Unpopular Opinions About Each Role

What are some unpopular opinions about each role that you guys have? I'm curious. I have a few of them myself about each role that honestly usually just come up when I'm sucking at the game. I'll start.

For the survivor role from a killer perspective:

  1. Survivors should not have access to endurance in the end game. To me, it's ridiculous that the devs have nerfed so many perks like ds due to not wanting to give survivors a free escape once the last gen is done but stop that line of thinking at endurance. If we're going to treat endgame like a free for all, make it a free for all. The only exception to this I think should be basekit BT because that's there for a reason, but endurance perks should be shut off during endgame if we're going to talk about nerfing perks for the sake of not giving free escapes. (This is honestly my main one for survivor and I'd have to think of another)

For the killer role from a survivor perspective: (Killer ones for me are generally a killer by killer basis, since they all can play very different)

  1. This one goes out to all killers: Please STOP TUNNELING. (not unpopular, I just always need to say it)
  2. Anti face camping feature: Idk if it was intentional or a bug, but this whole thing going on with it where even if the killer leaves the radius before the grace period is up, they get a new grace period every time they enter the radius again. That needs to GO. I thought the system was ok until I saw that start to happen and I was like "Oh hell no." I don't have a problem with an initial grace period, but by letting that period reset every time they leave, you essential tell the killer "You're allowed to face camp, you just have to leave every so often to reset your free face camp timer." If there's a reason the killer should be in that radius, it would stop anyways, so why do they need 7/8 seconds to get back out if they come within the range again? (that one probably isn't unpopular if you've noticed that either that or I'm losing it, but still rather annoying to deal with)
  3. For Wesker: When he hooks a survivor, you should lose all infection. His tunnel game is way too strong because you have to give away your location to get rid of it.
  4. For Wraith: When Wraith is in his cloak, he should work more like Sadako where survivors can go through him. (I know that one is an unpopular opinion. Also if it never happens I realistically would not care, I just find it annoying when Wraith does that)
  5. For Hag: Bodyblocker shouldn't exist, get rid of it. End of discussion.

Again, these are unpopular opinions, or maybe some are popular and I just don't like them also. Either way, this isn't meant to pick a fight with anyone if you disagree with some of these takes. I'm also inviting you to share some unpopular opinions of your own.


  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    I really want to buff Pig... but reading what you have put I'm not going to do that

    Unpopular Opinions....

    Decrease EGC timer... or close the gate with 10 seconds left

    Increase Gen Charges to 100 but have checkpoints at 25%, 50% and 75%... also maybe having the Survivors add a part or gas to the Gens... make Toolboxes make checkpoints that can't be regressed but doesn't add any progress

    Decrease Gen charges to 80 but nerf Gen efficiency for Survivors

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811

    The checkpoints are an interesting idea, I wonder how that could work in game.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922

    Plague shouldn't be able to infect a survivor while they are on a hook. If the survivor managed to avoid getting infected during the chase then they just outplayed her. She shouldn't get rewarded for that. I also think unhooking an infected survivor shouldn't infect it you as you shouldn't be punished for doing what you have to do. (I just hate Plague honestly)

    Distortion is one of the most unfun perks in the game. I don't think it's overpowered or anything I just don't like how a single perk can render multiple perks completely useless and I hate playing with teammates with it because it means that they probably are never going to be chased and the killer is more likely to involuntarily 'tunnel' because they can't locate the other survivor as easily. Same as when I'm playing killer, I don't like how it reduces the amount of survivors I interact with when I run aura perks because it's basically telling me to just keep going after the one guy without Distortion.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Survivor: More than [insert meta here] perks are viable to use.

    Killer: You don't need to be [insert top so and so here] to win as killer, even against swfs.

  • hmeekins
    hmeekins Member Posts: 44

    Unpopular opinions for both sides:

    Let people play the game how they want without constant complaining. I swear this is probably the whiniest community I've seen in any game. It's like the second one side loses they try to find anything to blame their loss on. Gen-rushing is not toxic, it's survivors playing efficiently and you shouldn't expect them to limit their performance so you are more likely to win. On the other hand ######### like camping and tunneling can actually be genuine strategies to win, I had a match not long ago in which I lost 4 gens in about 5 minutes as deathslinger and realized I needed to get someone out of the game soon, after downing someone a survivor unhooked someone who was dead on hook near me so I slugged and went for the unhooked survivor. Yes, this is 'tunneling' but up until this point I had hooked several different people multiple times so I did not just push someone out immediately. Got bitched at by the team at the endgame because I had tunneled and that means I'm not good at killer or something. Again, why do people expect you to make intentionally bad plays because they personally don't enjoy it? I don't enjoy getting blinded when picking up a survivor and losing the down but I'm not going to say you aren't allowed to do that because I don't find it fun. I know I'm ranting but I swear there is always something that someone complains about, not to mention people complaining about the killer you're playing. I swear I've heard some sort of complaint about half the roster in the game.

  • XshyguyX
    XshyguyX Applicant Posts: 107

    I'm all for survivors having endurance and speed perks. I'm all for killers having tracking and slow down perks. We all agree the chase is the best part of the game.

    Killers shouldn't be punished so hard for sticking to a chase, nor should survivors. The game should encourage diversity and chasing. It doesn't. That's the problem.

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,811

    Distortion kills me as killer, I hate facing it so much and one of my friends refuses to take it off whenever we swf and I'm like ready to fly across the country just to take it off their build LMAO

    Also I didn't even think about that take for Plague, but you're right. Why are you able to do that? Like it's only a sliver of infection so what's even the point of it being there as an option to do besides possible tunneling, but even then they're already injured? I'm pretty sure the reason why you get infected by unhooking a fully infected survivor just comes down to how the mechanic works, but I wouldn't be against them changing it so that it doesn't happen upon unhooking a survivor. Even if just to see how it effects Plague gameplay.

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 555

    You are a very brave soul and should be commended and I agree with you.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,955

    SoloQ is pretty fun and how the game should be played.

    ...Man it feels good to say without having to acknowledge the "game will die without SWF" reality 😁

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 385

    Unpopular opinion

    Solo queue is okay, survivor mindset is the problem.

    - Stop thinking about yourself everytime aka Selfish

    - You don't need to use meta perk every game

    - Try changing your loadout to more co-op perk

    - Survivors are not like killer, Killer alone receives all the pressure while there are 4 survivor, the pressure can be shared with other survivor. So try experimenting perk, there more than 100 perk for survivor.

    “random survivor sometime don't want to heal me so i need to use selfcare” => stop this bullshit mindset, please...

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922

    Nice to see someone else feels the same way about Distortion. I thought I was alone in not liking it :)

    The Plague thing might just be me trying to justify my hatred for her but it’s really dumb. Even though it starts as a sliver, you are guaranteed to become fully infected now unless you cleanse. It just feels bad to outplay her and avoid her puke only to then become infected anyway and now you are permanently injured. Weaker and Nemesis can’t infect hooked survivors, so I dont understand why Plague can.

    Getting infected when unhooking another does make sense from a mechanic point of view, but it just feels like you are being punished for no reason. You can avoid getting infected every other way from teammates but when they are hooked you have to become infected because you have to save them.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Allow me to speak for all of us Plague players when I say you don't HAVE to save them :) j/k

    My unpopular opinion is most players on both sides don't understand what balanced looks like nor do they want really want balanced. They just want to get rid of (insert thing that annoys them here.)

  • ProudRinMain
    ProudRinMain Member Posts: 346
    edited October 2023

    1- Spirit’s furin add-on should be omnidirectional.

    Her directional whooshing noise should be really vague for healthy and survivors equipped with iron will. Injured survivors hear the whooshing noise the same as it is now.

    2- revert the changes made to duration add-ons and replace MDR’s downside with something else as it’s not justifiable being there anymore.

    3- punish short bursting by making the power cooldown take longer to recharge but reward accurate long phases followed by a hit ( phasing around the map will not count )

    idk if i have more i’ll write them here 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • M1_gamer
    M1_gamer Member Posts: 367

    i got one for a killer tho not gona state it. if i do ill be completely "canceled" by this community lol

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    K: Killers don't struggle near as much as they make it out to be.

    S: You don't have to escape often to enjoy the game as Survivor.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    Hag can't bodyblock with traps unless she specifically uses an addon that makes them useless...

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,922

    Of course! The counter plays been in front of me the whole time!

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    How can we define what is an unpopular opinion?

    Maybe you mean controversial opinions?

    MFT seems to be one. It's argued so much on here it's like Maurice, no wonder he's dead, because you all keep beating him so much.

    Another is tunneling, gen rushing, and so forth.