Killer players, do you play with Low or High graphic settings?
I've been maining Killer for over 5 years now, and I have always played the game at the lowest possible settings. My reasoning is that I don't care if the game looks pretty or not, so this way at least I have an easier time finding survivors.
My best friend, who is a survivor main, called this a 'cheap' tactic and said that if I can run it on high, I should play on high. I always assumed every Killer main played on low graphic settings if possible.
I have it on high because I have it the other way around haha. I see more with high settings and way further into the map than on lower settings.
Also who cares about which setting you play, as long as you have fun? There are so many people using filters and whatnot that change the darkest maps so bright it almost looks like Freddy's dream version of them... now that would be something else.
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I am on the other end of the equation: I play on high settings, because I like the game to look pretty. I played on low for a while, but then got fed up by the too oldschool look, if you get my drift.
I play the game mostly to have fun and not to win by any means possible. Getting the advantage from low graphics and exfoiliated bushes is okay if you went to, but I actually enjoy the game more when it looks kinda pretty, even though I miss a couple of survivors.
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I am on medium but if my computer was better to run 60 fps on ultra stable then i would play on ultra.
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Everything on highest. With more adjustments with Nvidia filters.
Because I love when games looks good, and it's not affecting my gameplay.
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Medium for PC. I set them as high as I can go before I start to get any performance issues, and that's medium for me.
I'll never understand gamers who use those nasty, gaudy looking re-shaders to give themselves a competitive advantage. That said, I do wish it were possible to up the contrast a little when I'm playing on my Switch. On certain parts of some maps, it can be nearly impossible to see anything.
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High settings, I could care less about trying to gain a "competitive edge" in a game like DBD, I have a powerful PC I'd rather my game look nice
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I play with the medium setting because the game runs terribly on high or ultra for me.
I’d love to play with better settings but if I do then my frame rate is horrible. I wish they’d optimise the game better because I can run newer, way more demanding games (like The Outlast Trials, TCM etc.) on max settings with no issues. But playing DbD on max settings? Literally unplayable :(
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I always play on Low graphics, solely for performance reasons.
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I play on Console so I am not allowed :(
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Ultra on PC.
Even if i get some fps drops in some spots. Maybe i am used to this because i play also on PS4 at the same time.
I like it to look good.
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Yup yup
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Lowest on PC for performance reasons. I grew up with terrible graphics and running things at the bare minimum simply because of what was available back then. Playing games with shadows and all those other fancy things just looks weird to me.
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As high as my system allows for optimal performance.
I want any game to look good and find it cringe worthy when I see yt or streamer running on night maps with brightness higher than day maps for me only so the can see survivor better.