"Xeno's M2 is impossible to react to!"

dbdthegame Member Posts: 699
edited September 2023 in General Discussions

Here's for all those that would rather complain than learn how to play against the killer: a clip of me DHing ON REACTION to Xeno's tail attack: https://streamable.com/r2mpti , and still getting hit OVER HALFWAY through my 0.5s Endurance. This is done on 70ms ping on my end (relatively high for me). Keep in mind also, I reacted to Xeno using his tail while also trying to look in front of me, and had less than half a second to react to it when I turned back around.

As you can see, it is not only possible to react to Xeno's tail attack, it actually has quite an obvious visual cue. When you watch the clip frame by frame, you see Xeno's whole body jerk as in the screenshot:

...a tail attack is coming, you can safely swerve or crouch or DH or whatever you need to do to survive.

Now please, cut it with the Xeno whining threads. They're getting really old. Let's hurry up and nerf MFT.

EDIT: I actually went a step further and broke the video down frame by frame. At exactly frame 228 is the screenshot. At frame 270 is when the Endurance status effect disappears (with Deep Wound starting a frame earlier). This gives us a 41-42 frame window (recorded at 60 FPS) during which to react, or about ~0.7 seconds from animation to hit.



  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699
    edited September 2023

    41 frames from the start to the animation to the hit connecting. 41 frames is a little less than 0.7s. Reacting at 250ms, you have about 450ms left to get out of the way.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    He can't move as fast as a survivor while dragging tail. If a survivor had very good reflexes and was relatively well focused on Xeno, I'd venture to say they could achieve semi consistency in dodging his tail.

    Either way, that's entirely beside the point. My point is the tail is reactable, as evidenced by the fact you can DH it by reaction. I would argue that being able to dodge it on reaction is problematic.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Ok but did you see the video though?

    I guess I should go put in for a Guinness world record of fastest reaction time for a human.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,074

    He doesn't even need to drag, its just a way to correct himself if ever he does end up screwing up.

    Also being able to DH his tail is known, just like how its easier to DH basically any killer power out there than it is to dodge because of how hitboxes are. Its literally impossible to move your character out of the way fast enough if the Xeno is sentient

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 970

    At that moment, the mind realizes that it is about to attack, but it does not have enough time to avoid the blow in a video game

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    it is easier for survivor to complain killer OP then learn to play against the killer.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,716

    Xenomorph cannot hold the tail. Once the tail attack is used, it will fire.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    That's actually me in the video. And no, I didn't predict. I reacted. DH has no windup time. Any "windup time" in DH is purely due to ping. At 0 ping, the Endurance is supposed to start exactly when you press the button.

    And again, I've already explained this in the OP but I'll say it again: from the start of the animation shown in the screenshot to when the hit actually connected, it's 41 frames (or a little less than 0.7s).

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    ...I don't even know how to respond to this......

    .......you do realize that Xeno can't buffer his power and basically is locked in the animation as soon as he presses M2.....?

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Assuming you're NA, I'd be happy to hop in a custom and DH your tail attacks until you get bored. Again, I reacted to the screenshot posted below.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    I'd be more interested in seeing this multiple times in a game. First hit, the killer isn't going to know for sure if you have DH or not. The second hit may be a completely different story. This would also speak more on what people are saying between reacting and predicting. If you can hit it against a killer that holds their attack or tries to bait out DH, then that would lean more towards reaction.

    With that, I'd also like for survivors to be able to see the killer they are playing against at this point. I see a lot of counters to killers on these forums that involve running a certain perk. I've probably ran DH in less than 15 games in all my play time. I don't want to run it every game for the chance I might go against the Alien.

    For me, the more I've played against the killer, it's gotten a little easier. I just want to see the bug fixed for no slow down, or whatever it is. Then I can make more of a judgment.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited September 2023

    Why are we prentending 'reaction' is everything, when 'preempting' attacks are a far more common tactic, regardless of how fast the killer's attack comes out.

    Killer's attack at certain predictable times, when the survivor is in a vulnerable place such as vaulting a window, or when their attack comes off cooldown, etc.

    This works just as well for M1 attacks, it can work for the Tail spear as well.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Because like in the clip you posted, the Xeno can freely take an M1 for a guaranteed hit, so preventing a hit is solely on the Xeno to screw up. Feng was healthy, so even if you really wanted to apply the tail debuffs from add-ons, you could down her with the tail hit and injure her with the M1.

    A Killer that moves at 4.2 but can phase through walls and is immune to pallet stuns will always get the hit on Survivors, so all it makes the match is a test of how macro efficient the Survivors are. That has no counterplay, that is no fun. That exaggerated circumstance is basically what Xeno is right now.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I don’t dodge based on the audio cues. I dodge based on most likely time of attack, and it works probably 75% of the time. And the hitbox is skinny, so you don’t have to dodge much.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    With the .35s windup you can reaction run sideways or back into the Killer where it is hard to aim (depending on how close Nemmy is, you chose which). With .17 average reaction time by sound cues, that gives you just barely enough time to do that. That is why people complained so loudly about when Nemmy's Tentacle is bugged silent, because that is his counterplay. If Nemmy misses, he has 75% slowdown for 2.5s (losing 8.625m) If Nemmy drops tentacle to go for the M1, the Survivor has 1.5s to take the vault or drop the pallet. There is also counterplay in denying T2 by intentionally getting infected by a Zombie if he is chasing you first. That sets his pallet break super speed much longer down the line.

    If Xeno misses, allegedly it is supposed to go 2m/s for 3s, or lose 7.8m. The problem is when you play as Xeno, you can very much tell there is no slowdown (worth mentioning), and there only is a cooldown. People do complain about uncounterable Nemmy (bugged silent tentacle) and uncounterable Xeno, but not nearly as much complaints exists when you can counter them. (There will always be complaints about something, but I'm predominately talking about normal complaints, not fringe always existing complaints.)

    I think the PTB values were fine for everything. It felt fine enough, and not too oppressive. The only issue remaining then is Xeno emerging from the tunnel while the Survivor is attempting to get a turret. Killer Instinct procs, so you can't hide, and you don't have a turret to warn/burn out of power. This problem falls to the logic that the counterplay shouldn't also be in turn countered by the normal play (like old-old Thana providing slowdown on healing as well as gens, and healing was the counterplay).

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    And again, Nemmy can hold his power, Xeno can't. Their powers are not created equal. The slowdown bug should be fixed but that's it.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257
    edited September 2023

    And when holding power Nemmy is slowed to 3.8 or 4.0. You are skirting the issue. Xeno gets to 'hold power' at 4.6. If Xeno's power is not created equal in the sense it can be knocked out of power, then the power shouldn't be designed around a worst case scenario (add-onless and unaware of turret location) for Xeno to reliably break the turret, and only failing at that if they are 50% slower at reactions than the average human. Or put another way, if Xeno can be broken out of power, he should be designed to consistently be broken out of power (edit: when the counterplay is utilized). It isn't like crawling in the tunnels for 5s to camp the gen or head to another gen is that big of an ask at 18m/s.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,716

    We saw what happened when survivors have free access to completely remove a killer's power with singularity. Turrets do not need to be able to consistently break the killer out of their power. Providing distance alone against a killer who lacks any meaningful way to close the gap during a chase is huge enough as it is.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Xeno doesn't "hold" power at 4.6 any more than Nemesis holds his tentacle at 4.6. He is ABLE to use his power at 4.6 (so is almost every other killer in the game).

    You're dodging my point. Nemesis can hold his power (at the same speed as survivors even, in T3). It's meaningless if you can dodge it on reaction, because he can pull it up and force you into a lose-lose: either you get hit and get the vault/pallet, or you swerve out and get zoned away from it, he bodyblocks, and gets the hit. It's literally the same situation for both.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I feel OP can't win this argument. Not because they are wrong, but moreover whatever they show there will always be something some people will point out that could have been done better.

    A better video would be to show a dodge from a tail whip without Dead Hard, because many will prefer to know a power can be outplayed without having to arm themselves with a perk.

    However, there are a lot of numbers being hurled about (which is all well and good), but numbers are calculations, not practicality with all the factors to take into account in actual gameplay. What I do see is the Xenomorph raise the tail and the survivor watching this and timing their Dead Hard well. 4 survivors escaped that trial too and I would hazard a guess the tail whip was not used just one time.

    I'd also like to add some thing else for now: The Xenomorph is quick, but there is a clear indicator of when it will strike. Compare that to Huntress. Of course, you hear her wind up, but she holds it amd when she releases it the hatchet from a close distance, as soon as she does her "Huh!" sound you are hit. There is far less warning she is going to throw. Executioner and Deathslinger can also hold their powers and fire any time.

    So, I would agree with OP here, but it is tough. Harder to defend because of the plethora of shoulda/coulda counter-arguments to footage, but that's with the benefit of hindsight. OP had no hindsight when using Dead Hard and that tail swipe was a solid hit. Still, would like to see footage of a non-perk dodge used as proof in debates such as this.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    I already said elsewhere I'm too slow (and old) to dodge the tail on reaction but the clip also shows a 0.7s ish from power use to hit. I'm sure someone quick enough could dodge it on reaction, but I'm also arguing they shouldn't be able to in the first place (because he can't buffer his power and is locked into using it).

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Yeah, Singularity dominates. Wait, have you played him? I played him a bunch and the only matches you lose as him are the matches you were going to lose regardless. Plus you are acting like Singularity can't spend 2s to reapply the goo. The Survivor needs to waste 2s in an item grab animation for you to spend closing the distance and getting a free hit if they de-goo themself.

    Xeno presses the button and .2s later the hitbox spawns while still moving at 4.6. Nemmy has to hold M2 for .35s, slowing down, then he can tap M1 to start spawning the hitboxes. (I haven't been including the Attack Open time, but I believe this is how long after the whip is prepared and you hit M1 that you need to wait before the Attack Hit time has the hitboxes linger. I don't know for certain though. If that is the case then technically Nemmy has a .6s minimum windup. But since I don't know, I'm sticking with the .35s because it is more favorable to your point.)

    I'm not trying to dodge your point, I don't understand the point you are making. If he is close enough to bodyblock, then he was close enough to M1 without needing to wind up the whip to begin with. Otherwise he has too much distance to cover. In non-filler pallet loops you can take the opposite of the window or pallet in the cancellation cool-down. Eg. Shack you can take the pallet instead of the window, or Jungle Gyms at the window can take the pallet instead. This basically only applies to hyper-zoned filler pallets, but even Nemmy has a similar problem at those as Huntress, as he has to round the loop and commit to the tentacle or the hold-W at the pallet each rotation. Even if Nemmy threatens a whip every rotation, he slows to 3.8/4.0 for .35s, and 4.2 for 1.5s, losing .81/.88m each threaten, and since it is a rounded loop with a Survivor smaller hitbox this distance is compounded. Also this .88 is closed in about 1 and a half seconds, you in a rounded loop you still lose ~1.5s of distance on chasing the Survivor by threatening the whip.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    You're still missing my point. It doesn't MATTER if you have distance on him or not, he can simply close it while his tentacle is pulled up. No matter what you do, you lose. To use your example: Nemesis enters Shack with his tentacle pulled up towards the window, you don't take the window, he continues walking towards you with his whip pulled up. You swerve towards the pallet, he zones you away from the window and pushes you towards the pallet. Either you run through the pallet and get hit, or you walk away from it, and he can simply cancel power and M1 before you make either the pallet or the window. The killers shouldn't have similar charge/open times, if that's your point. They're different killers, and their powers are different, and should have different values.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411
    edited September 2023

    The non perk part is what I'm more interested in. I can't run 10 different perks to counter everything and I hate having to run a certain perk just in case I go against something specific.


    I typed a reply to this but for some reason it didn't post. I didn't know the alien couldn't hold the power so thanks for that info. That doesn't change the fact that they don't have to use it though. They can still bait out a DH with the threat of an M1. Which is why I'd like to see it used more than once in a game.

    I could be wrong but I don't think you're trying to say that this is a guaranteed counter or anything. I think you're just showing that the tail attack can be reacted to in a specific situation, which is fine. I don't think every power should have an easy counter either. Otherwise they become useless.

    Until the bug is fixed I can't really make any judgement on the killer as a whole. In the current state, the killer isn't really punished for missing. So I don't know how much of an effect that will have yet.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I may be mis-reading here, so my apologies for not understanding clearly enough, but are you saying survivors should not be able to have a chance at dodging this, because of the wind-up?

    If so, I'm guessing the wind-up is the window for survivors to dodge. What I have seen is it's possible to "drag" the tail, like Nemesis does with his whip. Other killers such as Huntress, Deathslinger and Executioner dom't have that luxury, but Nemesis has the pass because he has to hit 3 times with the tail, so I get that. If a tail shot should be speedy after winding-up, perhaps remove the drag option of the tail, so it shoots straight without drag.

    Otherwise, I'm happy as Xenomorph is. It is born with the sole purpose of killing and providing the queen with bodies for more Xenomorphs, so makes sense for it to be tough to face.

  • SabercoderedYT
    SabercoderedYT Member Posts: 10

    I don't have all the data, cool down times, meters of the tail whip. But having played against the Xenomorph several times, and played as the Xenomorph, I'm having more success surviving it. I've found carrying the turret around it without placing it, acts as a detector for the Xenomorph. It will start to beep when it's close. Also, run so.e customs with friends. That's what I did against the Xenomorph to try to learn how to beat her haha. Have a good day folks

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,716

    Singularity is not dominating and is also a killer nobody plays. Also it takes far longer than 2s for Singularity to reset after an EMP.

    It's very clear you just want an "easy win" button.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411
    edited September 2023

    Post edited by Moonras2 on
  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257
    edited September 2023

    He can't close distance while the Tentacle is pulled up, he can only lose or tie in distance. If he is zoning then yes he can close the distance, but at the cost of a free escape if he misses the whip, or cancels it. If in Shack you play doe-si-doe with him in-between the window and Pallet. If he drops the tentacle, you take the closer of a medium vault at window or drop the pallet. You as Survivor (on average) spent .25s visual reacting, .9s Medium vaulting (or shorter dropping the pallet), so he is left with a max of .35s to do nothing while you took the escape route.

    I don't think Killers should all be normalized to the exact same timers, but they should be normalized to be in the realm of fair counterplay. Huntress slows to 3.08 with a hatchet drawn, Nemmy slows to 3.8/4.0, Demo Slows to 3.86. Huntress has a 2s wind down CD, Nemmy has a 1.5s wind down CD, Demo has a .45s wind down CD. Each are for the most part fair in their implementations. Xeno is not. That is the issue. Edit: Demo's wind down of .45s is the least fair of those 3 Killer's examples, but with the needless nerf to his Iri add-on, I'd leave it in for now.

    I can't speak for everyone else, I can only speak for myself. I won 3 games the other day at 5 gens (as Sing while cleaning up his tomes) because the Survivors were so outclassed by the continuous pressure I was able to output with a good Lethal Pursuer and multiple goo-tags/injuries early.

    As far as longer than 2s to retag, I can tell for sure you haven't played him because that is about exactly how long it takes other than on maps like Lerys (assuming you have skill as Sing). I even recommended QoL buffs for him to smooth out the new player experience so more people could play and understand him. When I play him he actually feels like I need skill to utilize him, unlike many others among the cast that other people would make that claim for.

    I have an "easy win" button, 2 in fact, they are Blight and Nurse (Spirit too before I had too heavy of hearing damage). When I want to win without trying, I use them. As Survivor, I just want to complete my tomes without wanting to tear my hair out from unenjoyable circumstances. I completed my tomes, so I'm not playing DBD in soloq until they 'fix' Xeno.

    The problem with Xeno, is the Survivor sided gameplay is exclusively macro oriented. Every member of the team has to be doing the exact correct thing at all times, or you lose (assuming it isn't a baby Xeno). Soloq means you have an average of 1.5 Survivors (that aren't you) NOT doing that, and an average of a third of those (original 1.5, so .5 average) players are actively hurting the team instead. You can't win in chase with the mythical 372 gen chase because you outplayed the Killer at every loop. You will go down, so you can only macro play to delay how long it takes, and how far from hook you can get yourself downed. This is why I refer to Xeno as a boring flowchart Killer, because you can only pick the longest flowchart path (or some people are taking the shortest to go next) if you want to go against them.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,945
    edited September 2023

    Here's a better question that nobody thought to ask. WHY should it be reactable?

    Here is some math for you.

    A killer's lunge makes them move at 6.9 m/s for 0.9 seconds, and their hitbox extends out by about 1 meter. In 0.9 seconds, a survivor can move 3.6 meters. This means that the killer's max range to hit that lunge from a running survivor is 3.61 meters.

    The tail attack has a 0.2 second windup, during this time a survivor can move 0.8 meters. It has a 4.8 meter range. This means that the killer needs to be 4 meters away from them to hit them. The difference between 40 meters and 3.61 meters in a chase, is literally .66 seconds, almost exactly. It is 0.39 meters. And the differences in movement speed between a survivor and killer is 0.6 meters per second.

    So the tail attack is "saving" the killer, less than a second in a chase. While also having a smaller hitbox, and is much easier to miss and mess up the attack.

    So again i ask, WHY should it be reactable? It isn't much different in speed and distance and timing than a normal killer lunge. Where the tail gets its power, is that it can hit over and through things, like windows, and pallets. Which, if you are doing that, you aren't able to dodge anyway because you are stuck in an animation.

    EDIT: I was wrong, the range is actually 4.8 meters, not 5, making my point even more.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    That's not at all how Survivor works. When you get average soloq Survivors you still have a chance if someone goofs off assuming the remaining 3 have skill. It is still possible to carry bad teammates who do all 5 totems and open all the chests. What I am saying is Xeno provides no chance unless everyone is worried about macro perfection, and nothing less. At the very least that is what it feels like. Even then, when someone still attempting that macro perfection gets turret grab free-hit, you can't blame them for Xeno's poor design. No other Killer lies the entire burden on macro gameplay other than so-called 'no-life' Nurses who never fail their blinks and reads on Survivor pathing.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,945

    Just because your teammates are sometimes bad, doesn't mean they should make your role overpowered to compensate for it. The problem there is your bad teammates. Name any other competitive team-based game, where having bad teammates means you should win.

  • Toonster
    Toonster Member Posts: 14

    True! That's also why nurse and blight are bad! When they are in their power, they can't wait out DH! If you've been hooked and are running DH, you can tank one hit!! /s

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,131
    edited September 2023

    It's not really that hard to avoid his attacks and loop him.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    If turrets are reactable to break, the tail needs to be reactable to dodge. Both circumstances need to be linked. If you can't dodge, then the turret shouldn't be reaction breakable and always burn Xeno out of power. It takes ~15s to get a turret placed and back on the gen, and currently all that does is give you slightly more pre-run time at the best case scenario (against a Xeno who has played before).

    The tail attack doesn't root Xeno, you can move at full speed during the .2s windup, so part of the math is wrong. But the point the math section is missing, is that lunging can only work under a fixed distance, and can't go through obstacles, such as walls and pallet stuns. Xeno tail can hit over windows/pallets, as well as threaten a hit against stun attempts, so it makes all points of safety unsafe if within range. Given that the tunnels put you right on top of gens, that isn't exactly a hard proposition to get within range in the first place.