additional characters.
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Good stuff. Good luck to them. Always keen to support new development teams. Sounds pretty cool.
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I think the only one that specifically intended to be a "DBD killer" was VHS, and that imploded.
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I still think it's funny how people at one point claimed Elden Ring would kill dbd back before it was released.
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"Oh dear, another dogged contender..."
Even camping and tunneling still couldn't kill DbD, what about some new wannabe that pop every half a year?
VHS, Last Summer, Friday 13... Maybe they are just low-tier killers? xD
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I hope the game last long I'll get it then if it does, but I don't think so.
It will be fun for the first six months or so until everyone starts screaming for nerfs and buffs, where it becomes another sweat fest like evil dead and resident evil resistance. Everyone stops playing and all that's left are the try- hards.
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It was fun reading through all the comments. DBD only lives on the licenses, the community is absolutely toxic & the core game is repetitive & boring. TCSM has a much more engaging core game & is better for that alone. All players from F13 will switch to TCSM, from DBD probably half & from Evil Dead anyway, the competition in the genre is not too big :)
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People will say anything and everything is going to "kill DBD", but I don't think it was the Evil Dead devs' intentions to do that. They just wanted to riff on the same formula in ways that DBD couldn't.
I think VHS was pretty clearly intended to be a general-purpose DBD ripoff/competitor, but there were a lot of bad decisions made.
EDIT: Evil Dead shouldn't have launched on Epic, by the way. That was the bad decision they made; I bought it at full price on release date, but most people wouldn't. They also barely advertised when it did come to Steam.
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I dont think this game with be that big of a competition, certianly more then VHS or Home sweet Home, tho both of those i really enjoyed
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Lmao you're kidding. That game doesn't evcen resemble DBD in any way or form.
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Like I said I'll see.
I'm not in a rush to get it after resistance, evil dead and the way DBD is now I don't have the excitement for any of these new asymmetric horror games.
F13 was The Best There Is, The Best There Was, The Best There Ever Will Be it sucks the law suit killed that game.
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About people proclaiming that Elden Ring was gonna kill DBD? Nope, as weird as it is, that very much was something people was saying prior to that game's release.
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The mental gymnastics some people do in hopes of DBD dying are indeed crazy.
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Identity V, blood harvest, project winter, underlab
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I haven't even heard of any of these except identity V lol