Submit your own perks... Be Serious!



  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 957
    edited July 2023

    Killer Perk: Masterful Rampage

    Masterful Rampage activates whenever you hook a survivor.

    Whenever you are at least 36 meters away from the hook whenever Ruthless Phantom is active you gain a 10/15/20% haste effect.

    Masterful Rampage deactivates whenever the survivor becomes unhooked, as well as the haste effect.


    Survivor Perk: Unyielding Resolve

    Unyielding Resolve activates whenever you are suffering from the exposed status effect.

    Once per trial, Press the active ability button to give yourself the "Immune" status effect for 15 seconds. If a killer hits you whenever you have the Immune status effect applied onto yourself, the hit that would've made you go into the dying state will instead make you injured.

    After the effects this perk triggers has been used, two of your other perks (not this one) will be disabled for 80 seconds, and Unyielding Resolve deactivates for the remainder of the trial.

    " The Immune status effect prevents survivors from being instantly downed from the exposed status effect."

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124
    edited July 2023

    Survivor Perks:

    Fleet-Footed - After successfully dodging a hit, gain 150% movement speed for 1.5s . This effect does not cause exhaustion and is immune to exhaustion. This effect has no limit or cooldown.

    Benevolence - Survivors you unhook gain a 150% speed bonus for 6 seconds. Basically what people wanted PTB background player to be.

    Shoddy Carpentry - Spend 10s at a broken pallet to rebuild it as a party pallet! These party pallets have a slightly increased stun duration of 0.5s. But if you miss the party pallet, then you get hit just like the event.


    Trepidation - Nowhere to hide but 30s of exposed.

    Deific Bond - Kicking a gen blocks it for 30s. Only one gen can be blocked at once, triggering it again will deactivate the older proc. The same gen cant be procced twice in a row.

    Carnage - Hooking a survivor shows injured survivor auras.

    Post edited by nars on
  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,103

    Killer Perks:

    Fools Errand:

    When a Survivor completes a Generator, they become Oblivious until they complete another Generator or are put into the dying state.


    When within 16m of a completed Generator, gain a 5/6/7% Haste that lasts for 5s.

    Prolonged Suffering:

    Survivors that you Injure will suffer from the Haemorrhage status effect for 40/50/60s after being Healed, leaving behind pools of blood. 

    Scourge Hook: Penance:

    When a Hooked Survivor is rescued, the Unhooker suffers from the Broken status until the Unhooked Survivor is healed, or they themselves are put into the dying state.


    Walking Survivors still leave Scratch Marks

    Survivor Perks:

    Boon: Grave Tender

    Cleanisng a Totem grants a Token, able to hold up to 1/2/3. While you have a Token you're able to see locations of disturbed remains. You're able to Bless these remains, placing a Boon Totem.

    Within the radius of the Boon Totem, if a Survivor would reach another Stage of Sacrifice while on a Hook, they repeat the stage, and the Boon is snuffed.

    Frantic Escape:

    You're able to break through Breakable Walls, and can Vault Entity Block while not Exhausted, causing Exhaustion for 60/50/40s.

    Teamwork: Material Bond:

    You seem to leave a trace on most things you touch. Any Item you pick up will show its Aura to you within 32/40/48m. If a Survivor is holding one of those Items, their Aura is shown to you within 32/40/48m.

    Teamwork: Pep Talk:

    When you heal a Survivor, you take on any Exhaustion they have, clearing it from them.

    Animal Whisperer:

    You're empathetic nature extends even to that of the malicious intent of the Crows in the Trial. Receive a loud noise notification whenever a Crow is alerted within 20/26/32m.

  • EEP
    EEP Member Posts: 39

     Ankle Biter 

    When a survivor is put in the dying state if they are not picked up and hooked within 20 seconds the survivor can choose to activate the perk, becoming undetectable to the killer, they can crawl at the same speed the killer moves for a total of 60 seconds, they have to find the killer and latch onto their leg causing a slowdown of 5%. The killer has to shake the survivor off in doing so the killer is stunned for 3-5 seconds and the survivor is thrown a safe distance away from the killer and back to injured state. Survivor can not be healed by another survivor while this perk is active. Perk stacks with other survivors using the perk.


    While in a chase this perk becomes available. When activated scratch marks are multiplied in number and 3 times the surrounding area. The survivor does not leave any new scratch marks or pools of blood for 3 seconds. Cool down of 60 seconds.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,029

    benevolence and deific bond would be meta for sure. I like the fleet footed perk the most as it can reward great players who confident in their abilities but will probably be mediocre on most survivors

  • Objectively_speaking
    Objectively_speaking Member Posts: 507

    Killer perks

    Oldschool Tactics, You lose the ability to gain bloodlust, but now have a permenant 7.5% haste boost. <This boost can be exceded but does not stack with speed boost below excluding Noed and two stacks of pwyf>.

    Hidden Carnage, Disables the killers redstain for the remainder of the trial.

    Trackers Guidance, Scratchmarks linger for 5 extra seconds and survivors who do not move for thirty seconds have scratchmarks appear near them.

    Survivor perks

    Makeshift pallet, You gain the ability to fix a pallet after performing a 15 second action on it.However it can only stun the killer, this pallet also cannot be used by powerstruggle. This can only be used three times a game. Basically, like event pallet but a little weaker.

    Slight Repreive, You drop blood considerably less often, and can not be affected by the Hemorrhage status effects healing regression. But will drop blood at a sightly less then normal effect with hemorrhage effect.

  • the_voices
    the_voices Member Posts: 48

    Perks for a breaking bad chapter

    Perfect Forumla:

    Your opponent's plans are nothing compared to yours.

    After chasing a Survivor for 15 seconds, this perk activates. Press E to block the nearest window vault from your locations for 8 seconds. This perk deactivates and the cooldown only begins after downing the Survivor who you were in a chase with upon activating the perk. This perk has a cooldown of 70 seconds.

    "Your boss is going to need me"-Walter White

    From The Brink:

    Just once it seems you've lost, you come back stronger.

    After the exit gates are opened, this perk activates. You gain a 30% breaking and hit recovery speed and an additional 40% decrease in stun time.

    "Goodbye Lidia"-Walter White

    Scourge Hook: Living Legend:

    Your talents and exploits spread your influence further than once thought capable.

    When you hook a Survivor on a scourge hook, you gain the undetectable status effect. While this perk is active, all other Survivors hear a distant illusionary terror radius. Both effects last for an additional 10 seconds after the Survivor is unhooked.

    "I am not in danger Skyler, I am the danger"-Walter White

    Jesse's perks

    Endless Grit:

    You endure any situation you find yourself in.

    When any other Survivor has either been on the hook or in the dying state for at least 15 seconds, this perk activates, You gain a 40% faster heal speed and unhooking speed. These effects last until the Survivor is unhooked or recovers from the dying state. If the killer picks up the Survivor, the effects are also lost.

    "You either run from things, or you face them"-Jesse Pinkman


    Your experiences have numbed you to the pain and hardship around you, but sometimes this work to your advantage.

    When you are one hook away from death and injured, this perk activates.

    • Reveal the killer's arua to all other Survivors when you are in chase with the killer.
    • After being in a chase with the killer for 40 seconds, gain the endurance status effect. This deactivates upon either losing chase or performing a conspicuous action.

    "We make poison for people who don't care."-Jesse Pinkman

    Street Smart:

    You know your way around things others wouldn't dare interact with.

    After being in the killer's terror radius and not in chase for 15 seconds, gain a token up to a maximum of 4 tokens. Once you have at least 1 token, press the active ability button to reveal the generator with the most progress for 4 seconds. The amount of progress on the generator can be determined by the intensity of its aura. When you use a token 8 times, this perk permanently deactivates for the rest of the trial.

    "Now hey, remember, not all learning comes out of books"-Jesse Pinkman

  • EEP
    EEP Member Posts: 39

    Boon: All for one

    This boon can only be used once per trial. Boon all for one contains all 4 boons, COH, shadow step, exponential and dark theory. Blessing is 15% slower, when snuffed by the killer the boon will transfer to the closest dull totem if no dull totems remain the boon remains sunffed.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820


    While in the dying state, any time another survivor enter the dying state, you automatically recover one health state.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    yeah benevolence being meta would be a godsend lmao. Deific bonds a hard one to balance without just throwing on a cooldown thats like 80s.

  • ButterFlee13
    ButterFlee13 Member Posts: 270
    edited July 2023

    SurvivorPerk: Super Agility

    Press E, and you will get a randomize exhaustion perk for 120 sec cd to use. After exhuast perk is used, make you exhaust for 80 second rank 3.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 938

    One for each.

    Killer - Confiscate

    Survivor items cant be used for 5/10/15 seconds at the star of the match and after every unhook.

    + This like lethal for an early help preventing early BnP with some value during game.

    Survivor - Combat medic

    Med kits heal 15%/20%/25% faster and efficient when healing others.

    + I just like altruistic and support gameplay.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,188
    edited July 2023

    So many suggestions, so apologies if any of these repeat previous suggestions:

    Survivor Perks:

    1. Bloodrush: When the killer enters tier 1 bloodlust during a chase and the survivor is healthy, "Bloodrush" grants a 0.2m/s boost to their speed. If the survivor escapes chase, they become exhausted for 60/50/40 seconds.

    2. Blessed Hook: At the start of the trial, 30%/40%/50% of all hooks become "blessed". If a survivor is hooked on any of these hooks the following effects happen:

    a) the survivor can attempt to escape 3 times during the second hook stage. b) the chance of escape is 10%. c) should the survivor unhook themself they immediately become full health.

    The hook then loses its "Blessed" status once unhooked by any means.

    3. Itza Meee!: If a survivor drops from a height and lands on a killer, the killer is stunned for 5 seconds. Randomly, one of the following actions could occur:

    a) The killer suffers from "Blindness" for the next 20 seconds. b) The survivor suffers from the hindered effect for 20 seconds. c) The survivor gains 50 iridescent shards to their account. d) All survivors become exposed for the next 30 seconds. e) Any chest that survivor comes across next that has been opened can be rumaged through for a common item. f) The survivor will randomly shout "WOOHOO! and reveal their aura for the next 6 seconds.

    This perk then goes on cooldown for 80/70/60 seconds. No occurence can happen twice in a row.

    Killer Perks:

    1. Power Lunge: When a killer hits a survivor with a "lunged" attack, the survivor is hurled backwards. approxomately 15 feet or until they hit an object. The killer gains 100% bonus BP for the hit and the survivor suffers from "blindness" for the next 40/50/60 seconds. This attack has a cooldown of 50/40/30 seconds.

    2. Hex: Party Lights: At the start of a trial, a totem is hexed. Every 30/25/20 seconds, the hex moves from that totem to another random hex, unless it is being worked on. After every 3 switches a token is gained:

    1 token = survivors will reveal their locations for 5 seconds. 2 tokens = same as 1 token plus a perma 4% reduction to gen repairs. 3 tokens = same as 1 token plus a perma 6% reduction to healing. 4 tokens = same as 1 token plus any chest opened from now on will flashbang blind a survivor for 6 seconds. 5 tokens = all of the above effects plus a 30 second period of exposed. If any more than 5 tokens, it grants a 15 second exposed effect.

    3. Hex: Totem Recall: A totem is hexed at the start of the trial. Once the hex is cleansed, the following occurs: a) the killer can do a "Blight sprint" once (but unable to hit that turn), b) the killer can swing an additional 1/2/3 times with a basic attack with no cooldown until they hit a survivor, c) another totem becomes lit. Once the second lit totem is cleansed the effects go.

  • AKA1NC
    AKA1NC Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    Hex:The scourging

    "The pain that others have brought you will be recognized and will be delt with ocordingly"

    At the start of the trial a dull totem will be lit and the following effect will occur:

    1/2/3 more hooks around the map will become scourge hooks and will have the same abilty as and "scourge hook" perks