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If there are gonna be complaints about no punishments of DC’ing, what about lobby dodging?



  • Bongbingbing
    Bongbingbing Member Posts: 1,423

    I understand the fustrations with lobby dodging but sometimes it's justified in my opinion. For instance when I was in green ranks I'd face so many 4 man SWF with 2 or 3 red ranks in them, If i recognized I was going up against the same group I'd dodge. Now that I'm higher rank I don't usually dodge unless the ping is bad.

    There's some valid reasons some killers dodge, Mostly to do with SWF. If every Killer could put up a fair fight against a SWF I doubt we'd see as much lobby dodging as we do now but we all know the Devs will never buff all killers to be viable.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    But you're wrong because survivors make mistakes nobody is a perfect survivor not ######### has really been proven since all the updates , a good killer can 3-4k every game at rank one if they keep gen control because gens spawn way closer together than they used to and it's almost braindead using the three gen strat now because anytime I'm in danger I fall back to that and theres nothing they can really do about it , it's a hatch game at that point if you're even half worth a ######### as a killer

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Considering the game is currently running on p2p networking lobby dodging is far and away less of an issue to DCing. You lose nothing if the host breaks the lobby, but to go in game and people start dcing messes with your score, items, and wastes even more time.

  • Samwise
    Samwise Member Posts: 36

    Dodging a lobby does not cost you your items or a pip and the bigger issue is if the devs would actually work on balancing SWF that problem would fix it self.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    That proves nothing and even marth said so himself because they were all low ranked in the match , they haven't gotten it rolling yet marth88 is my favorite YouTuber of DBD I regularly keep up with him, and even the depip squad makes mistakes nobody is perfect I'll guarantee there are people that can capitalize on mistakes and 4k then and you're naive if you believe he's unstoppable I've seen him die to low ranks while live streaming before , its not often but it does happen even to them

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758
    edited March 2019

    He dies to lowranks during his solo survivor session lol, pretty much everybody does because survivors at lowranks are absolute potatoes who won't do gens and are way to scared of the killer.

    I am a ######### survivor yet I had LEGIONS on rank15 give up on me and never chase me or even hit me when I was right in their face because I wasted way to much time and they'd rather go after the others: Endresult was I still died after he bloodlusted me to death when I couldn't find the hatch (play without sound when surv mostly)

  • NathanExplosion
    NathanExplosion Member Posts: 337


    "this whole "killer isn't fair" is a [BAD WORD] hysterical joke at this point and you crybabies don't know what unbalanced is, I wish the devs would take it back to the old DBD for one day to let you see what true unfairness was with recovering exhaustion, infinites, no entity window blocks, sabo making the trapper powerless by the traps being permanently broken"

    I'm here since release.

    I was there and saw all the bullshits you listed.

    You know what's funny ?

    There already were peoples like you defending them in a desperate attempt to keep their crushes.

    Like right now with SWF.

    Complaining about lobby dodging, asking for punishments... while totally dismissing/ignoring the reasons that cause it.

    You can't fix anything while ignoring the symptoms.

    Except if the disease is SWF.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Seconded. I was there as well, 3000 years ago, and survivors have been singing the same song since the game was launched. Nothing has changed in that regard.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    Some people want to have a fun game not an stressfull and/or time trial one. That's is the reason why some people dodge lobbies. I can agree in some people dodge for ridiculous reasons like seeing a single flashlight/toolbox/medkit, or seeing a P3 Claudette and such. But if you see more than two toolboxes and/or flashlights you will get an stressfull or too quick game almost for sure, so the dodges are perfectly understandables. Also I think there are a lot of people exaggerating, I never trust the people saying they wait 30 minutes for getting a killer who don't dodge, when playing survivor the most dodges I have got are three in a row, 5 minutes wasted at most due that reason.

  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378

    Lmao, that isn't the reason most people own a console xD I sincerely hope this is a sarcastic response. I prefer console gaming over PC for various reasons: exclusives, I'm more comfortable with a controller, friends on console to play with and I enjoy playing on the couch. Not to mention not every game that's on PC is superior version..tons of games on console have a ######### PC port..also LOL at PC fighting games...console has a way better community and stability.

    Door swings both ways for all gaming.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616
  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    there is one huge difference:

    a survivor who DCs is actively leaving a game in progress, therefore screwing everyone else and taking any fun out of the round for the rest of the team.

    a killer who lobby dodges is not abandoning the on going game, as the game hasnt even started at this point, so he cant be punished for disconnecting from the game, as there hasnt been a game to DC from. also, the other players will not be forced to play an unfair round with less fun, but instead they will just go and find a new lobby (which literally takes me less than 10 seconds). if i killer were to abandon the game, he gets punished as well. killer DCs are just as much of a thing as survivor DCs are.

    its the exact same with survivors btw. you also dont get punished for leaving a lobby and you also dont get punished if you crash out of the loading screen, as the game hasnt even started at that point.

  • nikstorm
    nikstorm Member Posts: 22
    edited March 2019

    Dodging is fine. It not during a game so I dont see your point at all being valid. Plus i dodge people who noteriously DC

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I can do the same, in fact I once played dress perk less in red ranks and 4ked. Does that mean that freddy stands a chance against competent swf? Nope

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    But that means that you are going g to force pc killers too ;D

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    But I was right there sounding just like you and @Orion, defending killers at that time because it was totally unfair then and it was in desperate need of a rework I mean let's be honest guys back then a survivor could do a five gen run with ease against even the best killer in the game if they knew how to run the tiles right and that doesn't happen anymore unless it's a boosted killer and we all know that , the game is in the best place it's ever been for killers and I feel like if it gets any easier then it's gonna be braindead, I want QOL changes more than what some would consider buffs for the killer , just 1 example: huntress lullaby shouldn't tell you it's a hex , you shouldnt get a pop up notification at all until it's in full effect because only a completely new person to the game wouldn't understand what's going on and then if it notified it would be fair. I just don't see a unbalance when I play killer anymore so it's really hard for me to understand some of these complaints because I deal with certain situations different I guess.

  • OrionsFury4789
    OrionsFury4789 Member Posts: 637

    I know a couple of Freddy mains that could make you eat those words , I'll be the first to admit that Freddy needs a rework but that literally means nothing when you're speaking of what some consider there weakest in the whole game and some can still perkless 4k at rank 1

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    The good old days when the survivors just said "git gud" when killers had to fight against the true infinites (like the 3 windowed Wretched Shop)..