Punish ragequitting survivors

I got an offering to play as the Doctor in a match.
I love that killer but i can't buy him (yet)
But you guess it, survivors ragequitted instantly.
There should be a punishment for this.


  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    Agree. It's irritating to say the least. They need to award more points to the killer for a dc. Not sure what's the best way to punish though... anyone have any thoughts?

  • Entity
    Entity Member Posts: 3

    I agree completely, disconnecting survivors and killers displeases me... immensely.

  • ObscuredbyFog
    ObscuredbyFog Member Posts: 94

    Definately agree, ragequitters on both sides should be punished with forced downtime. Got crappy internet? then do something about it or play something thats not multiplayer

  • ObscuredbyFog
    ObscuredbyFog Member Posts: 94

    Exactly @Peanits Well Said!

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Agreed, rage quitters on both sides need to be punished and have it be scaling. We all have those moments where real life interrupts us so it happens. But this past week I've had about 25+ rage quitters on both sides. Survivors after getting downed bailing out between 1-3 making it impossible. On the other side have had killers rage quit after getting outplayed by someone doing something unexpected.

    I've had survivors leave while the game is sill loading or right at start if they find out it's a certain killer. I've had killers do the same once they see what offering has been used and if it's rare, very rare or ultra very rare they leave before the game's even started or right after it is so they screw everyone over.

    The 5 mins timer before queuing up and you can't leave the lobby until it's up to avoid simply logging out and coming back would deter it. Then go from there so if it happens x times with x timeframe (known only to devs to avoid gaming it)then it escalates to the point their account gets banned.

    That last part is quite harsh but quite a few game companies do it for the worst offenders and it'd take quite a lot to get to that point. To make it fair you could lessen your penalty status by not quitting/dcing for x time over x amount of time.

    Also offerings shouldn't get wasted if someone just ups and quits like the killer within x time. This could be abused but if it's a rare or better make it so only own offerings are shown or something that prevents gaming it. What'd be nice is if the killer leaves the survivor(s) get a bonus for the quitter but also don't get marked as disconnecting since they weren't the host bailing.

    My last match the killer quit because I kept getting away by doing unexpected things after being chased as the last survivor after 1 survivor rage quit early after being downed. I got marked as disconnecting even though I wasn't the 1 who left.

  • RuneStarr
    RuneStarr Member Posts: 850
    Just do what Street fighter V and F13 are doing, make it so chronic rage quitters all just play with eachother. 

    There's already a way to track DCs according to devs (when they told people to stop reporting DCs since they already have the info), so just take that and throw anyone with 10% or higher DC rate into a special matchmaking queue. 

    It leaves enough room to account for game crashes/real life stuff that can happen to make you need to leave, and punishes the real problem players by giving them a huge dose of their own medicine.
  • Vecors
    Vecors Member Posts: 67

    A lot of great suggestions in this thread already and pretty much my thoughts - let ragequitters play with eachother and give them a much bigger penalty. Since even on rank 1 you get r15-r20 players in your team that dont care about pips at all, removing 3 pips isnt even a punishment. Give them a time off, like a 12 hour break for leaving - if they dont want to play, they probably shouldnt.

  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    I agree, a timeout for disconnecting from the game should be a thing.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited May 2018
    I remember a game where I faced a freddy. There were two bloody party streamers used an a bound envelope so I was pretty excited at the start of the game. One of the streamers was mine and the other was the killer‘s. So when the match starts he finds me first.I ACCIDENTALLY  made him dc and since the game was about 2 minutes we basically got no bps and just wasted our offerings  :( FeelsbadMin
  • lemoNN
    lemoNN Member Posts: 43

    Killer main here.

    Ragequitting killers shouldn't be punished to be honest. They have a right to actually ragequit. If you rage quit as a survivor, you are just really bad then.

    I have ragequit once in my entire life and it was on DBD, wanna know? Because toxic survivors and stupid vacuums it's insane.

    Survivor should be punished, not killers.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    lemoNN said:

    Killer main here.

    Ragequitting killers shouldn't be punished to be honest. They have a right to actually ragequit. If you rage quit as a survivor, you are just really bad then.

    I have ragequit once in my entire life and it was on DBD, wanna know? Because toxic survivors and stupid vacuums it's insane.

    Survivor should be punished, not killers.

    You’re not being serious right?
  • Azgard12
    Azgard12 Member Posts: 335

    So I'm going to disagree a bit. First off, I think I've only "rage quit" once or twice. If I'm playing any other video game and it is frustrating me enough to raise my blood pressure and altering me in real life, then I would turn the game off or at least quit the level that is causing me the annoyance.

    That said, I think it's fair to give maybe a 5-minute cool-down (and healthy, too). I think someone upthread mentioned a scaling punishment. That makes sense too.

  • lemoNN
    lemoNN Member Posts: 43

    @ThePloopz said:
    lemoNN said:

    Killer main here.

    Ragequitting killers shouldn't be punished to be honest. They have a right to actually ragequit. If you rage quit as a survivor, you are just really bad then.

    I have ragequit once in my entire life and it was on DBD, wanna know? Because toxic survivors and stupid vacuums it's insane.

    Survivor should be punished, not killers.

    You’re not being serious right?

    Yes, I am serious. Being killer is plain aids. No matter how much you mind game the survivors. They will find a pallet or a window or get sprint burst or dead hard or literally anything. And if you get teabagging survivors with flashlights and ds. It's just insane. I am just amazed how anyone wants to even play killer.

  • lemoNN
    lemoNN Member Posts: 43

    @Tezzis said:

    @lemoNN said:
    Killer main here.

    Ragequitting killers shouldn't be punished to be honest. They have a right to actually ragequit. If you rage quit as a survivor, you are just really bad then.

    I have ragequit once in my entire life and it was on DBD, wanna know? Because toxic survivors and stupid vacuums it's insane.

    Survivor should be punished, not killers.

    Why shouldn't they be punished?
    It's frustrating for a survivor as well when the killer leaves

    But I understand your point by saying that survivors really have no reason to ragequit at all. If you don't want to play anymore, why don't you just let yourself die on the hook instead of dc'ing? If anything, it just hurts you

    I guess, that's also true. Mostly my post was just off tilt so sorry if I sounded angry or something like that. But I just can't imagine why they should disconnect.

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited May 2018
    lemoNN said:

    @ThePloopz said:
    lemoNN said:

    Killer main here.

    Ragequitting killers shouldn't be punished to be honest. They have a right to actually ragequit. If you rage quit as a survivor, you are just really bad then.

    I have ragequit once in my entire life and it was on DBD, wanna know? Because toxic survivors and stupid vacuums it's insane.

    Survivor should be punished, not killers.

    You’re not being serious right?

    Yes, I am serious. Being killer is plain aids. No matter how much you mind game the survivors. They will find a pallet or a window or get sprint burst or dead hard or literally anything. And if you get teabagging survivors with flashlights and ds. It's just insane. I am just amazed how anyone wants to even play killer.

    Ok so stop being salty for a second and just think about what you said and how one-sided it is. Part of the problem with the community is a lot of people don’t want to view things from both perspectives and just care about their side. When it comes to topics like this you can’t have the us vs them mentality. Ragequitters should be punished on both sides because it ruins the match for everyone involved.
  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2018

    pretty good little survivor main circle jerk going on in here it seems, yeah, punish killers for having to put with being bullied and treated like #########, How about we first fix the issues that cause people to feel a need to d/c then punish them after for having no reason to do it like decent thinking people that care for everyones fun would do?

  • AlexAnarchy
    AlexAnarchy Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2018

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:
    pretty good little survivor main circle jerk going on in here it seems, yeah, punish killers for having to put with being bullied and treated like #########, How about we first fix the issues that cause people to feel a need to d/c then punish them after for having no reason to do it like a proper team would do?

    So should we apply a double standard then?

    Rules for thee, not for me.

    This is turning into comedic gold.

    No what we should do is stop calling out for punish this, punish that or else eventually no one will be able to do anything and the game will die, why not consider some ideals on what to do about fxcing issues that make the game unfun for each other and try coming to an agreement that hey, we should'nt be so Op here or we should'nt be so not Op here and contribute instead of limitting each other all the damn time?

    As for dodging, yeah it sucks for both sides, but what do you expect a P2p game to do without it's host?

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    @AlexAnarchy said:

    @Mc_Harty said:

    @AlexAnarchy said:
    pretty good little survivor main circle jerk going on in here it seems, yeah, punish killers for having to put with being bullied and treated like #########, How about we first fix the issues that cause people to feel a need to d/c then punish them after for having no reason to do it like a proper team would do?

    So should we apply a double standard then?

    Rules for thee, not for me.

    This is turning into comedic gold.

    No what we should do is stop calling out for punish this, punish that or else eventually no one will be able to do anything and the game will die, why not consider some ideals on what to do about fxcing issues that make the game unfun for each other and try coming to an agreement that hey, we should'nt be so Op here or we should'nt be so not Op here and contribute instead of limitting each other all the damn time?

    I would say players rage quitting is an issue and isn't fun when it happens.

    Doesn't matter if its Killer or Survivor.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Vladimir said:
    I got an offering to play as the Doctor in a match.
    I love that killer but i can't buy him (yet)
    But you guess it, survivors ragequitted instantly.
    There should be a punishment for this.

    Sorry but i will DC when it is doctor. He makes my game literally 5 fps and its got nothing to do with the shocking. Its the killer itself that makes my game too slow. So i probably just dc if it is with randoms.

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    Anyone, any side; should get some form of punishment if their DC rate reaches 10%. No excuses in what killer has to deal with. My Dwight pic may fool you, but I main doc, get to rank 1; and from experience, there is NOTHING in this game worthy of a rage quit. Heck, in any game.

    The whole point of rage quit is simple. YOU, o’ so victimized and beaten you, unreasonably lost your temper. Anyone has the capacity to suppress a temper with enough will. But not even that is needed.

    Just don’t get mad to begin with. Survivor t-bags? So what? What’s the personally pressing crouch gonna do? You get downed and face camped? So what? Just die then.

  • Shadoureon
    Shadoureon Member Posts: 493

    It depends on the situation. Today I got a match where a premade of 2 people instantly left the game once it had started. Yes those should be punished. However I kept playing normally and saw that my teammate got injured but not finished off. Based on his movements I saw him working with the killer to do the generator and not get killed.

    I dont do that (anymore used to do it in the beginning) and just tried to avoid the killer. The killer found me and hit me and made a movement to finish my generator in wich I made a side by side movement meaning "No".

    Killer proceeds to down me and takes me to a hook where the other survivor is teabagging in wich I decided to leave the match because I refuse in what situation it may be give free points to others.

    I understand its annoying to play a 2v1 wich is unwinnable but I refuse to take part in pointfarming. I was going to get hooked and kill myself but knew the 4th guy was going to unhook me twice to farm the points so I decided to leave.

  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    My post was in reference to survivors, but yes killers should be punished for a dc as well. Happens every day that I play. In fact, some survivor last night was flashlighting, looping, and teabagging me... when I finally got him, I used a mori and he rage quit like a pos. Both killers and survivors who have to put up with a dc should be awarded a lot more points than what they are now. Don't know what punishment there should be for rage quitters, but there needs to be one. 0 points earned isn't enough when you've literally screwed everyone else over in the match.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Vladimir said:
    I got an offering to play as the Doctor in a match.
    I love that killer but i can't buy him (yet)
    But you guess it, survivors ragequitted instantly.
    There should be a punishment for this.

    Even though I am really annoyed by DCing too, it is impossible to introduce harsh punishments for that if you are only offering a ranked mode and no casual mode, the game crashes by itself several times already and then there are countless exploits making it impossible to reach the survivor or killer/survivor holding each other hostage.
    I was in so many situations where I simply had to DC because the survivor refused to step away so I can stop floating in the air etc etc

  • Michael_Myers
    Michael_Myers Member Posts: 104

    @Master said:

    Even though I am really annoyed by DCing too, it is impossible to introduce harsh punishments for that if you are only offering a ranked mode and no casual mode, the game crashes by itself several times already and then there are countless exploits making it impossible to reach the survivor or killer/survivor holding each other hostage.
    I was in so many situations where I simply had to DC because the survivor refused to step away so I can stop floating in the air etc etc

    Valid point.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Only took a few years but it happened... DC bans are live

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    I've had games where my game would crash due to idk what reason. Usually happens when I end up near the killer. But why should I be punished? Are you sure these people are even ragequitting?

    Unless you're talking about people dcing after being knocked or something.