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DBD appeals to nobody but SWF

Solo Q survivor is practically impossible.

Killer is practically impossible, unless your playing one of 6 meta killers with meta perks in game with 32+ killers to choose from.

The game is so hard balanced towards SWF that literally nobody else has fun besides them. Killers are so op against randoms but still powerless against half decent Swf.

I played a match just a few minutes ago against a pin head who was already winning with 2 hook and no gens completed but still felt the need to proximity camp then tunnel right after.

In a balanced game, Killers wouldn’t have to feel pressured to use the scummiest tactics to win and would rotate hooks and leave survivors on hook alone, but Behavior has created such a thoroughly miserable killer experience, no killer main is gonna bother playing fair and I don’t even blame em.

God I wish this game had some real competition.


    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    the killer isn't forced to play like this most of the time but it's the easy way to win so why not go for it?

    plus Survivors have ways to combat tunneling and hopefully when the anti camping mecanic gets added they have a way to combat camping as well.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    If we follow those ideals SWF would leave always with 4 escapes

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Almost same build as me except that i use boon for healing

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185

    I used to include that too but since it got nerfed I find it easier to just heal somebody quickly using We'll Make It and get them to heal me back if I need it.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    You're right I play exclusively solo and I feel the same way, solo Q is unfair and killer vs 3-4 people on voice com is unfair too, if you're solo it's lose-lose in this game

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    Average Solos are the reason most killers keep playing in the first place, never forget that.

    The new HUD was a good approach. But if your team plays bad, you're not supposed to win.

    You can't "fix" bad players. And balancing around THEM (basekit BT, soon Deli) makes SWFs even stronger.

    Players need to get better. And they won't or not even need to if there's too much handholding.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    "Killer is practically impossible, unless your playing one of 6 meta killers with meta perks in game with 32+ killers to choose from."

    If one feels like they really need full meta perk builds while playing the 3 S tiers and the strongest other killers to compete, while playing normal random matches, then the problem is not swf but their (boosted) perception of your own skill

  • KingDeathly
    KingDeathly Member Posts: 149

    These days I have more fun playing killer than survivor. Every time I attempt to play survivor I'm matched with a team with less than 200 hours nearly Everytime. They have no idea how to play, it's like they just bought a random game without reading anything about it. It's incredibly frustrating.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    I hate camping as much as anyone, but this is going to get abused. Survivors will just linger around a hook now playing hide and seek in range so they get their team a free unhook. I hope they take into consideration that if another survivor is around the hook, it isn't really camping, especially if you are actively looking for them/chasing them.

    So many survivors fail at a flashlight save and run along to the hook and then dip just out of sight. Why would the killer leave when they know there is another person they could hear running lingering around?

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    How can SoloQ and Killer both be simultaneously impossible? The game is mostly SoloQ players no matter what anyone fools themselves into believing. SoloQ really isn't that bad, obviously weaker than playing with a full coordinated team but still more than playable. Killers think any team coordination automatically means people are playing with friends...could be true, could not be. I'm going to go with that it's more often than not probably the latter.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336
    edited August 2023

    Yeah, I cant quite convey how bored / tired of this game I am. MMR kills any game for me, did it to COD too.

    I have been playing TCM all weekend, and its so FUN. Makes me miss old DBD, with the old matchmaking.

    I have put more time into TCM in a day and a half than my 2 week average of DBD.

    I have 100% achievements, challenges so I am basically in maintenance mode in DBD. I login, do my daily, logout. New tome and or chapter comes out, I login to the challenges / achievements - back to other games.

    Quite simple really, hes correct.

    Killer MMR is much easier to be put against very good survivors. Survivor MMR is much harder to get out of hell. Its a vicious cycle of being put with trash teammates, you do all the work yet die, MMR goes down. It goes down enough after 3 or 4 deaths you get a trash killer, escape, MMR goes up a bit. Rinse and repeat.

    The MMR system is broken, my level 5 new epic account with 0 kills gets put against full teachable teams.

    DBD is currently ( Ive owned it since launch ) in one of, if not the worst state right now. Its so SWEATY! but theres no reward for being so, just even sweatier matches.

    They MUST bring in a casual / ranked playlist imo.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,582

    They said the anti-camp mechanic (basically a meter that increases the longer the killer stays at hook) will slow down if other survivors are near the hook, but chances are high that it won't be enough and survivors will abuse it exactly as you describe.

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Well but notice that all ur team can heal fast and also they can see each other while if u dont unhook you dont get any benefit

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 305

    Having a ranked playlist will not work of course the sweatiest of the sweat lords will play ranked, but the wanna be sweats but aren't really good will still sweat in casuals there's nothing stopping them.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 362

    To be fair when I got the game it was part of a spooky Humble Bundle. I had never heard of it. If I hadn't seen Myers when looking to see what the game was, I never even would've tried it. I'm sure there are others who see the horror icons they like and buy the game, with no clue what it is.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336

    I have nearly 3k hours, and quite regularly get put with people who have less than 24 hours. Once I got put with someone whos first match it was.

    I really do think they put us with noobs to try help them out.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,474

    I mean sure I get ######### games every now and then playing both Solo Q and killer, but Im not gonna let that 1 game ruin the 10 other games that went just fine

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,123
    edited August 2023

    Leads back to DBD still having an identity crisis and deciding between been a party or competitive game.

    If DBD was a party game, they could add an AI director to steer the game back into balance if one side dominated too fast.

    If DBD was a competitive game, they could add ingame voice comms and balance for Surv vs Killer instead of Solo Queue, Killer and SWF. Trying to balance between three parties with the rule that swf should not have any nerfs is a fool’s errand.

    Many problems of DBD would see more viable solutions if the devs had a proper vision of how their game should be and worked towards it.

  • Roaroftime
    Roaroftime Member Posts: 418

    yes, it is. It’s not even worth playing anymore because devs balance the game around killer vs. SWF making it even more impossible with each update

  • Lobos
    Lobos Member Posts: 212

    I used to feel this way after the 6.1 update. I have around 1850 hours in DbD, 90% of that time has been spent playing only Solo Q Survivor. Sure, I've experienced plenty of bad trials but also had plenty of fun or really close ones too.

    I recently started keeping track of the results of my trials just out of curiosity. In my past 37 games I have escaped 62% of the time.(23/37)

    That is all purely Solo Survivor. A few games I got teammates with poor coordination but overall I had pretty good teammates that tried their best. A few games I saved or helped someone early on in the trial and they sacrificed themselves end game for me to escape.

    There are good Solo players out there. Just keep practicing, trying your best, and being helpful to the team when you can and your teammates will eventually start to notice it.

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 659
    edited August 2023

    Impossible is strong word. Improbable is a much more realistic term. I don't think anyone can argue that Solo is much harder.. I have to admit it almost feels like you're playing a different game when you're in Solo Q rather than a SWF..

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,009

    At a very causal level the game could be kinda impossible but for the most part all the roles are winnable. My main problem is the absurd amount of time that is needed to even be ok at this game. Also the match making which almost guarantee you a lopsided trail every few games. Solo q is winnable but a terrible experience because half of the games are already chalk from the beginning.

  • boogerboy123
    boogerboy123 Member Posts: 119

    diagnosis - skill issue

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 388

    This is what it boils down to 100%.

    Having played a lot of TCM this weekend the thing that stands out is it seems obvious what experience the devs want you to have. Sure, it needs more polishing and more variety/content moving forward but the vision of the devs is clear.

    Right now DBD is a mess. Is it casual or competitive? Is it a horror game or an action game? Is the game balanced around communication or not? Let’s not even get into the discrepancy between perks, killers, maps etc and how certain unpunished actions can completely ruin matches: Some people would argue that this variety is what makes DBD special but honesty the game seems to be unable to answer this question- when loading into a game of DBD what should I be expecting? Because I’d say in a majority of my matches now (on both sides) that answer varies so wildly that it’s making having fun a rarity.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    DBD doesn't appeal to "SWF" it appeals to minimally coordinated survivors.

    they have to bridge the gap between "swf" and soloQ by implementing some features from DBD mobile into DBD base like the chat feature :

    They could have the chat thing work like CSGO's Quick chat, Press Z then the number corresponding to the sentence you want , or alternatively a "chat wheel" like Overwatch/Left 4 dead, where you press Z then Mouse over to the command you want.

    When SoloQ gets close to SWF in terms of coordination then BHVR can start making changes to fix DBD's survivor sidedness.