Which of the free survivors has the best perks?

Just thought this would be an interesting discussion since I'm starting a new account on my xbox and as I was a newbie so I went with Feng. Who do you think has the best perks? This also includes Feng and Ace since I'm on console.

Also suggestions would nice but I'm mainly looking just for opinions.



  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,013


  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 822


    2 S tier perks

    1 A tier perk

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,745

    Difficult for me.

    If it is a new account i would try to level up all og chars first. Feng is a good start imo.

    Everyone of them has good perks.

    At the moment i always run bond from Dwight.

    Technician from Feng is good for newer players with problems with the skill checks.

    Claudettes Self Heal and Botany you can still use in combination to heal almost at normal speed.

    Jakes Calm Spirit is top at the moment to counter Ultimate Weapon.

    Top free perk to start is Kindred.

    As Kate was in my Special Edition - she has Windows of Opportunity - also very good perk.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    used to be david :( but now probably meg but for a newbie might be claud for self care and botany

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    Meg not even close adrealine and sprint burst one of the best survivor perks. Quick and quiet is good as well.

    Feng has very good sprint perk lithe and easier to manage for beginners her other perk technician might be good for beginners if you miss skill checks.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,948
    edited November 2023

    Toss up between Meg, Feng, Claudette and Felix for me.

    Meg: obviously all 3 are great/good perks for survivability in chase.

    Feng: all 3 perks are solid and has a nice range of utility. V good chase perk, massively underrated info perk, and technician can mitigate some early game hiccups.

    Claudette: Empathy is IMO one of the best info perks you can have. Massive range, helps with healing team, helps track the killer when combined with the HUD. Botany Knowledge is great, especially in the Sloppy meta. Self Heal can also be pretty clutch when you have limited medic pack charges, and if you need 1 of you to go back to gens but also can't afford to stay wounded.

    Felix: I like every perk here... Desperate Measures saves seconds here and there that mounts up over the game, nice it affects your own medkit. Visionary is fine for gen info, and handy on indoor maps. Built To Last makes the scary toolboxes pure evil.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    Meg. Easily Meg.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,504
    edited November 2023

    Count me as another one for Meggie pie. Shocking, I know.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,150
    edited November 2023

    For a totally new player on console, I'd say Feng has the best perks for a beginner.

    On PC, I started with Dwight. Bond is a helpful info perk for finding survivors working on gens (and for getting the most out of his other perks Leader and Prove Thyself). The most helpful thing that you can be doing as a new player is working on gens.

    Claudette has some great altrusitic perks if you want to be the team healer. I don't think Self-Care deserves the hate that it gets if you use it efficiently.

    Jake's perks are good if you want to be stealthy (if you can unlock them for Ace, one of the quietest Survivors, you will be very difficult to track).

    Meg's perks are the strongest, but also the hardest for a new player to make the most of. I still haven't worked out how to use Sprint Burst all that well and I have 800+ hours in the game.

    Bill's perks are OK but situational. Ace, David and Nea have the weakest perks of all the free characters, imho. Prestige these guys last.

    Some of the best Survivor perks in the game are the general ones. Deja Vu, Lightweight, We'll Make It, Kindred, Dark Sense, Hope and Resilience are all worth trying out.

    Also, focus on unlocking the Stranger Things Perks to tier III for at least one of your Survivors before they become exclusive again. They're mostly pretty decent (especially the healing ones).

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Meg or Claudette depending on your playstyle probably.

    Empathy is legit the best info perk for solo queue in my opinion, and botany is always nice if you have a spot for it. (we don't talk about self-care)

  • awustzdn
    awustzdn Member Posts: 320

    Meg. It's not even close, I don't think there's even a single survivor free or paid that has comparable perks to Sprint Burst + Adrenaline, and Quick & Quiet is great too for some builds.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418
    edited November 2023

    Meg, for sure. She’s great for newbies who aren’t too confident with being chased, and Adrenaline/SB still being meta all these later is a testament to their power.

    I’d probably then say Dwight as a close second. Whilst he has no chase-related perks, his basekit encourages good teamwork/co-ordination.

    A couple years ago I would’ve included Claudette in this discussion as Empathy/Botany Knowledge are great perks for helping your teammates. However, since Self-Care got a huge nerf I wouldn’t reccomend her to newbies. Self-care encourages baby survivors to run to the furthest corner of the map to spend ages healing themselves. Since self-heals got a nerf and anti-healing builds became more popular (Sloppy, Coulrophobia, etc.) it’s so damaging to a team for someone to be self-caring when it can take literal minutes with certain killer perks.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,836


    adren and sprint burst are S tier, quick and quiet is decent

    all the other free survivors usuallly have 1 good perk then 2 okay/really bad perks

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,327

    It's definitely Meg, she's got two S-tier perks and even the third is pretty solid.

    However, Claudette is way closer than people give her credit for. Empathy is an unrivalled info perk for tracking your teammates, Botany Knowledge is one of the stronger perks in the game right now, and even Self-Care does have its place even if it's admittedly far and away the weakest of her three.

    Honourable mention should go to Dwight. None of his perks are particularly flashy or stellar, but they're very serviceable and useful for newer players.

  • SeveralOnions
    SeveralOnions Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Just a Claud main quickly chiming in. Meg is pretty awesome but it took a good while for me to learn how to use Adrenaline and SB to the best of their ability. If you just slap them in a build without thinking about how you want to use them, they aren't going to get nearly as much value as Botany Knowledge or Empathy. I exclude self-care because while it's swag in some situations, you really need to bring other perks to buff it, and her other two don't require any support.

    I like Claud's perks bc they're incredibly passive but still manage to provide some Really strong utility without relying on mechanical skill or game knowledge. They're really great for when you're just starting out and you're too busy figuring out how the game works to get active value out of your build.

  • Ikalx
    Ikalx Member Posts: 135

    Claudette. Even with the nerfs none of her perks are less than good, especially when used together.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    Meg got 2 powerful and 1 decent perks but I'd recommend Dwight first to new players.

    Bond is very good for solo survivors to decide what to do reading teammates auras.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I would say it depends on your playstyle. I know everyone in the thread is all Meg, Meg, Meg but I honestly don't care for any of her perks except maybe Adrenaline. Personally, I'd go for Feng. I find lithe much easier to use over sprint burst and I really like alert. It gives a shocking amount of information over the course of a trial. Technician is admittedly awful.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    Dwight, Meg is a close second

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    What gets me is that 6 years later she still has the best perks in the game. Every other survivor perk since has really failed to measure up.

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 555

    I feel the same I only like Meg for Adreniline. Feng was my first main. Lithe is a lot easier to save. Though Dwight is also nice for bond as well which is an essential part of my build.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 1,064
    edited November 2023


    Empathy is good for keeping track in where the killer is along with injured teammates, and Botany Knowledge is really good for the speedy heals.

    I understand Self-Care is considered a killer perk, but paired with Botany Knowledge can be quite strong if you have no items at the time being.

    Meg is a close second, in my opinion her perks are for more experienced players who are starting to get better.

    Post edited by Spirit_IsTheBest on
  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956
    edited November 2023

    That's just not true. Think back to Laurie. She had old OoO and DS, which were horribly broken. Or Ash with old Mettle of Man. Or Mikaela with Circle of Balance, which needed 3 nerfs because it was that broken. Or Gabriel with MfT.

    There have been other survivors with good perks. Perks that were even better than Meg's and needed to be nerfed. But when you compare one survivor that has perks that are as strong as can be without being broken, then it's only natural that most others will look bad in comparison. They just hit the sweet spot with Meg's perks and the fact that all 3 of her perks are this good doesn't hurt either. They are the exact maximum amount of powerful without being broken or unfair.

    Post edited by Xernoton on
  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
    edited November 2023

    I’m talking about perks that are the best now. Not perks that were really broken/OP or good once upon a time. To use your example, Laurie’s perks aren’t good right now. OoO isn’t good unless you SWF, DS sucks, and Sole Survivor encourages a style of gameplay people here really seem to dislike (playing self-preservingly since the benefits only come into play when you’re the final survivor alive in the trial). Characters have released after Meg with perks that are currently good (like Kate, another really old survivor, and Feng. Same thing.) but all of Meg’s perks are still among the best and very, very few other survivors can claim that. I can’t even think of one who bats 2/3 let alone 3/3. And while opinions aren’t unanimous, people here loudly complain about her perks being broken/unfair pretty often.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Meg by a landslide. David used to be close with old Dead Hard and WGLF upping BP gain which is -really- good for new players but now his perks are garbage for new players.

    Adren and Sprint Burst are not only both really good but not terribly-difficult to get use out of, so even newer players can use them, unlike some other strong perks. Quick and Quiet also isn't bad either, just not great.

    Claudette has Empathy and Botany Knowledge which are both decent, but Self Care will likely be used badly by newer players so I can't suggest it.

    The others mostly have like one decent perk but the sheer strength of Meg's perks just make her by far the best free survivor for a new player to prestige. Heck, even if you threw in all the DLC survivors I'd still probably say Meg's the best to prestige first.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    That's kind of exactly my point though. You can't have any perks stronger than SB and Adrenaline because that is where we draw the line between balanced and broken. There have been a lot of useful perks since. But they aren't quite as strong, so people just go ahead and call them bad. This is a phenomenon that both sides are guilty of.

    Take Surge for example. It was really slept on until 6.1.0 came and other regression perks were nerfed (Surge was also buffed, but that didn't make a huge difference). Just because there are better alternatives doesn't mean something is bad.

    I'd say the fact that Meg's perks are still among the best is a sign of good balancing or at least a sign that they did something right. Because it shows, that they resisted any form of power creep so far. It is true though that both sides have their fair share of characters with bad perks. So, I can't say I'm all that surprised that there weren't many cases of characters with 3 good perks.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    You say they’re balanced, others believe they’re overpowered. What lends credence to your opinion versus anyone else’s? Why do we use what you think as the measure of what is balanced/fair? (I agreed that they’re good, balanced perks but I know others disagree).

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,956

    Luckily, I am not the one responsible for balancing at BHVR. That's a headache I don't need to deal with. So, I can express my opinions, hear others respond and say I either disagree or agree without it having any major consequences.

    SB and Adrenaline are widely considered fair. You will find someone somewhere that claims they are overpowered, if you look hard enough, but for the most part we agree that they are fine. So, I'd say it's not just my opinion but that of (probably) a majority of players on both sides.

    You raise a good point, that there is no well defined norm to measure, if a perk is just strong or overpowered. Personally, I consider SB and Adrenaline fair because 1) both perks have downsides, 2) they can be played around (<=> counterplay) and 3) they have an achievable skill cap to get max value out of, so you don't get free value without doing something for it.

    Of course, though, if someone were to challenge me on this, I couldn't possibly defend it by saying: "It's the objective truth." Instead, I'd need to defend it by arguing why both perks are fine and explain why any extremes are either too niche to be considered in the grand scheme of things or aren't as bad as they may seem. There are things in this World, that can't be defined by any norm. So we can't get any number values to explain the strength of different perks and compare them.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675