PS4-Whats wrong with that nurse?

I played that nurse in the old days and she was nearly unplayable on the PS4 because of lags.

Today I played the nurse again after years (because of daily ritual) and these were the most shallowed matches I've ever played. Did the nurse get some sort of autoaim?

It felt more of a game of test your luck with autoaim than actually aiming. Somehow this nurse can hit survivors I didn t expect to be there. On the other hand in some cases she favours solid objects over survivors. It felt like this game played on its own and I just commanded the direction in which the nurse looks.

I actually like playing against the nurse because its different from other killers, but playing her was as boring as it gets and now I understand why she hits me sometimes when I'm sure I misdirected her blink.


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    if you can properly manage her on ps4 good for you. there is no auto aim.

    also... what do you even mean by shallowed?

  • MvHoeller
    MvHoeller Member Posts: 78

    Nurse and Huntress definitely improved over the last couple of years on PS4 and are absolutely playable now. Pinhead's chain is now the worst killer power to controll, I guess.

    But while huntress is fun to play, allthough she suffers from the same issue as all long range killers (no separate adjustment bar for aiming sensitivitiy), nurse's gameplay is without any depths. You blink, you hit (something). This is so straightforward that I don't even feel the thrill of the hunt. Normally I know if I hit or not (except for some weird moments when you clearly hit a survivor in front of you and you still miss) or if I reach him before he gets to the vault/pallet. This is the actual fun of the game (not the 4k or the 5gen), when you know you caused the other player to make a mistake. When you still hit him without much thinking thats lame and yeah I did a couple of hits where I was sure that this wouldn't work. That's the same kind of unfun gameplay as pallet stuns 2 meters away from the pallet. So if there is no auto aim (as it looks to me) there must be some very bad hitbox issues with the nurse.

    Yeah sorry, quick typing between two matches. I meant the whole match felt shallow, flat, without any hights and depths.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    pinhead's chain? have you tried trickster lately? he will forever hold that crown

  • MvHoeller
    MvHoeller Member Posts: 78
    edited August 2023

    Yeah played a couple of games with him yesterday and he suffers from same issues as all long ranged killers, but he still moves, you can hit survs until mid range and you have many blades. Pinhead's chain forces you to stand still and everything further than 3 meters away is impossible for me to hit. This chain wobbles like nothing else, the sight is distorted and my only chance to hit someone with this thing is to place the portal right in front of the surv and when he passes summon the chain immediately so it can go in a straight line. Any kind of adjusting the direction (even up and down) makes me miss.

    Edit: I'm talking only about the chain itself. Not the portal.