When is a good time to activate an outpost?

I know this game will have varying amounts of people playing it depending on the time and what day of the week it is, but I want to know when is the best time to have my level be seen and played. I'd rather not have my newly prestiged level go untouched because I activated it at the wrong time.


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I don't think you actually need to worry too much about it if your outpost lasts a full 24 hours (9000 gen mat). Those are pretty much the only types of maps I buy. I've launched maps at pretty weird hours and will pretty consistently get 10-11 raids for normal difficulty, 6-7 for dangerous, and 3-4 for brutal. But generally speaking, just think of when your typical school would be out and when people would be awake.

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164

    The game is played worldwide, so off hours for you might be peak hours for somewhere else.

    Also your base is active till it hits x raids, so whether that's when there's a lot of people playing or fewer over the course of the activation doesn't really matter.

    SAWII Member Posts: 161

    I’ll throw in my anecdotal evidence. I live in NA and I typically play MYM at night. I’ve had brutal bases recently that I activate at 9 pm that get zero raids. I’ve got one outpost in particular that is stuck at P9 because it is consistently getting one or zero raids, not even enough to prestige. Chew on that. It’s almost impossible NOT to prestige with the way the system works now and this base has been stuck at 9 for close to a week.

    People will say “oh it doesn’t matter, they’re all active for the same 12/18/24 hours” but that’s not true. Your base is WAY more likely to see raids in the first two hours of its cycle and the last hour, especially if it hasn’t had enough raiders yet. If I activate the same base at 9 pm and 12 pm noon, the nighttime cycle consistently gets fewer raids. All the time in between is useless essentially, because other people are freshly activating their bases and theirs are rightly boosted while yours languishes. It only get boosted again when too few people are playing.

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164
    edited September 2023

    Yes, your base gets its raid the first 2 hours and the last hour. That's how the MMR works.

    When you first activate your base, it goes into raiders' select screens. When you've ben raided a certain number of times, it takes you out of the pool. Then it might put you back in if you haven't gotten enough raids.

    That big lull in between? You're not in the MMR pool, no one sees your base.

    SAWII Member Posts: 161

    Why did you repeat back to me what I already said? And yet ignore the part about how 2 hours at night is worth less than 2 hours during the day? I’ve had bases recently get ZERO raids during a cycle (12 hours). There are clearly times when there are not enough people playing, and if your outposts have priority during those times, guess what? You get nothing.

  • Hodderfodder
    Hodderfodder Member Posts: 164

    Alright guy. Tell me the time you say no one is playing. I want to activate my base at that time and see for myself.

  • WeaverReaver42
    WeaverReaver42 Member Posts: 213

    It's less that no one plays, and more I was assuming that I was having a less than average amount of people going to my bases. That being said I usually did it around 7 AM EST.