Buckle up and for the people

XshyguyX Applicant Posts: 107

First time going against this. Two survivors had it. It granted them both invincibility for 10 seconds. Was rough as all 4 I believe was a swf. Way to coordinated for it not to be.

Any killers have any Two cents over synergy build swf teams?


  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,023

    STBFL + Rapid Brutality lessens the impact if you are a M1 Killer

    ARTRA Member Posts: 881

    Playing "hit and run" works vs this combo.

    But yeah you need to have a killer and build for that nothing thst can change mid game.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,695

    That means 2 survivors are not on gens

    If you are chasing one then the other one is trailing behind 

    Would you prefer a coordinated gen rush instead?

    (not saying the perk combo is "fair" or "healthy", it's just an honest question)

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 527

    The two are not mutually exclusive. When they coordinate, your target will go down next to someone's gen.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,373

    do you want facecamping killers so it's easy gen rush and an easy 3 or even 4 people out, or do you want an update so facecamping is no longer possible? it was a losing situation for the camped survivor no matter if the team wins or not, so here we are face camping update is coming.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,742
    edited September 2023

    there is a perk that counters it. it is singularity's forced hesitation perk. if someone is nearby and tries to use perk combo, you hinder them for 20% that they will move so slowly that you may hit them before person can heal with FTP. you can still force the heal with 99% sprint burst but even if you succeed, you move so slow that when killer hits you, you will not make any distance due to large hindered effect.

    @appleas talks about the other counter which is stbfl+rapid brutality. it is soft-counter to the synergy because you can recover quickly after eating endurance. another soft-counter is sloppy butcher because you can make healing take longer so it is harder to use FTP.

    your just talking about bodyblocking swf's. bodyblocking swf is like worst killer experience ever. I really hate playing against that because it is like second-chance spamming. your just playing against endless second chances and health-states. it is like playing dbd bully killer simulator for m1 killers. there was many variations of bodyblocking swf. the most classic one was adrenaline+unbreakable+decisive strike. old COH was another version of body blocking SWF. FTP+Buckle up is new version of that. it works because speed boost on health-states and the whole slugging balance.

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 1,695

    a facecamp buys the team at least 2 minutes

    not enough to do all gens and the 3 remaining survivors to escape

    Best case scenario 2 survivors escape and 2 die

    A killer that wants to camp will come prepared with perks to slow down everything as much as possible

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 651

    I run Forced Penance a lot on some builds and it does prevent the combo sometimes because they can't heal for 80 seconds.

    Also there are less people on gens as well, if possible also wait out the timer when they get picked up in case of buckle up.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,053

    This synergy really needs to be looked at and changed. I've run into a 4 stack with this combo+CoH and a Game offering. I 4k'd, but it took 5ever and sucked to play against. They weren't even doing gens. They were just there to hold the killer hostage

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,532

    try to down people on corridors and stuff and bodyblock the ftp user. that is all unless you somehow knew and brought stuff like forced hesitation and/or stbfl.

    also, focus the ftp user down.

  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 297

    I hate when people come up with this logic because most of the times they are also the ones who complain about camping etc.

    But by that logic, camping is fine as well bevause the killer is not chasing anyone and you can do gens in peace.

    Would you rather want them to chase everyone to get more kills?

    See its stupid and thats why its finally getting a change, rightfully.

  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 297

    i hate when people try to invalid something you complain about just because you got a 4k.

    When the locker exploit were a thing a few weeks ago, i had alot of teams abuse it and clipped it but sinde they were too cocky, i still got a 4k and then people trashtalked me and claimed that bug is balanced because i still got a 4k

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,373

    oh yeah for me they are the top priority for tunnelling. people abusing this combo > bt hit takers > good sabo players. but sabo players at least have my respect unlike these other bots.

    seems like tunnelling might be a "counter" to this, but still good luck if multiple people have it.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 515

    I tried this... A lot of times.

    You can literally be looped for near to forever with rapid brutality, around seeming simple objects, like cars.

    I want to like this perk, I can't make use of it as it is.

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 317

    Play Bubba.

    No, seriously, this isn't me memeing or something. He can hit a single survivor twice during his power and he almost totally ignores bodyblocking. He's one of the only killers that can very, very quickly chew through Endurance.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,416

    Alch ring/ tombstone. Who woulda guessed?

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,023

    I’ve been running it on Killers who use their power in chase such as Pinhead and Clown. The impact is not huge especially early on in the game, but once you rack up the stacks and the Survivor decides to do a 360 to confuse you, they make no distance. If the Survivors you went up against had MFT/hope etc and you has a low amount of stacks, the combo barely does anything yes.

    I think a proper counter would be Genetic Limits if the endurance effect did not activate when exhausted, but that’s a dream for now.

  • XshyguyX
    XshyguyX Applicant Posts: 107

    Yeah. This.

    Honestly tho. I play for points. I despise long unnecessary drawn out games bc of unbalanced/synergy builds with swfs.

    It's not about getting a 4k, it's about having a good match. Them not doing gens is irrelevant. It's gameplay that keeps the game from progressing.

    Matches should flow. If survivors are not doing the gens for a long time, and the killer can't get downs bc of synergy builds it stalls the game to long.

    I have limited time per day to play, and my goal is to grind my characters up to all p3 with at least 1 p100 character.

    I need faster matches lol

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 438

    2 survs on gens is still 2 survs on gens?? How is that not gen pressure lol. Especially when they can straight up deny you a down just by pressing a button which also grants a complete chase reset. Youre trying to make it seem like 2 survivors doing generators isnt a lot.

  • hatchetChugger
    hatchetChugger Member Posts: 438

    But thats still gen pressure, no? Especially when you can deny the killer a down + a chase reset just by pressing a button.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,292

    Why is it that the "it had no counterplay/its not fun" argument its never valid when discussing killer issues, old slinger and old legion were easy af to beat, yet they were changed because they were unfun/uncounterable. Much like you said this combo has two people not on gens, that doesnt make it less unfun or counterable, I just hope given your responde you do not argue to change things based on how unfun/uncounterable they are as you show clear bias in this comment.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,404

    Because it is counterable.

    You have eyes and ears, you can usually find the person sprinting after you.

    Likewise, with only two people on gens, the game is going to be extremely slow. You'll have plenty of time to recover.

    I've found the combo to be excellent at delaying a tunnel out, which is great for the game imo. Nobody likes loading in, seeing someone get hooked and then tunneled out in two minutes.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,292

    Didnt people had eyes and ears to counter old spirit too? I absolutelly do not care about FtP+blucke up but it pisses me off how "the visual heart beat is good for disabled player(which is true). But if I complain about audio issues as killer I get the: "use your ears/eyes LMAO". Everytime someone as killer complains about something that isnt fun, they just get replied with the classic git gud, but somehow that answer is not valid with survivor issues to te point of gutting killers because of said complaints (altho some survivor perks have been gutted for the same reason too).

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,404

    Things should be equivalent between the two sides, QoL wise. I don't think there's much debate about that. It's just harder to do with Killer.

    Footsteps are not generally audible anymore. Maybe you could get an arrow like how Alien gets one whilst in the tunnel?

    Also, that didn't work with old Spirit because of the standstill mindgame.