Hot take: Adrenaline Vial is weaker than Double Speed on Blight

I'm an avid Vial enjoyer. I've used this addon in just about any combination imaginable. I also have pretty extensive experience on Blight, being on the top 200 for public Steam profiles on Lethal Rush hits. It's my humble opinion that Double Speed is superior to Vial on Blight on most maps.
Vial has three main strengths: two extra rushes to hopefully convert a bad rush into a hit, extreme oppressiveness, especially on two rush hits, because of fast recovery, and ability to take extreme shoulder bumps because of low turn rate. Its main downside is very hefty, however. The turn rate change makes Blight incapable of looping a lot of fillers, or common tiles with lots of clutter. They make his bump logic less efficient, and as a result, less potent. Taking an extra bump could mean a half second lost, that could have possibly converted a whiff into an actual hit.
In my opinion, Double Speed is superior in every aspect that actually matters in a sweaty match. It allows you to secure a hit with more certainty after zoning a survivor, and essentially acts as a free hit at every non-god pallet drop, especially when combined with Brutal. The time lost because of a bad rush with Vial (very likely with how much clutter is on most modern maps, how inconsistent a lot of collisions can be, and simply not being able to correct a bad rush after a collision fails) ends up totaling higher than the time lost having to wait for the extra token recovery from Double Speed. Not to mention Double Speed also has a higher top speed than Vial Crow.
Now, don't get me wrong. I'll run Vial+Crow over Double Speed into most pubs. That's because I don't know which map I'm going into, and the few maps where Vial outperforms Double Speed, it outperforms it significantly (Gideon, both RPDs, Lerys, excessively large maps like Disturbed Ward, Ormond, and Red Forest, and Midwich). However, in most "fair" maps for Blight, meaning Macmillan or Autohaven, Double Speed played optimally with outperform Vial Crow played optimally.
I didn't even know people were claiming Vial is better than double speed ngl.
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A lot of people argue that Vial is Blight's strongest addon. I used to be part of that camp. I changed my mind recently. People say "yeah but Vial is just pure bump logic how can you lose?". You don't always have picture perfect bump logic, and something as simple as a fire barrel being a few feet to the left or right can completely throw off a Vial user, having to use a much further bump logic spot (meaning you're essentially just wasting tokens), and it might be on a filler/tile/realm where you can't simply hug tech into the fire barrel. This is one of those cases where Double Speed can very easily make the bump logic, even with imperfect clutter spawn, and get the hit regardless. Two extra rushes mean nothing if you have to use three more to achieve a worse outcome.
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It honestly is, it adds 2 rushes more mobility
+10%speed less tike to get out of way
and increases your look radius making jukes harder and easy 100°flicks
And decreases recharge time by .5s per token
At the cost of reduced turn speed wich isint even that bad because you can technically hug tech objects even if your not hugging them
4 buffs 1 negative that's a w and the reason it's not a brown
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I said that long time ago that Adrenaline Vial is really hard to use. I only really recommend using it on very very experienced blight players that understand blight's tech perfectly and I also only recommend using it with Umbra salt. turning-rate is very severe drawback on it. The main advantage it has is fast token recovery. it gives pseudo alchemist ring with no conditions. this is really strong advantage but only if you can use hug tech/moon rushing effectively to maneuver his rushes.
Double speed is far superior and much easier to use. Same for C33+C21. These add-on for Blight practically play themselves. Alc ring is also good and can be used with any add-on but i think it shines most in countering Dead Hard and Slugging with iri tag. you can use Alc over yellow speed or with C33 but there ends up being more counter-play for survivor to juke blight within bump logic.
good that other player concluded a similar form of logic after extensively using playing with it. I still Adrenaline Vial is most skillful add-on to use on Blight but most blight player will not likely use it in serious match setting because other options are so much easier with greater power-level.
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Reduced turn rate is pretty bad. Your turn rate goes from being able to do huge arcs to basically being restricted to a near straight line rush. There are a lot of tiles where you can't hug tech. Anything with bumpy collision, or anything that's not essentially flat. Any time where you have sketchy collision and poor bump logic (which has been more and more often with these recent maps and "reworks"), Vial performs worse than Double Speed.
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That's when you use the extra rushes reposition to a spot where you can the 10%speed means they can't leave the loop
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I mean I sort of see it as Thompsons Mix, which was an old add on of Billy's. It was a good add on and paired really well with other add ons, but wasn't great on its own
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Again, if you have a tile where you can use bump logic, you'll perform better on that tile with double speed than Vial. The extra rushes mean absolutely nothing if you can't use the bump logic you have because your turn rate is restricted and you're playing a filler you can't hug tech.
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the thing with thompsons mix is that you purposely miss short billy rushes with carburetor tuning guide. I remember missed cooldown being so short that between short cooldown and short chainsaw rev, you could almost charge your chainsaw to backrev survivors if they dodged the chainsaw in many cases.
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Having more rushes comboed with the crow addon makes him better than double speed, merely talking aout probability, you have two more chances to get a hit thanks to the 7 rushes, instead of 5
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This is an examination in a vacuum, not in practice.
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@dbdthegame Have you used Adren Vial+Shredded Notes much? Whenever I've used it, it just feels so oppressive and doesn't give Survivors a chance to play, that is unless the map is nothing but those Ormond style filler pallets. A worst case scenario 4s CD for rushing is ridiculous. I haven't played double speed enough to gauge the difference between the two combos.
Edit: I just feel I can hold W at those Ormond filler loops and rush down people otherwise.
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Vial+Notes is a meme. And yes, I've used it extensively. Yes, you recover tokens extremely fast, but Vial's base token recovery is more than enough to be oppressive, and not having the extra speed from Crow really hurts for antilooping. Best Vial setup is Vial Crow, but Vial c21/c33/salts are all superior to Vial Notes.
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im my professional opinion blight needs a bubble bath
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Yea guis almost no cooldown on power, + 2 rushes + 10 speed is worse than double speed yes yes.
This must be NA region.
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Aren't you the guy always whining about how overpowered Blight is? You should try playing him sometime, maybe.
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what does that mean? you can just go vial/crow, so you think vial is weaker than rat? yes speed add ons have insane numbers, but vial is also broken if you get the hang of it.
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Yeah, everyone knows by now that Blight is overpowered, so? And adrenaline vial is busted af, if it was weaker, why do they not allow it in tournaments for example? I played Blight plenty of times since his release thanks for the suggestion, he is pretty easy, nothing he does or can do is hard. 👍️
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Bump logic is actually harder on vial by a lot because of the reduced turn rate. Anything but a straight shot means there is a high chance you can slip off collision, especially with how much collision has been butchered over the past couple years. Anything but a shoulder flick is also terrible on blight, because it pulls you in the direction you were going rather than exactly where your looking with normal blight flicks are super easy to dodge.
On some maps vial is extremely strong and on others it's most definitely weaker than double speed.
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I'd say Vial is actually better for worse Blights. The only two things you really need to get value out of it is patience and decent mechanics/positioning.
Double Speed is better for more experienced Blights, not that Adrenaline Vial is bad.
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I would love to see you play blight at the same level I do, if “everything” he does is easy. xD
Your takes on blight always make me laugh.
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They also don't allow Coup de Grace, Remember Me, and even Agitation in some leagues. Does that mean they're overpowered?
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Come scrim then ? You as Blight vs my pug team and me vs yours ? You'll see that you're not as good as you think you are. You'll realise that you are just NA pubstomper playing the strongest killer in the game.
Yes they are banning RNG perks, for example agitation on coal tower is very strong, you have no idea.
Very bad example.
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Come scrim then MR. NA pubstomper with strongest killer in the game. I'll be waiting for the DM for friend code.
Yes on Blight and on Nurse agitation is very strong. In general RNG perks are banned, because why should someone win because of RNG?
Adrenaline vial + Crow is much stronger than Double Speed, ofcourse you have to play differently because of the downside.
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I'll scrim. Gonna DM you friend code now.
Coup and Remember Me are RNG?
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Can you stream it somewhere? :D
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I can if he actually responds. From experience, 95% of people that say "let's scrim rn" ghost you pretty much immediately.
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1 addon < 2 addons? Shocking.
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uhmm yes? Finding obsession first? Or being in chase with obsession in chase the entire game? Yes Remember me is RNG. If you find obsession you have Value if you don't, you don't. And coup de grace is just dumb, some tiles are unsafe because of it, that's why it's banned.
Also I added you for the scrim, hopefully that other guy will send friend code too.
Scrim will be tomorrow, it's almost 1 am here no ones up from my group.
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Both are busted addons that make a ridiculous base power stronger.
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That's actually not the reason why Remember Me is banned. There's a lot of banned perks in most of the popular comp leagues that are banned for reasons outside of being "overpowered". My point being, something being banned in comp doesn't mean "it's broken!!!!!!!!!!"
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I get your point but Adrenaline vial is broken.
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nope, it's literally tested over 80 hours of gameplay lol
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I have 2-3k hours of gameplay on Blight.
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As someone who was within spitting distance of the top 10 blights for a full year (then took a break for vhs) I agree
I think in general double speed is better than adrenaline vial + other addon but if someone is more specialized to use adrenaline vial + another addon they are equal or situationally better, having adrenaline + compound 33 on the game is better than double speed, having adrenaline + crow is better for 2 bump hits and the follow up, adrenaline + shredded notes is just fun.
Yea in general double speed is better but adrenaline vial is nothing to scoff at
In other news look at this pile of rings
many rings