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Why is BHVR releasing one terrible designed killer after another?

xEa Member Posts: 4,105
edited November 2023 in General Discussions

This game used to be actually good. The Sound is amazing, the concept is creative and has potential to be great. Graphic overall is good but even at this department, the game went downhill (look at all the new maps, all terrible, dont look and dont feel like DBD at all).

But the killer design has become so extremly bad the last years.

I mean, just look at the killers that came out the last 2 years. What is that please?

Artist: Lock the loop, you leave as survivor or you are dead. No where to leave? Unlucky.

Onryo: The pubstomper. She has that name for a reason.

The Knight: Drop a Guard during a chase, get a hit.

Xenomorph: Drop the pallet and get hit, dont drop the pallet and get his anyway.

The Skull Merchant: Sets a drone, leave the loop or get hit, go to the other side of the map with her, random drone hits you, slows you, dead.

The only decent Killer that has ANY form of nice interaction is actually Mastermind. He is not the greatest, but he is fine. Singularity is kinda MEH.

It makes me honestly sad to see what this game became and how the devs have absolutly no clue what actually fun in this game is and what is not.


  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited November 2023

    Why would it be money? They could have actully gone for good killer design, instead they keep releasing those "drop something somewhere, get a free hit" crap.

    And why would they ban me for saying that? It is my opinion that those killers are terrible designed. Terrible is the only word that comes even close to how bad they very very unfortunatly are.

    Or is anybody here who truely thinks "Yea cool! Finally a game against a Skull Merchant/Knight/Artist ect"?

    Post edited by BoxGhost on
  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    BHVR certainly has the capacity to create something entirely new, especially in regards to Killer design and power, they simply just haven’t done so in a long time.

    With the exception of The Twins and Knight, everything they’ve produced since Chapter 11 has been a monster mash-up of other Killer’s powers. In March of 2024 that will be 5 full years of basically reoccurring Killer combo powers.

    Hollywood does the same lazy approach by remaking or reworking old movies with “new” or “updated” spins on them (Chase music, aesthetics, lore etc.).

    DBD players have pretty much been paying money every 3 months (w a couple exceptions mentioned) to watch the same movies for half a decade.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    That is true by any means, but what i dont understand is why they create obvious crap? Why not go for the interesting killer over and over again? Hillbilly, Demogorgon, Wesker, Blight are most often considered to be extremly fun. For surviors AND killer.

    They probably have brainstorming sessions and meetings where someone must have come to the idea of a killer who can set drones by a single mousebutton which injures survivors, make the killer faster and the survivor slower, with absolutly 0 counterplay during chase. And to make it more fun, let the survivors mend aswell. Because you know, everybody in this game hates a good chase, but it is much more fun to mend.

    And someone said YES, thats a GREAT idea! Lets do this. And they did it, multible times.


  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 3,916

    Chucky is good, no?

    In terms of fun, he seems on par with Wesker for me.

  • jonifire
    jonifire Member Posts: 1,437

    I liked Onryo before the rework. Playing as her and against her was fun back then.

    Xeno isn‘t that strong you can easily just run around things and he misses all the time.

    Chuck I think will be fun, we will se him tomorrow.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,542

    If we're going by that, then every killer in the history of DBD has been awful and the game died 7 years ago. Only that's not really the case, is it?

    There are killers that definitely need some changes but honestly, what do you want? Wesker has been extremely popular and survivors have massively complained him. Because they only saw that specific killer again and again. Designing the same power 20 times with a new coat of paint will only lead to the same issue. Variety is key here. And we definitely have a wide variety of killer powers.

    As for the killers you claimed to be good, 3 of them aren't. Blight is massively overtuned. Demogorgon has pretty weak addons and his base kit is also not that strong. His pick rate before the removal of the Stranger Things chapter wasn't all that amazing either and you will find people, who complain about him as well. For Billy I can only say, that there is a reason you don't see him that often. I main this guy, but playing him is one of the most excruciating experiences imaginable when you constantly have to be on the top of your game, need to play around maps more than survivors, have pretty much the easiest counterplay in the game, have terrible addons overall and become a little weaker with every new map and map rework. And I haven't even gotten into all of these collision issues.

    Except Skull Merchant, all of the killers you mentioned above have some special and even fun counterplay, if you know it and are able to apply it effectively. I'd argue that Xenomorph is pretty fun to play against. Because you actively need to think instead of turning your brain on auto pilot. Personally, I'm not a super big fan of Knight and Artist either but I can see how their unique counterplay brings some variety into the otherwise pretty stale survivor role.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I know that fun is subjective. According to votes, my suggestions are spot on. Blight for example has been voted many times as one of the most fun killers. So was Billy, so was Demo. Just because they might be to powerful does not mean that their design can not be fun. Also Oni is a great example for that.

    Also i would gladly hear from those great counterplays against a killer like Knight. Taking the flag is only counterplay if you are in a good team, breaking away is very relative to the map and your gen spawn and the pallet drop thingy is not relyable since it is a bug and not a feature.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,542

    You're kind of missing the point. In case of DBD fun isn't a real value. There are 2 types of fun. Fun to play as and fun to play against. Blight is always fun to play as even with his strongest addons. But fun to play against? Not really.

    Demogorgon and Billy are quite to play against but few people find them fun. That's why both of their pick rates (usually) are on the lower end. I also vividly remember a while back when the main complaint in killer design was about "boring anti loop killers". Wesker, Blight, Demo, Billy and Oni all have anti loop powers. So they all fall in that category too. Meaning, as long as we don't have a clear idea of what we want the next killer to look, BHVR can only gamble and chances are, the killer will get complained about. As always. I have not seen a single release without any complaints yet and I doubt this will ever happen.

    For Knight: This is a guide made buy a P100 Knight main. I'm pretty sure that guy knows what he's talking about and as long as the mentioned bug isn't fixed, it is a reliable way to counter Knight. One that I suggest you use, if you can. I see it as a mechanic that we can use as long as it exists. Should it get fixed someday, we can reevaluate.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,407

    With the exception of Skull Merchant (and to a lesser extent, imo, Knight) I think they've all been fine.

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 259

    I actually enjoy playing skull merchant and onryo. Havent played the others much.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,959

    Artist is fun to play against if people don’t use the super boring strategies

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    I mean I doubt they're trying to make awful killers, they just don't seem to know what makes killers popular I guess. They clearly have the ability to make good killers but it's a complete shot in the dark if they do.

    But yeah every killer after Wesker has been at least unpopular, but not all of them have been outright bad.

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 384

    I agree with you, Wesker is the best killer and the most successful chapter from June 2022 until now.

  • JoeyDonuts
    JoeyDonuts Member Posts: 106

    Make original killer - Everyone complains.

    Make licensed killer - Everyone complains.

    The fact of the matter is the game is 7 years old, and still producing quarterly content, very much unheard of. If you have any sort of hours committed to the game, everything is going to seem less impressive and redundant. I do miss the dark, gritty, foggy maps, but it hasn't stopped me from playing every few weeks.

  • Gastongard
    Gastongard Member Posts: 111

    Its about the gameplay, not if its licensed or not.

    I wish we had something quite unique, that doesnt feel like a mix of other killers, for example something that hides in objects or assets, and survivors maybe has something like EMPs to know where the killer is, or maybe a killer that can fly or maybe not flying as that could lead to a whole new world of bugs and problems, but maybe planning or jumping on top of loops and pallets? Or maybe a killer that could morph, kinda dr jeckyll and mr hyde, or a werewolf killer. There are tons of crazy ideas to implement which I guess must be really complicated using code from 8 years ago on a dated engine, but well, I dont know , im just thinking out loud while eating a burrito

  • JoeyDonuts
    JoeyDonuts Member Posts: 106

    I'm totally for it. Its just often time a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario. If the originality causes a spike in the learning curve to play the killer, people drop it for old familiar cookie cutter gameplay. I remember when a new killer dropped, that all you would see for the better part of a week. I'd assume a "werewolf" would implement "Oni" like characteristics. Hit, gather blood, transform for super speed, instant down. Even with new characters, everyone looks for the fastest, easiest, most effective kills. And when the new killer doesn't do it as well as a previous one, said killer fizzles out to be lost to those that have an attachment to them.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    OP's recent posts really have me wondering why they play the game.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    That is your opinion and i am glad not everybody thinks the same way of course since this would be more boring then those killers i listed. But your opinion is probably outnumbered by the community. There is like a 0% chance a killer like Skull Merchant or Alien will ever be voted for top 10 most fun killer to play against and the named killer will likly most of not all the time in those top votings. At least at the current state.

    It is rather like this:

    Or this:

    I could not find a single vote with XX tousend+ votes where a killer like Knight is even close to the top 10 most fun killer.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I love it and i hate it. I love it for what it used to be, what i can be and i hate it what it has become.

    I wish they would get their stuff together and finally hit back the road. I WANT BHVR to succeed and it blows my mind how far off they are right now.

    And its not only a random opinion from a random guy, i speak the same as an entire community that basically has changed from enthusiasts to absolutly not liking this game anymore. I saw dozens of people loving this game and almost all of them left. And the reasons are exactly those i point out.

    FYI: I left the game for over 2 years, and i am super close to make it to another two or more. I know, this is just one person talking, who cares, but look at the playerbase. Looks overall not that great unfortunatly. For me easy to see why.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693


    The game is pretty balanced now and, personally, I find it more 'chill' on both sides than it ever has been before.

    Look at the player base?

    Yeah, the game is still trending high on Steam (BEFORE the latest chapter) and is in the top percentile on each platform it exists on in terms of player count.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    edited November 2023

    Sure, everyone sees it a little different. If you like the current state of the game, its fine. I completly disagree at all, Killer is almost always 4K now for me, SWF is still easy and Solo is a Nightmare. All changes in the past years were hurting solo players the most, which is arguably the majority of players.

    The playerbase peeked in 2021 if i am not mistaken. Since then, it only went downhill. If i would have had shares of this company, they would have been (hopefully) realisticly sold long time ago since the future is looking not very good.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    One of the best ways to learn how to work around killers and counter killers is to play as those killers.

    If you're 4k'ing every game as you claim then you should have a good understanding of how to play and play around the killer roster.

    I don't think any of the listed killers have been that bad except maybe skull merchant in its original design it had too much game stall.

    Peak DBD for me will always be chains of hate, sure there was a lot of busted stuff during chains of hate still, but man the gameplay was more vicious than it is now.