Thoughts on Sprint Burst and Lithe?

Now with upcoming MFT nerf, i am seeing more people are using these 2 perks. Probably people are trying to adept new meta.
Your thoughts are on these perks? They are fine or you dislike these perks as well?
They are fine.
(I don't think I need to say why)
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They are totally fine and balanced perks.
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Fine perks. Nothing wrong with the perks :)
Actually went back to using Lithe, since MFT nerf is incoming and i want to get used to not being 3% faster everytime im injured.
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They are fine. Even in the small timeframe between nerfing DH and the appearance of MFT, when everyone was running SB or Lithe, it wasn't the "OME SPRINTBURST APOCALYPSE! YOU KILLER MAINS WILL WISH YOU NEVER ASKED FOR THE DH NERFS BECAUSE SB IS SOOO MUCH STRONGER!!!1111" that so many players warned about. Sure, sometimes it was a bit grueling to have everyone SB away as you approached a gen, but that was no comparison to regularly have your price taken away 45s into a chase, literally 4 frames before the down.
So okay, SB-Apocalpyse, you got another chance. Show me what you got.
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When Chucky comes out, assuming they make no changes to Scamper, then you’ll see more Lilthe gamers lol.
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They're fine. Like, I'll roll my eyes a little bit when a Lithe user zips through a god window and makes a ton of distance, but ultimately it's a non-issue. When Dead Hard got nerfed and now when Made For This is in the process of getting nerfed, I've seen people complain/warn about the oncoming "SB/Lithe spam", which is gonna be annoying, sure, but doesn't even remotely compare to how infuriating DH/MFT were in their prime.
People have been used to facing these perks at an incredibly high pickrate for years, it's not gonna change much when we get back to them over MFT.
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They're fine. But Sprint Burst was always better than MFT anyway.
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SB and Lithe is fine.
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Sprint Burst and Lithe are completely fine, I actually enjoy playing against those perks most of the time.
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Obviously, for the killer both of these perks are a bit annoying. The survivor makes distance, which prolongs the most boring part of the chase; catching up. But they are both fine.
They are strong but not as stupid as a permanent 3% haste effect and there is more room to play around both of these perks. I am happy with these 2 being the most popular exhaustion perks. Also, I respect the skill of managing SB throughout the match.
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People complained about both of those perks after DH was nerfed & before MFT released. I know a handful of killer mains are here saying they’re fine (now) and that people won’t complain about them (a lie), but I guarantee you in a month or more you’ll see a bunch of killer mains complaining about them. Again.
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Yep, this will happen.
Strengthwise I dont mind either of them. (But this was the same for DH and Made for This)
But I hate to go against Sprint Burst. It makes every area safe and the Survivor can repair a Gen until the very last second without any real danger.
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Why is this even being asked?
"Now that we got mft out of the way, what's next guys?".
Feels like.
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They're fine.
They might be annoying to deal with but Dead Hard and MFT are so much worse. SB and Lithe will probably be the best exhaustion perks in the game but I bet I'll still prefer playing against that then nerfed MFT + Dead Hard.
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I have yet to see the floods of complaints about both of these perks. Neither before DH validation, after DH validation, all the way to 6.1.0 and even after 6.1.0, had I seen more than a handful of people saying that SB and Lithe were anything but fine. The few that I did see got quite a few people disagree with them. Way more than any DH posts. So these were a small minority.
And honestly, there have even been complaints about killers using Lightborn and / or Shadowborn. So it's fair to say that you will always find a few people complaining about everything, if you dig deep enough.
I won't sing Lithe's and SB's praises, but I can promise you, you won't hear any complaints from me either.
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It's more that this thread is getting on record that the perks are fine as they are, judging by the fact that no one is arguing otherwise right now.
But once MfT nerf goes live you can be assured 100% that the 'next worst thing' will be complained about incessantly. Since SB/Lithe seem to be the go to perks after each dead hard nerf, there's a really good chance these will suddenly become 'problematic' again.
It's really just code for whatever killers want to blame for losing a game every now and then. Usually chase perks, because blindly following survivors and kicking gens and pallets on cooldown is apparently the preferred play style for a disturbing number of players.
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News flash - people complain about things that annoy or impede them. It doesn't mean that it's actually problematic. Different people will complain about different things and for anything in the game, there is someone out there, somewhere, that will complain about it. It doesn't mean that you have to put any stock in what they are saying. Fix that thing that annoys them most and they'll complain about the next thing.
Both sides do it because it's a player thing, not a "killer" or "survivor" thing. It's happened with every single nerf, without fail.
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"[...] but I guarantee you in a month or more you’ll see a bunch of killer mains complaining about them. Again." ~ @Ayodam
Correct me, if I'm wrong but "a bunch" is mostly used synonymous to "a lot", is it not? English is not my mother tongue, so it is entirely possible I am wrong about this, but that is the way I understand it.
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theyre fine. not game breaking as mft. if you want to 99 sprint burst for chase that means no gens and just running around to keep it at 99. other than that its mainly used at the start of a chase. lithe will also activate once during a chase on the first fast vault (they can 99 but again itll be running and no gens). plus they mean no dh lol
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They are strong but absolutely fine.
I'm gonna enjoy seeing more survivors using them.
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I am using SB + Vigil lately, i am enjoying so much lol. It feels like i am having SB almost all time.
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They're fine but once mft is nerfed, some killer players will need to find another perk they can blame when they lose and I guess it'll be those 2.
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I generally agree with your sentiment here, it is a player thing.
It doesn't mean that you have to put any stock in what they are saying
The devs do, apparently. It's been very consistent over the past year and a half that just about everything from perks, loops, maps, and base game mechanics have been nerfed, and the vast majority is because people believe that complaining early, loudly, and as often as possible is what gets things nerfed.
The only way to combat that is to address things directly, like this thread is doing, where you can say plainly and specifically that, no, these perks aren't an issue. Because I'm very confident that the narrative in a few weeks (i.e. post MfT nerf) will move the goal post to the next MaJoR IsSuE that is perfectly fine.
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I get that, and mostly I was addressing the "Killers will do this" statements when it's not a killer issue, it's a player issue.
I will say that *for the most part*, the devs recognize these as outcry as the minority and mostly seem to look at volume of complaints vs usage rates. Jolt/Surge is a good example. After the last round of gen regression nerfs, there were complaints about Jolt and it has a high usage rate, but the number of complaints was far less than what the previous kick meta perks had. Jolt hasn't been touched (and it shouldn't).
That's what I meant by not putting stock in every complaint. Just because a couple people complain, it doesn't represent a whole community and that is *usually* recognized by the devs.
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They been fine and still will be
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Lithe required a window and sprint is used automatically if you run. I don't mind either one.
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I feel like MFT nerf will not go through or will get buffed in some way. I think dramaturgy and Lithe might become more popular but I am not sure.
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Dramaturgy is pretty meh perk. It can be useful tho but there is a lot risks to use it. And plus you need to be healthy for use it. I don't see this perk becomes meta, especially on comp level.
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What do you mean you're seeing more people use them? These perks never left any of my games (Killer or Survivor). As I've said before, MFT has never been as popular as any of these perks. I barely ever saw it. I think maybe only Overcome is a rarer perk than MFT.
They are definitely the best exhaustion perks you can run (with Lithe being my personal favourite). Strong, but they don't need nerfing at all. Smash Hit and Head On are way less useful but more fun, and lately I've been running these perks often for that reason. Even if I hardly ever get value from Smash Hit, since I'm no good at timing pallet stuns.
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Sprint Burst and Lithe are fine.
This thread feels like it's fishing for us vs. them arguments, as if these forums don't have enough of those already.
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I’m fine with Sprint Burst since it requires some micromanagement to use effectively.
Lithe is mildly annoying but fine in terms healthiness. Also it’s not as effective on certain maps (The Game) which helps balance it.
I wouldn’t be upset with them being meta, but when I play Survivor I’m just going to stick with Balanced Landing, especially with Hawkins being back.
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you can tell the game goes into the right direction when the next best thing - Lithe - was released over 6 years ago.
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I never minded them. Granted I like characters like pinhead and slinger, who'll keep you from escaping with those. Or blight, who'll catch up.
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Neither one of these perks is a priority. Windows of opportunity is the perk that should be nerfed next. The pick rate is out of control, and it can affect the first chase of the game way too much, because all the pallets are still available.
Does everyone remember dead hard got nerfed so it wouldn’t affect the first chase of the game? Windows of opportunity still has that issue, where it allows survivors to just bring the killer from pallet to pallet to pallet.
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So if we are gonna nerf perks just for pick-rate, then WoO won't be nerfed alone. PR is almost on all killer builds.
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The pick rate of WoO is out of control, even when compared to pain res. PR isn’t “almost on all killer builds”. None of the stats support that claim.
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Out of control? Last stats just shows it has 29% pick rate. And it has 34% on NL right now. If that's out of control, what was old Dead Hard?
PR has 21% pick-rate and the most popular killer perk atm. So if we are gonna hunt most pick-rated perks, PR will be nerfed too. Treatment happens equally for both sides. But we can't nerf perks just because they are being using so much. If there is balance issues, i am sure BHVR will take care it but there is not. Pick rate should never be nerf reason unless if there is balance issues like i said.
So i guess after MFT's nerf, our new excuse will be WoO?
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WoO isn’t a new excuse. I’ve been complaining about it long before MFT existed.
And if you want to have a 20% pick rate cutoff, then we should be needing Adrenaline too. I usually don’t run pain res, because I think scourge hooks are unreliable, so if these perks need to be nerfed together, then whatever.
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I am not saying cut these perks just because of pick-rates. I am completely against that.
But by your logic, yeah we should nerf all of these. Any perk which hits +20% should be nerfed then. I don't think this is good idea tho and i doubt devs will nerf these perks just cuz that.
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My logic was perks that have massively overpicked pick rates, which was WoO and MFT. You’re the one that wanted to throw in a pain res nerf because of “if survivors get nerfed, then killers should be nerfed too” spite.
Yes, when perks start getting near 30% pick rate, they should be nerfed, and both WoO and MFT were up there. But if you want to throw in other perks out of spite, then sure, let’s nerf them too.
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Both are fine.
Lithe means you can't fast vault without activating it, so you can't loop efficiently. Meaning, you'll either burn your lithe early, or you'll burn a pallet early.
Sprint burst means you have to walk in order to not activate it. Slowing you down. Sure, you could always 99 it, but then you can't do anything at all (not even fall from a decent height) or you have it ready again. Additionally, it always activates right at the very start of a chase, making it much easier to play around. See 2 people on a gen and one of them sprint bursts away? Guess you know which one you are chasing.
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Since you want to drag logic into this, let's go with that.
2/3 of the player base aren't even using the perk.
Hardly seems justified for a nerf.
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…and the answer is that I’m chasing the survivor that just used Sprint burst, because they already used their exhaustion perk, so I don’t need to worry about MFT, or dead hard, or lithe, or any other exhaustion perk.
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Seems like most people seem to think they're fine.
The same old contrarian users are looking into their crystal balls again and painting people in a bad light, but this is nothing new.
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Don't know, are they new?
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Please no more nerfs outside of maybe blights add ons. Of course good perks are gonna be picked by the majority because they are you guessed it good. Too many people are in the mindset of this perk got nerfed let's see what's next.
If windows gets nerfed then there's a huge problem in my fellow killer main community(I'm like 97% killer). It doesn't help you if you suck at looping and most sweat lords don't need it. Sprint burst and lithe are perks that require know how to use. If you sprint burst/lithe into a corner or bush it's not gonna help at all, I know I'm that survivor I can't loop to save my life literally.
Instead of crying for nerfs we should be advocating collectively for bugs and bs mechanics to be fixed. Once that's done maybe then look at balancing issues.
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Yeah but dead hard was a 3rd health state perk and in its old form it had I-frames
WOO is just an aura reading perk and the only reason it has a high pick rate is either because
a. Survivors don’t wanna make mistakes mid chase cause most of the second chance perks got nerfed so now if they screw up in chase they don’t have a second chance perk that resets the chase
b. It’s mostly used by soloQ players to know which pallets have been used and which haven’t cause they don’t have any comms who inform them which pallets have been used and which haven’t been used
c. Mostly new players who discovered the perk and are now using it cause they don’t know how to loop
the perk is fine and it’s not problematic compared to what used to be in the survivor top pick-rates a few years back
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Big hinderance to balancing.
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They're fine as is
SB: Timing is everything plus once used the Killer has 60+ seconds to catch and either hit or down
Lithe: Gotta be near a Window or dropped Pallet to get value plus once used the Killer has 60+ seconds to get the hit or down
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Nice to see a topic that everyone regardless of role agrees on. It's kinda heartwarming dudes and dudettes 😁🤘