The upcoming standalone survivor! Make your guesses!

Real Life Celebrity? Licensed? Original?
For the record, my money is on Elvira, Mistress of the dark
Original Survivor most likely, and probably with some new type of Survivor perk mechanic, the same way how Mikaela introduced boons into the game.
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I'm betting on an original survivor.
Ain't no way they got that many high-key licenses back to back.
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J. Jonah Jameson. Someone said they had hinted us towards 3 upcoming chapters with the letter "J". At some point I'll have to be right about it!
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Hoping for Sidney Prescott!
but I also kinda hope they will bring something fresh - like new survivor items, the offering rework (both already confirmed to come at some point)β¦ or just new general stuff.
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Some original Survivor with a somewhat sad Lore and lots of backpack-cosmetics.
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And watch these cosmetics be super popular but the community will complain that nobody likes them.
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Rubi Malone from Wet. Still waiting on that sequel BTW BHVR.
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Why you throwing shade at backpacks?π
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lots of backpack-cosmetics.
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Praying for Elvira myself as well
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Clearly Jingtrap
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Agree with this
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This comment wins the internet π
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I never knew Wet was made by BHVR π²π€―. Fun game.
For me, RJ MacReady or Keith David.
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Ah, was more of a joke. Because at some point BHVR started to release Cosmetics with Backpacks and nowadays so many Survivors have Cosmetics with Backpacks. I mean, even the AoT-Skins had part of their ODM-Gear on the back, where it should not be, just to fulfill this backpack-fetish.
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Mr Bean
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Can it be?!? Tony the Pimp from Demons?!
The stars are aligned!!!
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I know it's not gonna happen, but I would love to see some non-human survivors. Let's say, with the popularity of BG3, they introduce an elf survivor, or a dwarf (that would be hilarious and abused by every survivor player since they would be way less visible), or something like that.
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I would like it to be just small things.
like elf ears
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There must be some costume which brings elf ears. Doesn't the Christmas Dwight got them?
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sure, but an actual Elf like human. evolution cant be 100 the same across the dbd multiverse.
a consistent but small feature across there cosmetics.
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Itβs the Fonz.
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I feel we lack historical figures.
I think it will be Diogenes.
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If it's an original standalone Survivor, I have my fingers crossed for Carl the Cashier
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Tucker and Dale from Tucker and Dale vs. Evil would be great picks too. They could share a survivor slot, like Legion does.
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Original and make her hotter than Kate. If its a dude then someone as cool as Leon.
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Elvira would fit perfectly
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I'd love to see Elvira.
But I agree with this π
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I'd love ELvira, but if it's original I hope it's Mikaela's missing friend Julian
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I'm going to guess at this being an original Survivor, since during the anniversary period they said the next 2 chapters would be licensed. "Child's Play" would be the second "chapter" (I still think it should be a "paragraph", but whatever), so it makes me believe an original is on its way. Not 100% sure though, because they may consider the separate Killer/ Survivor bits as half a Chapter.
If it's original, it may be a little like Michaela, insofar as it will introduce a new style of perk mechanic to make it stand out, or it could be a huge character from the lore like Vigo or Benedict. However, if it's licensed I'll go with either Elvira or Alan Wake.
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Original, and hopefully female. We've had too many male survivors lately
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I love that you say "make her hotter then Kate" like that's even remotely possible ππ€£π
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Iβd love Sydney from Scream. Sheβd be my main.
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It would definitely be a challenge. π
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Tony Hawk
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Ursula Richter π¬
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Personally hoping for Buffy but I'd be down for Elvira. I really, REALLY don't want it to be another BHVR Original because I know they'll throw some turbo-meta overtuned garbage on them that'll overstay it's welcome in a week.
I do wonder if we'll get another Killer standalone next year though, there being 2 standalone survivors this year kinda throws off the semi-chapter vibe that paragraphs of the past have had.
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Too many males? Project W gave us Ada and Rebecca, Tools of Torment gave us Thalita, and Alien gave us Ripley. The male survivors we've received are Vittorio, Renato, Gabriel, and Nic Cage. That's 4 females to 4 males, an even split. Granted, Project W was over a year ago, but still, the roster is mostly even.