Do you fear of tunnelling the survivor?

I am asking the question to all people who is playing killer.
Do you fear of tunnelling? And please explain your reason why you fear or not.
No. I don't have an explanation. I only tunnel if I absolutely have to.
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I do not
I try my best not to tunnel but if it happens, it happens. I'm not going to throw the game just because I happen to find the same survivor three times in a row.
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I am not saying don't tunnel , i am just asking is there anything which makes you think about not tunnel or fear about it.
Like old DS kinda did that.
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Not really. I make an effort not to tunnel but if I'm getting swarmed at hook it might happen. If survivors don't swarm the hook then I'll just hook the survivor I downed and go away.
If you're asking why I try not to tunnel then it's because of the Golden Rule. It sucks to be tunneled (less BP and pips) so I try not to do it to others.
Edit: Just to add if tunneling caused you to get more BP and pips than being not tunneled does I'd probably be constantly in the Killer's face virtually shouting 'Pick me! Pick me!'. The chasing can be fun; it's the BP and pip loss I don't like.
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Yes, for the same reason I fear a survivor kobe on hook.
The absolute last thing I want is to play 3 v 1 with something like 4 gens left. The game loses all interest to me at that point, but its nowhere close to done.
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I don't fear tunneling but I fear to be tunneled.😍
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I play Pyramid Head, I don't fear the tunnels, they should fear me.
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Me when I see tunneling
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I fear of crushing the morale of a team who doesn't deserve my full efficiency, but I fear more of losing to a team who does.
Sadly by the time you can tell which one it is, it's too late. Either someone dies or I lost 4 gens.
Better safe than sorry I must say!
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Afraid of tunneling? No, not really. What I hate is turning it into a 3v1 before they've even finished a gen or two. Even accidently, which happens too often (you miss someone going to second stage on hook, or mix up similar cosmetics).
I know even if you discount the player base that actively hard tunnels from the start, the vast majority of the remaining killers would just shrug their shoulders and be glad for an easy win. Speaking for myself however, it only ruins the game. I like the challenge of a 12 hook game. That's why I hated DCs, still hate people who afk or give up on hook.
Often once I know the game is over and I have it in the bag, I'll just let the remaining survivors go. The challenge is gone at that point, I don't care about the actual "win". I know I won, which is good enough for me, and they can get their bp and challenges done and we can go on to the next game. When I accidently tunnel someone out at 4-5 gens to go, we basically hit that point early and playing out the rest of the game is just going through the motions. I'd rather just afk and browse on my phone or something.
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I don't see why any killer would be scared to tunnel in this economy. Most survivors completely refuse to run any anti-tunneling perks but will use their base BT to bodyblock for a team mate.
If DS / OTR were still common, that would be a slightly different story.
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I wish i had killers like you :0 You are very nice person, i am glad community is not full with sweat lords.
But sadly i am getting very toxic killers , just today i had to leave because this Nurse slugged everyone for no reason.
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Why would I fear tunneling? Does anyone that plays as a killer fear to tunnel someone?
I assume two things:
Everyone knows tunneling is not fun for the survivor that is being targeted because, if they are solo its a short game. if they are a SWF component they have to sit and watch and wait for their crew.
Everyone knows tunneling removes a person who can shorten gen time, so it is a gameplay necessity if the survivors are efficient. Its the only way to slow down the match without perks.
I can reason out from there.
Gen total time is 450 seconds as a base. This is not okay, because, and I'll be equally sloppy with the killer sided math here( at 30 seconds per chase that is 360 seconds of that and assume 5 seconds to carry to a hook that is 60 seconds of that for a total of 420 seconds of average guaranteed, you can not get around it time spent doing things to survivors. That gives you total 30 seconds for map traversal and finding of survivors that don't want to be found. And of course no mistakes allowed.)
So, if that is the math behind the game I've decided to play, why would I fear tunneling? I don't have the time not to, UNLESS, I don't want to win.
And lets be honest here, I often don't. A lot(but not all) of killers I play against or with, don't. The reasons vary, but I feel safe in summing them up(without polling them) that its just not worth it.
So why would I tunnel if I don't want to win? Normally I don't. But I will, if you do something annoying. That instantly resets my win conditions, I no longer care about fun or hooks or pips or anything. I just want the annoying person to stop doing what they are doing. So I tunnel that person, and if they are a SWF, the rest of the team, in the very unrealistic hope that team mates will spread tips around about not being annoying in relaxed matches.
So, fear it , of course not.
And when I play as survivor, if a killer tunnels, I simply think.
O, they want to play the game...
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
No especially if they play dumb and purposely come to me basically begging to be tunneled, if you use anti-tunneling then fair play
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I'd rather not. I tend to feel the match out and go from there. It's just poor sportsmanship to me when the other team isn't being competitive. Totally fine if you're in a scrim or a competitive setting, but it's just corny in a public match IMO. Especially if you're going out of your way to target the weak link on the team and cheese wins via this game's horrendous matchmaking.
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A little, but not for the reasons I suspect most would think. Tunnelling is a tool, and one that can be done to great effect, but if you aren't actually in a position where it can be done that way, it's a detriment.
I don't want to waste a ton of time trying to tunnel someone out if it isn't going to happen quickly, that's just giving the team uncontested generator time. I don't want to shrink all my pressure down to the one area I'm chasing this one survivor, that's going to leave my map pressure nonexistant.
People think of tunnelling as easy mode, because getting someone out of the trial ASAP is good for you, but it's not an instant-win tactic. If you don't do it smartly and at the right times, it's gonna hurt your chances of winning more than it helps.
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I try not to but if I find that survivor then thats not my fault but I will try go for another survivior if theres two.
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Survivors are never not a target. The priority of which to focus on may change, but there should be no expectation of mercy regardless of the situation.
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Being good in chase is the best anti-tunnel tool. Even if you will die after hard tunneling and win enough time, welp, your team just had the easiest win.
As killer i'm afraid to tunnel survivors like this, because i know that i will lose a game because of it. But hard depends on killer and map.
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yes. infinity windows, ultra-safe pallets and MFT.
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I don't tunnel as a rule or a standard tactic; winning at DBD just isn't that meaningful. Playing for "maximum efficiency" is giving this game far too much credit as a measure of skill. Generally, I try to avoid doing it until it becomes necessary to salvage a game.
All that said, I will occasionally punish people who act as if being unhooked makes them immune and stay in your face instead of getting away. And though I will try to avoid tunneling people, I won't just ignore them forever if they are so bad/unaware they constantly end up in my line of sight.
And I will actively and aggressively tunnel out survs who use their BT to bodyblock for the unhooker.
Being good in chase is the best anti-tunnel tool, but it's still not enough. You can be a comp level looper and once you are hooked by a killer determined to tunnel you out, you are getting tunneled out (assuming that since the killer was able to hook you they are good, assuming you're actually a good player yourself). If the killer is any good at all and knows where you are (on the hook) and has you injured already, all you can do is delay a little bit.
If a survivor is able to run a killer for multiple gens, that says a lot more about the killer being bad than the surv being good. A good killer will drop chases long before it gets to that point, and every killer should be afraid of letting chases go on too long.
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I always try to spread my hooks so I keep everyone in the game as long as possible. I go for the full twelve hooks and so avoid tunneling. I just want to have a fun game with survivors, the same as I want with killers when I play survivor. I'm either playing Nurse, where I can win if I don't screw up too much, or Ghostface, where I'm just memeing around. So either way I don't feel a need to sweat.
I guess I just try to be the killer that I would want to meet in a match.
Sometimes I hook someone a second time, not realising they went to second on their first hook.
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I have no fear about tunneling, but I also typically avoid tunneling anyway. I'll usually only tunnel if the survivor is absolutely begging me to, such as trying to bodyblock right off of a hook, exploiting, or being generally toxic.
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If survivors stopped using their basekit BT to defend the unhooker and then complain that they get tunneled, I might feel bad about doing it more.
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Who would fear tunneling as killer?
The thing I fear is solo q teamates... yes, as killer. It feels like I'm responsible for making everyone not suicide, AFK, or try to throw the game. It puts more stress on me than any SWF.
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Killers tunnel survivors just as survivors tunnel generators.
Both are equally valuable in terms of resulting in a boring gaming experience.
However, abandoning what you can do in a game and cutting corners is also not a healthy gaming experience.
Also, just as survivors know that it is not a good idea to continue tunnel to gen even if the killer approaches, the killer also knows the weakness of tunnel in a brain-dead state.
Tonnel is effective to do so by encouraging survivors to heal, producing slugs, or interfering with generators in other ways.
If not, killer will get 3 more repaired generators after just creating 3 free survivors.
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Nah, I don't fear being tunneled, I'd rather prefer actually being the one that gets all the killer's attention and keep them off the patrolling for some time than depend on my teammates in solo Q to not share a braincell with a tree and lose a chase in 10s.
Tunneling is a valid strategy to immensely slow down the game, and it's up to survivor to make killer regret the choice.
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There is not many players that actually do this in game. I hope you actually do this but it's just interesting to read the forums were you'd believe every match was against a super oppressive SWF group and that killers don't tunnel on purpose.
But then there is the reality.
Every match for the past few weeks has been ultra sweaty, hard tunneling, killers. It's like people have never gotten a 4k before and are just super desperate for one.
I understand it when there are tome challenges up and you see Clown after Clown going for the 4k to get the outfit, but right now there is nothing that makes it a need.
Saw another person type it after a match, and I've adopted it as well. No more "ggs" it is now "hey, congrats on your first 4k."
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Yes. I've lost a lot of games when I thought: this person is an easy target, I should go after them and then they loop me like a god and all the gens are done and I get one kill but everyone else is out. So I might attempt to tunnel someone when it's a good opportunity but I'm not going to commit too much, unless I realize I've lost the game already and that one kill is all I'm gonna get anyway.
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Not really. If the survivor is good I will tunnel them to get better at chase, not because I'm tilted and hate them or something. Sometimes I even leave them on the ground and go do something else so they can get picked up and we can go for another chase. Nothing is more fun than getting chased as survivor in my opinion so I don't feel bad either.
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No, why would I?
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I start to tunnel as soon i click "ready" in the lobby
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I wonder if you heard about Matchmaking. The "reality" you mention is the tiny slice of all the trials you personally experience around your mmr. If your gen-efficiency and chase skill warranted you to face 8-hooks before kills killers, you'd meed them. But those killers largely face survivors who accidentally let the others go to second stage, and they complete a gen every 2-3 minutes.
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I try my best to avoid tunneling. I don't like it as survivor so I don't do it as killer.
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No. I try not to, but if I go back to hook to interupt the heal, and the only person I see is the person who just got unhooked, I'm not searching for the other person, I'm just going to chase the person I see. Also if gens are going by significantly faster than I'm getting hooks, I am going to tunnel on purpose because at that point it's what I need to do to get the match under control.
Short version, I don't go into a match planning to tunnel, but I won't throw to avoid tunneling and I will decide to tunnel if I determine it's nesceasry.
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No but i also dont mind it too mutch. It depents a bit on the rest of the team and the game.
Normaly its not good to tunnel someone, because he spend time on hook, so he doesnt know which gens are in progress. Its more efficent to go to a different one. But lets say he wrasts his endurance buff with a bodyblock and is walking to a deadend... well than i have to choose between somebody injured that i allready hooked and is walking to a deadend, or somebody healthy thats running to the middle of the map.
In my opinion:
If you are dead on hook => stay away from the killer.
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Why would any killer player fear it? Survivors have zero tools to stop it.
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To clarify a couple points:
- I'm able to play this way because I carefully cultivate my MMR to stay in a range where I can play this way yet not go against complete potatoes. If ignore it and just let my MMR stack up, I quickly find myself in a range where I routinely face survivors that are too efficient in gens and looping for me to keep up and make interesting games most matches. Skill issue? Probably. I just make sure I stay where everyone can have fun.
- I'm not actually against people tunneling. I do soft tunnel on occasion when survivors leave me little other option, usually if they are bodyblocking or playing altruism squads. I just don't think like the whole "eliminate someone as quickly as possible" style of play. It's almost as boring as camping. I think that some changes need to be made to nudge play towards rotating hooks, but still allow for tunneling in the edge cases where it makes sense but still allows for engaging gameplay.
- Just my own personal advice, but don't reward toxicity with more toxicity. It's much better to show you are 100% unbothered. If I get tunneled out as survivor and stick around to watch the game, I just "gg" and move on. It helps that it doesn't really bother me all that much, but I can only speak for myself.
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Going by this definition no we don't. Survivors have effectively beaten out any sort of concern during the unbreakable/locker forced to eat DS phase. After that era, only one thing will get any negative reaction out of us anymore.