Don't Heal Survivors Using Plot Twist

Plot Twist is a perk I use on a regular basis mainly as a way to heal back to full health. Its very time efficient with the speed boost after especially if the Killer is running sloppy butcher so normal self healing is slowed anyway. Combined with a med-kit and the second charge of Plot Twist at endgame, its usually enough that I don't need teammate healing for the entire game.
What I hate more than anything is when I am minding my own business healing with Plot Twist and some random teammate tries to pick me up and I have to fight them just to use my perk. I downed myself on purpose. I don't need or want help. Healing me back to injured is literally a time waste. Please stop. It makes me want to DC.
You don’t have to fight with them. Hold your run button on the ground and then they can’t heal you.
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As above. It's sometimes hard to tell if a team mate has been downed or using PT. I had a situation today where I wasn't sure and ran up to a downed Jake, and a Jill was trying to heal him but he was apparently holding run because she shook her head at me and we both left. I do think they should start using different aura colours or something because it can get confusing.
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Instructions unclear. Let my teammates bleed out.
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I wish there was an icon or something to let others know that I downed myself on purpose.
I stopped using plot twist because I only play in solo q and either:
- Survivors are doing good and plot twist is pretty useless
- Survivors need to reset so I use plot twist but my teammates waste time coming to heal me instead of healing eachother
- There's a snowball situation happening and the last survivor standing brings the killer straight to me in a panic so we all die
The perk is good and fun but is a pain if you're not on comms with your teammates
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I don't know you're using it. I don't really want to waste my time coming off a gen and run across half the map to try and heal you when I don't have to. The perk needs a marker when it's active like others such as Prove Thyself, we'll make it and the boons do or thr aura of the character using it needs to change.
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No one can tell it's being used. The survivors aura should be a different color other than red, or have the plot twist icon above their pic in the hud. But again, testing lol.
Playing one's own game.
Maybe it's intended. Who knows.
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Average survivors are teletubbies that occasionally look at the screen on their belly.
They see someone on the floor and just run over without a second thought. They didn't hear the noice a survivor makes when knock over but still they gonna run over to help. (Which I appreciate honestly)
clam spirit not that popular
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You know you can... hold the run button to interrupt them and heal yourself?
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Early on when someone Plot Twisted near me I would heal them but never finish the heal. Isn't altruistic healing faster than the time to get yourself back up. Not sure why anyone would waste their Plot Twist when I'm standing right there.
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Its a lot less risky after an unhook to split up and heal with plot twist than let the unhooker heal you under hook
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Exactly what this dude said.
Perk is stupidly broken when used with communication, just ok in solo q with dummies.
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How am I supposed to know if my solo queue teammate is using Plot Twist or if they're just getting slugged and have Calm Spirit equipped?
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Calm Spirit doesn't make them dead silent when they're on the ground it only suppresses the scream from being downed, so you can tell its Plot Twist when you get there
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I don't want to waste my time getting there if I don't need to.
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I mean at that point you've already wasted time running across the map and they're probably about to pick themselves up anyway.