Worried About The Anti Face-Camping Mechanic

Hello, Good Afternoon BHVR,

I saw on Twitter today the post about the Anti- Face camping Mechanic coming into the game in the near future. I have some concerns about it, I see after all the gens are done its not active anymore, I love that. I think the Mechanic shouldn't be active past 0-2 gens left, at that point means the killer is losing. The way the game is played "competitively" nowadays both sides play to win. Not every player plays or mains a S tier killers that includes myself. I don't think this " Anti-Camping Mechanic" should be in the game period, but since it's coming into the game having it shut off at 0-2 gens left should be a thing to give the killer a chance to bring the game back. Survivors still have anti-camping perks that they can use doing the matches. Hopefully you guys will see this and reconsider making the camping mechanic shut off at 0 gens, to make it either shut off at 1 to 2 gens left.

Thank you, for reading,



  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700

    It's meant to target face camping where the killer parks right next to the hook for no other reason than to force the survivor to die on hook. The killer isn't going to be prevented from defending a hook when other survivors attempt to go for the unhook nor is the killer prevent from patrolling around the hook either.

    It's possible the values are overtuned and hurt more than what the system is intended to counter, but I don't see it as unfair that the system doesn't turn off before 0 gens remaining.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    I think its a bit pointless to have it shut off at 1-2 gens since camping especially from first at that stage in a match will make you lose anyway.

  • OneAutmLeaf
    OneAutmLeaf Member Posts: 102

    Yeah its a uneeded change to begin with, theres perks that counter camping and tunneling ppl would rather ######### that they got tunneled and not run those perks, this shouldnt need to be basekit, DELIVERANCE AND REASSURANCE EXIST FOR A REASON, if you getting camped alot maybe change you build up instead of all gen perks idk just a thought ppl...

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    Normally when 1 to 2 gens are left I try to do what I can if 4 survivors are still alive. I don't this should be in the game period. That's why perks are there for a reason. I think having it off after 0-2 gens even if its only 1 gen left gives the killer a chance to bring it back before the last gen pops. Even if BHVR chances to be 1 gen left where it get shut off I would be happy with that.

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    This isn't about "fun" anymore its a competitive game has been for years. This stops killers like myself who doesn't try win off the bat, and goes for hooks. If BHVR goes threw with this, if I am having a good game with 6 hooks, with 1 to 2 gens left I need someone out of the game. That's when I would try to camp or tunnel to get someone out. Adding stuff like this its going to hurt the game more then help it honestly. Since the "Competitive Comp Screen" made the game what it is today. Everyone wants to win in pubs, nowadays so in points of the matches killers need to counter what the survivors are doing.

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    I agree this is why I have a problem with this coming in.

  • Thralfazuz
    Thralfazuz Member Posts: 165

    Unless they tinker with Bubbs chainsaw where you can't fully use it this change does nothing against him, he can just power through it and double hit you when you are unhoking yourself

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    IDC if they did something like for him it's a meme anyways, and people get butt hurt about it. So if that's "problem" then I mean do that for him. I love being camped by bubba, doesn't happen all the time. The problem this game has is the player base wants to complain about staff that happen to them always, which isn't the case.

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    Still, it's a meme you don't get a face camping bubba all the time. I don't mind going against a Bubba that is just doing a meme now, and then. This game has gotten so serious, that everything that is fun is getting taking out. People that complain the most doesn't play killer, and plays one side.

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188
    edited September 2023

    tldr 'devs, I want to be able to camp before end-game. how dare you'

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    I disagree with this camping mechanic, and your opinion all together. Survivors has anti-camping perks for a reason, this will make those a lot stronger now. This game is way past “fun” it’s more competitive, adding this will make killer unbearable to play. 1 to 2 gens left, I would love to not be punished to get someone out of the match. Obviously, at that point killer is losing the match anyways.

    Thank you for hearing me out, & responding Mandy.

  • Thralfazuz
    Thralfazuz Member Posts: 165

    I've got another question, if the killer is camping you and you have deliverance, what takes priority?

    for example you want to use deliverance at the last second to waste killers time as much as possible before hitting second stage and you can also unhook yourself because the unhook meter is full.

    would I be broken or the anticamp self unhook took priority?

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    Remember, you don’t have a game if killers don’t wanna play bc of BS ######### like this where it’s clearly perks to counter those play-styles. Also everyone has different experiences, like for me I get teams that want’s to win, so I have to try to counter that now I am getting punished for it in the future. I try to go for 12 hooks each game, it’s not feasible anymore.

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    Exactly, my point you won’t be able to do nothing about that Adding stuff like this isn’t good for the game period. Players are trying to win on both sides, and you are giving one side to where that side can’t counter until “0 gens are left.”

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,610

    Why should the Killer get some handholding when they are losing the game? They are playing badly, why reward them for playing badly?

    And well, perks that stop camping... Which? I did not see any Perk which suddenly teleports the Killer away from the Hook. Currently to counter camping you need two Survivors for the Unhook. One Survivor is a trade, two might not be a trade. Occupying 50% and keeping away from Gens 75% of the enemy team by just standing still is just too much.

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    the game isn’t causally anymore, I can play good and still lose. I can have a 30 second chase, and still lose 3 gens. This game is competitive, and I get teams that play as such.

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    this game is made to have dumb stuff on both sides in that. That fact you made that comment, means you are hoping this game will be fully balanced. It will never be, bc if does this game is done. This game doesn’t need more base kit things added. You have perks for a reason in the game.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,610

    Since when is slugging a problem for Killers?

    And only because you throw in some buzzwords like "SWF" does not mean that this will be true. It is clearly stated that if Survivors are near the Hook that the meter will be slower or not progress at all.

    If anything, I expect this mechanic to be too mild to actually matter. Because proxycamping will most likely still be possible nad if we are honest, blatant face-camping is not that common. Proxy-camping on the other hand is.

    (And even if the Survivor comes off the hook on their own, this does not really mean that they can actually get away. Especially the strong Killers can easily catch up. It only provides a chance. Nothing more.)

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    Since you want to use “it’s not fun” it won’t be fun for me to have to deal with a camping mechanic when clearly losing bc I’m playing for 12 hooks.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 370

    I didn't say slugging was a problem for killers, but I bet you can guess whose it is a problem for though. You have perks already available that provide that "chance" . Like I said I'll judge it when it comes out on the ptb. I'm man enough to say I'm wrong if it comes down to it, I don't think I am but we'll see. Swf isn't a buzzword swf is to survs what nurse and blight are to killers, meaning they both ignore most mechanics implemented in game.

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    Yes, but not everyone plays those killers. I think it still be dumb to add this for base kit. Adding things base kit isn’t good for the game honestly.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 370

    Bro I think you missed my point, I was responding to a previous guy. As of right this moment I am not for basekit deli or anything of sort as it clearly drives pressure down for the killer, at all stages not just the beginning. Could you imagine basekit corrupt for killers to combat early "gen rushing"

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    I could for killer, I am saying no more base kit should for either side. It won’t make the game more fun, where the problem is from having a “competitive screen.” I get what you’re saying 💯 by putting in “base-kit stuff” isn’t going help like everyone thinks.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,610

    You made it sound as if the Killer would have a problem with slugging Survivors. Because if this would be the case I get very unusual Killers.

    And well, Survivors dont like slugging. But Survivors who say they dont like slugging are usually those who dont sabo every Hook nearby. Those are different people. I highly doubt that a Squad who sabotages every Hook would complain about being slugged. And even if they would do, would be new to me that Killers care about complaints.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,176

    this game is made to have dumb stuff on both sides in that. That fact you made that comment, means you are hoping this game will be fully balanced. It will never be, bc if does this game is done.

    If the overall objective of the game is 'fun' (which I agree on), who exactly is having fun in the face camping scenario?

    This game doesn’t need more base kit things added. You have perks for a reason in the game.

    If you changed reassurance to allow a survivor to do a rescue from 9m away, sure, I could see the point. The problem is that reassurance doesn't solve the issue. The survivor stuck on the hook is just stuck there longer.

    The way to fix bad game design is to fix the game design.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 370

    Well bro they do complain about slugging had a crew the other night sabo squad with one running ftp buckle, the others running boil, Sab, flip flop, one boon expo, others had breakdown and tenacity. Of course they brought Erie ran to the top sabo that hook, then was absolutely unglued that I bled them out. Just because most dont do something doesn't negate the problem, i never experienced the flashlight exploit but yet it was a major issue for others. I was simply stating a hypothetical situation that could happen, I mean at this point all we have are hypotheticals because nothing exist to test, which is why I stated that I would wait to make my decision on it.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 370

    I'm definitely with you on the no more global basekit buffs for either side. although I would love to have trapper start with all his traps ngl.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    This has nothing to do with balance. This has to do with fun. I don’t wanna have to run the same perks every match to counter an unfun strategy. Running the same perks all the time is not fun and you cannot argue against that.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    isn't he suppose be one character where he is suppose to be good at facecamping? arbitrarily, if he hits you, your suppose to try find a pallet with speed boost and haste effect to stop his saw. as long as the player is unhooked, the player has counter-play should the survivor go down given that the player on the floor might be possible to save through bodyblocking on the hook, flashlight saves or sabotaging.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,101

    This is my stance too. If a mechanic like this affects kill rates then healthier buffs can take place, which is a positive for everyone. I don't anticipate much change in my games as I don't see much facecamping in my MMR bracket (I think it's mostly low MMR) and I certainly don't facecamp, but if a killer is lacking in some way then I'd rather they get individual buffs than having to feel like they need to fall back on facecamping.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    This whole thread screams "GIVE ME MORE FREE KILLS".

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    There was a time where Borrowed Time was an essential perk. If you didn't run it, you'd get your team mates killed and flamed in post game for failing to run it. They rightfully made it's effects basekit.

    Are you suggesting every survivor has to always run Reassurance and Deliverance if they "don't like being camped"?

    These perks don't actually work to prevent or punish camping all that much. Mostly because the correct counter to a facecamper is to slam gens, something you can't do if you have to spend 30-60 seconds approaching the hook, discovering the camper, and attempting to get close enough to apply Reassurance.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Yeah about that. While basekit BT is good, it certainly has its downsides for non tunneling killers that get body blocked.

    PTB is about to go live. Lets see how the new mechanic performs.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    This. I have stated for a long time that camping is unhealthy for Killers in the long run for that reason.

    A game without camping is also more fun. I don't want to see camping; I want to see BHVR balance the game around a scenario where people don't camp.

  • dwight444
    dwight444 Member Posts: 448

    as a solo q sufferer, how am I supposed to know what perks my other 3 teammates are bringing? should I waste deliverance just to end up being downed first and face camped immediately? Or reassurance? Reassurance doesn't do anything if the killer is set on face camping you no matter how long it takes, some killers will throw the entire game to kill one person...

    this mechanic is punishing the most severe cases of face camping, it's not the end of the world if you still desire to proxy the survivor cause you can't be bothered to pressure any other part of the map....face camping is a terrible strat, you're stuck in a feedback loop of getting kills regularly due to this play style and not due to any skill and thus stunting your own growth in the game..

  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2023

    Solo Q is ass, going off what I go through. This screw up B below killers, for someone like myself that doesn’t try to win from the jump of the match. It’s fine bc I don’t like this base kit Deil, so I can always go back and main survivor once I get sick of this side I can just flat out quit this game. I got a life outside of this game so if I don’t like how the devs are flavoring one side over the other, I don’t have to play this game. I won’t be only killer main leaving this side either.

    Post edited by ArronSwarm on
  • ArronSwarm
    ArronSwarm Member Posts: 22

    2/2 also you have perks to counter camping as well. Adding basekit things like this isn’t going to end well for the game period.