After some research about Chucky, I can tell, I'm glad he's in DBD.

Before the research, I've got little to no clue who Chucky even was, since I didn't watch a movie, nothing.
I didn't believe that people here were saying that it's actually a big license, due to his popularity in some regions of the world.
My apologies to those people, I was stupid, I should've done some research before writing anything.=)
Now after seeing Chucky on PTB, I think he's a great addition to the game, I like everything about his design, especially voice lines.=)
He is indeed very welcome in the FOG.
Once again - Good job Developers! And thank you!
This license will not be a flop, I feel it.=)
If you like the killer in game, check out the Child's Play film if you get a chance. It's good stuff! :D
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Be aware that the franchise gets very goofy, very quickly. Of course, that's exactly what some people like about it! There was a continuation / reboot quite recently, that started with "Curse of Chucky" that steered it more towards straight horror.
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Well I've seen at least 200 people say it'll be a huge success.
And I'm sure you've asked ALL of your friends and family members who Chucky is in the past few hours... There's absolutely nothing unhinged about that at all.
15 -
Sounds legit 🤣
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Chucky is one of the biggest licenses that DBD was still missing right along with Jason. Now that we got Chucky and since Jason probably will never happen due to license issues, there really aren't any big fish to catch imho. (For the love of god, don't even mention FNAF).
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The teaser was yesterday. How would you know to ask people for months?
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Yeah well I've seen 2000 say how hyped they are.
Seriously? How did you spend months asking people about a character you yourself have never heard of?
Are you sure you're in your 20's? It sounds like you're in your teens.
13 -
You found 1000 posts being unhappy about the new chapter being Chucky within a day?
Your social media scrolling skills must be legendary with a L
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Don´t say that. I still want Predator and Terminator... there are some big 80s franchises left.
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Seeing how they soft insulted Pulsar in their other cope thread because they probably didn't have a good retort, yeah seems like it.
Also their attitude in their "it's obviously Springtrap" thread was also rather immature.
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You've been saying that you've never heard of him. Now suddenly you've been asking people if they knew of him for months? Someone you've never heard of until now?
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I'll be completely honest: Some way back I was fairly confident Chucky wouldn't fit in and felt it would be too silly. However, recently I've been more open and especially with how the PTB is going he's certainly a very fun addition.
For me, he still has the scare factor of My Little Pony, but DBD doesn't need to be all about horror as much and a sense of humour is needed. Having all killers dark and brooding makes the game rather one-dimensional and different things scare different people, so variety is always good.
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I haven’t seen your reaction in other threads, though I love to see a genuine apology!
also, even for big licenses, there is bound to be people in regions of this world who may not have heard of it still or aren’t even that happy with its inclusion in DbD - and that is okay and a valid reaction. You are not supposed to love everything being added to DbD and it’s okay if you want other licenses over the one being added. Just be reasonable in your comments and don’t attack others over it… (not directed to OP but in general)
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My dude, you're entiteled to your opinion that Chucky sucks...
However no amount of saying "I don't like him, and my friends don't either" is gonna change the fact, that a lot of people know Chucky, a lot of people like Chucky, and a lot of DBD players will be happy to see him in game... He IS a horror icon whetehr you like it or not. I know loads of people who have no interest in horror whatsoever, and outright hate horror films, and even they know who Chucky is.
This chapter will definitely not fail as a result of noone knowing or caring about Chucky... and when you say nonsense like that, at this point, you just come across as bitter and spiteful that it's Chucky, not Springtrap. 😅
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Have they said on why they are not interested?
Personally I'm not that familiar with Chucky myself, but I think the killer design is really good. Relatively low skill floor, relatively high skill ceiling, fun to use power and a totally new perspective on playing killer. That's enough for me to be convinced.
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It's a really bad feeling, when you are wrong, but you don't know about it yet, while you arguing with someone.=)
The mistake was HUGE from my side. But once I understood, that I was wrong - I will admit it and apologise.
It's completely true of what you were saying, no one is bound to like what you like or say. We just need to be reasonable and don't attack others over it.=)
Golden words... Gotta wright it up.👀
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Is it too soon to ask for a Liv Morgan survivor skin?
Seriously though, there are many iconic horror franchises that many people have not heard of, but many more have, and like it or not, Chucky has always been one of the top most wanted killers after Jason. Most of us just thought a doll sized killer would never work.
(But also seriously, Liv Morgan heading a DBD x WWE crossover would slay with the inclusion of Chucky!)
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Yes. Yes he has. Another horror icon joins the roster. Jason is the last true BIG one DBD is missing.
Unless you count the REAL FREDDY KRUEGER...and not the terrible one which they had to unfortunately settle for.. :/
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In theory, I never had any problem with Chucky being in DBD; he's an icon of the genre (maybe more comedy horror, but still an icon).
My reservations were all around how he could be implemented in the game, and whether he could be done justice. I just didn't want to see another shell of an icon added just for the sake of adding a name (like Freddy).
I never even considered BHVR would do something unprecedented like add a third person perspective killer (which is really what makes it work), and they surprised me. I'm happy to have my concerns be relieved.
I don't know how strong or weak he'll end up being, but the uniqueness of his implementation and the voice lines/trash talking alone are worth the price of admission. It's hilarious and totally on brand.
And all of this makes me even sadder we don't have the loud, bombastic, trash talking, Robert Englund Freddy Krueger. Such a waste.
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I feel exactly the same. I was against Chucky being in DbD because I didn't trust BHVR to implement him in a way that was fun, but I never expected they'd have the guts to make him a 3rd-person killer like they did. I'm glad they did because it looks like it works well enough, and his power is fitting and entertaining. And I absolutely love his voicelines, they got the actor for them and there's so damn many and they're all hilarious and fitting. I really respect Chucky's actor, he's been performing the role for decades and he hasn't skipped a beat.
I also agree that Chucky reminds me of how poorly Freddy Kreuger was handled by comparison. It's like night and day.