I Wrote a Guide for Scratched Mirror Michael!

It's a little short, only a few pages. If you have any ideas or notes, feel free to comment them!
Thought it was a very good and thorough guide…
a very positive vibe guide, too😌
The “Pretend to Hook Survivors” paragraph had me giggling a bit😄 I often do this when I can tell I got matched w noob Survivors, so they don’t feel the game is too menacing at first.
Overall, when VS or playing as SMMyers, it’s always a fun experience for me, and I always hope to make it just as fun for Survivors I face. There are different levels of intensity I play at depending on what Survivor groupings I’m lobbied with, but they more often than not vibe well w SMMyers matches; Though, my preference is just extensive stalking and hitting the jumpscares well, maybe a couple downs.
These matches feel better, imo, when they aren’t kill/sacrifice games, but I know ppl want the points and do care to not depip, especially in Red Ranks. For this reason, I play Scratched Mirror matches closer to rank reset if I wanna be a peaceful stalky Myers.
Some of my best experiences in DBD were from friendly and memeing Myers players☺️
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I've found Scratched Mirror Myers to be very difficult in the MfT meta, even with the proper perks and addons. Definitely look forward to reading the rest of this; some nice ideas here.
That's a good take on Bitter Murmur. Was one of my favorite perks when I first started playing the game, but sort of fell to the wayside I started earning perks that are actually good. Found myself thinking the other day about what the best way would be to identify and take down the one or survivors who are focusing the most on slamming gens since even quad slowdown doesn't really help anymore. BM might be worth a try.
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Excellent guide.
I LOVE scratched mirror Myers (both playing as and against). Genuinely one of the few things about the game that still scares me as much as when I first started playing.
I played against one just yesterday that used Hex: The Third Seal on Midwich. It was very strong and extra scary but also felt a little bit unfair (I couldn't find hooked Survivors or gens with Deja Vu for the rest of the game). I don't know if you want to add that perk to the guide, but it's definitely a good one for the build. I also like Enduring paired with Brutal Strength. Can help a little in chase (not that you should be chasing all that much) and helps you get into character, you feel more like an unstoppable monster. Sometimes I might run Unrelenting or Mad Grit (though not great perks, they feel "lore accurate" to me).
I know scratched mirror Myers is considered to be more of a meme build and only really good on indoor maps, but I think scaring the Survivors silly is underrated as a strat. I know when I've been scared a few times I start to make stupid panicked decisions. Judging by the way the Survivors run around like headless chickens anytime I have success with the build, I'm not the only one.