Alien: Xenomorph

Here is some Alien art I decided to make. It So anyway for the artwork, I was trying to go for a spooky and dark shadow look. I also made it to celebrate the new upcoming Alien Chapter in the game. Another reason I made it was cause it was a winner in a poll I made on Twitter which is now called X.So I thought I share the artwork too here since I share it on my other art blogs lol.
I hate how people can do this.
I'm looking at it and I know I'll fail to even trace it, lol
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Oh art takes a lot of practice and patience. But I’m sure you will get there and I should know. Cause I’m still learning new art techniques myself even after drawing for basically my whole life,lol.
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That is a fantastic piece of art, great job!
And I say: I second what robotfangirl said <3
Art is trying, failing, and trying again. Look at those who have been called talented; notably, their work 5, 10, 15, or even 20+ years ago. What they can do now started back then; collecting ideas, techniques, and -YES! Balled up drawings overflowing in the trash bin because they didn't feel happy with the result (I know because that was me, too, and can still be me all this time later).
Plus with the internet, there are so many incredible tutorials for hand and digital drawing/coloring that you are never without help, and so many artists willing to help other artists. Don't let negative expectations keep you from trying something <3 because art is meant to be an outlet of expression, and fun.
To use a quote I use often when people see the work I and my other half do:
The passion to learn, and the willingness to try.
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Thank you so much and glad you like the artwork I made. :)
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This is really good!!! I'm really impressed by a lot of your fundamentals! The pose is fun and exciting, but you still nailed the figure/structure! Plus your values and contrast are really eye catching!
Awesome work!!!
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Thank you so much and glad you like the artwork. :)