The answer to “why do we have bad matchmaking”

Since Chucky’s PTB started matchmaking has, again, taken a turn for the worst. It is even worse than before. Literally people with all hours are thrown in together and, even with 100% bonus on survivor, queuing times are 2 minutes. This makes me believe that, like I already assumed, the biggest offender to bad matchmaking is lower numbers of players. The bad matchmaking started at around Alien’s release with, as far as we can tell, dwindling numbers. Behaviour needs to address this issue. Solo survivor is not playable right now because you loose due to Self Caring babies…
Well… it is no secret that the matchmaking favors short lobby queue times over accurate matchmaking. The devs literally said so themselves and stated that the MMR can pretty accurately predict the outcome of the matches..
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There is only one reason why you cannot play Solo-q and that is SWFs. DbD isn't a survivor-sided game, it's a SWF sided game, and no we can't put SWF and solo-q at to the same place. Why do you think everything about survivors are getting nerfed, because they are OP? Of course not, it's because people with groups abusing the combos, combination in the game. I am a solo-q player, I play as solo in everygame, I've even hit to Rank 1 many times before SBMM added to the game, RBMM was great but you were getting long queues. If you wanted to play at high rank same thing was happening every single time wait ages for to queue then face against two certain killers called The Nurse and The Blight sometimes The Spirit. But in my opinion I prefer that version instead of this one, because solo-q is literally unplayable and terrifying. In this game, they need to bring a special privilege to the survivors who play alone instead with a team, but it's not possible. But I hope they do something about solo-q.
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RBMM was great but you were getting long queues
what?? RBMM didn’t even do what it was supposed to even with short lobby times. Rainbow ranks was a term constantly used and pretty much the norm for a majority of matches… it was also way more common to see these kind of complaints than what we see now (which is also just not working)
also, there are SWF just playing casually as well as solo teams that play very much comparable to coordinated SWF teams. It’s not completely solo vs SWF at all.
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That is my personal opinion and that is yours. But I "personally prefer" to get into 10 hours queue time for the get nice teammates instead of getting totally useless teammates at this gamble MMR.
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I mean… it certainly isn’t a personal opinion that RBMM didn’t work at all. That is a fact.
and for that matter, I would prefer longer queue times for better matchmaking as well. But that wouldn’t happen with RBMM..
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If this is desired wholeheartedly, they can easily solve the problem
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We have bad matchmaking because we have fast matchmaking. If you play at a time when less players are likely to be playing, of course it's going to pull in players of any and all MMRs. It's the only way it can fill a lobby in a reasonable amount of time for both the Killer and Survivors. I'm willing to bet that 2 minute wait for you was probably like a 5 minute wait for the Killer.
Anyone who's played off peak knows the system will cook up the wildest lobbies. I doubt there's so many players on the PTB that it's impacting the matchmaking all that much (maybe only a tiny bit). This is just the standard off peak DBD experience.
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I just don't understand, what the developers want. I am a decent survivor, not the best but definitely not the worst. Pre 6.1 my escape rate was about 50-70%. They wanted killers to be "stronger". Ok. Hence the buffs. They have progressively nerfed survivor since (mainly because of the premades, HUD was the only buff). My escape rate has dropped to around 25% over time, not because of my skills but because of increasingly worse teammates. My escape rate has been 10% since the PTB came out (I played a lot since time off). I mean, at this rate I just don't feel like playing survivor anymore. What is the point of playing a game, where you know you'll loose? I don't care waiting a couple of minutes more if I am getting decent teammates. Right now I'll only play to get the Tome done and then just abandon the game.
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It wasn't different yesterday at peak hours. Yes, most PC players are on the PTB right now.
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It isn’t desired wholeheartedly by the community.
actually, quite the opposite is the case.
i do think streamers/content creators play a large role in this. They usually have much experienced with DbD/gaming in general so they are higher skilled than your average player. Now they definitely prefer short lobby times obviously. But also winning/making fun of your opponent is a big part of (DbD) content creation - and that is best accomplished with a badly working matchmaking system. Just watch some semi-big streamers and you see what I mean - they get matched against players making a ton of newbie/inexperienced mistakes.
i don’t mean to accuse all content creators - there are many that actually speak out against the current (and old) system, especially bigger content creators that don’t rely on the ‚bullying‘ aspect to gain/keep a following.
one big plus of RBMM was that you would actually see that MM didn’t really work as intended. I think we need something like this - not the specific MMR score of each player in end game, but an indication if your opponent in the matches as in range/higher/lower would be appreciated and would tell us, if it’s the scoring itself that is malfunctioning or if it’s just the matchmaking queue times/accuracy
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Many many months back they tested out much stricter MRR queues. It resulted in significantly longer wait times for all. But then the sweats got matched up with just the sweats, and predictably got real sick of each other in no time. So we went back to pretty much what we have now.
I also hold the belief that the old Emblem system was more flawed than the current system. However I do think right now the two biggest issues with matchmaking is not enough players at needed MMR levels combined with lobby shopping. This does vary by time of day and region, but overall feels correct.
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I would still rather have the 20-1 ranking. I felt like I was playing against the right people. I also enjoyed red ranks because anyone there didn't have anything left to prove and I found the matches a lot more fun.
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I prefer to play against sweaty nurses instead of these teammates. The game has a rank system that only works for farming bloodpoints
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Do you have cross play off? I tend not to bother with Survivor at night, because queues are crazy long for me. (I suspect) most Survivors are playing in a SWF and the system struggles to find enough SoloQ players to match with all the duos and trios.
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Yeah, I find a lot of DBD content on YouTube to be pretty cringeworthy for the most part. Sad thing is, this kind of content probably does bring more players into the game, with those players wanting to emulate the playstyles of their streaming favourites.
I'd love to see an indication of my MMR score too, but I don't know of a way to implement it that wouldn't also encourage more sweat. Would be especially interesting to see it for all my Killers, since they each have separate MMRs.
That said, it's usually kind of obvious whenever there's a big mismatch and the MMR system has done you dirty.
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My escape is under 40% in solo queue since I started tracking about 80 games ago. This is as a 4000 hour survivor main mind you... I wonder how low the escape rate is for casual players in solo queue? It's just insane how hard hard solo queue is at the moment. On the other hand I have no issues winning the LARGE MAJORITY of my games as killer. I was a killer main for my first 1000 hours or so and I have gone back to that in the past few weeks. Killer is just braindead easy at the moment. All you do is slap on four meta perks and hard tunnel at five gens. You will consistently destroy the average survivor team you run into in pub matches. I have run into very few teams that actually stand a chance against me when I am sweating to win.
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As 12,5k hours playtime person I agree what you're saying. Because of the SWFs they nerfed everything about survivors, but do you think something will happen to SWFs? Of course not, they will come again with an another combination or combo again. Everything being done now is hurting soloq players. Maybe in the future there will be a feature where we can see the perks of our teammates while entering the match. Or when we press a specific button, we can see the perks used by our teammate standing in front of us, This can happen in other ways too
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It should be obvious, but you will still see those kinda content creators claim they themselves are ‚high MMR‘ and actually play against high skill opponents. It’s laughable, but still there are many naive followers that just believe them and spread these kinda lies…
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If the Devs would implement restrictions to SWF groups, forums and social media will be flooded with „you can’t punish/ restrict/ balance people for playing with their friends.“
This BS gets shouted every time someone dares to mention that the power of SWF needs to be brought in line with solo players.
Not even disallowing duplicate perks and items (like in most comp events) is accepted.
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Comp evens are not equal to public matches and definitely shouldn’t be treated the same??
also, if you implement such restrictions, there will be people finding ways to circumvent them, eg lobby hopping to get with their friends in the same lobby without using the in-game swf option.
and you would be punishing people casually playing with their friends…
instead, maybe they should continue to focus on bringing soloq closer to swf level like what they did with the in-game action hud
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That swapping of lobbies to get paired up with friends was exactly what the players did back in the weeks before SWF was added into the game. Imagine what that level of dodging would do to queue times and MMR these days! 😂🤣
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Good luck trying this today.
Back then we had a lot less players and the game used steam servers, which you could easily change. Also, matchmaking back then was actually a lot more strict, when grades/ranks were used.
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I agree with you.
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No, Much stricter MRR queues were a lot of fun. The killer players were experts and so were the survivors. Now the killers are mostly babies and the survivors are pooping in the corners of the map and it's really boring.