January - March Roadmap (What To Potentially Expect)...


Anything I say is speculation on what BHVR is doing, nothing is confirmed; I am just basing this a lot on personal bias to be perfectly honest.

Also a lot of the information is based on the Roadmap that BHVR themselves released.

FOV Slider;

Self explanatory, general Quality of Life to let Killers change their FOV without requiring a perk. This will be really helpful for anyone who may have motion sickness or anyone wanting to see a bit more (or seem like they are traveling faster... looking at your Billy/Blight mains).

Solution for 3-Gens;

BHVR is probably going to change the structure spawning algorithm to space out Generators further to prevent 3-gen situations from happening.

I reckon certain maps might also get reworked to be harder for the Killer to navigate to support this but that's just my own guess on what they might do so take it with a grain of salt.

The Onryo;

Two potential things with this one.

There was a #RevertOnyro movement so there is the potential for Onyro to get reverted back to her former self.

There is a potential for addons to be looked at again and reworks, certain addons can be really oppressive against the average player meanwhile other addons (mainly chase related addons like Reiko's Watch) got heavily nerfed and were never really used, I think BHVR might plan on buffing those a bit.

Though seeing how it does not say anything specific, we can expect basekit and addon changes, but leaning more towards basekit.

This is a massive "we'll see".

The Hillbilly;

I reckon that Hillbilly is going to get an addon pass to rework a lot of their underused addons. Certain addons like Pighouse Gloves and Big Buckle were useless and collecting dust ever since the Overheat changes.

I reckon BHVR is going to fix up a lot of these addons and make some basekit tweaks as well seeing how oddly specific the next section is compared to this.

The Blight's Addons;

Really specific, no basekit changes, just reworking oppressive addons.

Thank you BHVR.

Save The Best For Last;

Probably going to get nerfed.

With Patch 6.1.0, the basekit recover for hit Basic Attacks was decreased, so I reckon BHVR is going to finally nerf this perk since it saw a massive spike in usage because the recover is insanely quick.

Entirely speculation, but I think the token amount will be nerfed from 8 tokens to 6 tokens.

Grim Embrace;

Probably going to get buffed.

No Way Out blocks the Exit Gates for 60 seconds, I reckon Grim Embrace will also be buffed from 40 seconds of blocking all Generators to 60 seconds.

I think that BHVR can afford to make this changes because of the anti-camp mechanics.

Quick Gambit;

Complete rework.

This perk was suppose to help Survivors but often put them in a worse position by having the Survivor that is being chased lead the Killer to a Generator being repaired.

Range might be increased to prevent sandbagging teammates or the perk might see a complete rework in it's effect.

Basically a massive "we'll see" (again).

Shadowborn/Monitor and Abuse;

Effects being changed because of the new FOV slider addition.

Monitor might keep it's basic function, Shadowborn is going to be completely reworked, probably into another tracking perk to keep it in line with Wraith's other perks.


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Wouldn’t surprise me if shadowborn is reworked into a brightness perk

    Then we’ll have to wait till 2029 for brightness options

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    Grim embrace should genuinely just reveal all survivors aura. 40 seconds is fine until people are hiding. The perk is supposed to apply immense pressure, which doesn't happen during grim embrace. Just nothing without outside perk factors.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Either Grim Embrace needs to give a stronger reward or the prerequisites for it to activate needs to be made easier. If devs want to make a perk that encourages hooking everyone useful, the current iteration needs to be better

  • meowzilla69
    meowzilla69 Member Posts: 408

    I'm curious of the mangled rework, I think it'll be more realistic, probably slowing down Gen speed, & other actions.

    Decisive strike is up for a change, not sure what's going to happen there. As long as it doesn't go back to where it was 2 nerfs ago, I don't mind the change. That was dark time...

  • SimpleSage
    SimpleSage Member Posts: 96

    For the 3-Gen solution they mentioned they were "Implementing a system that detected if a killer is actively playing for the 3-gen." To me this sounds similar to the AFC that detects if a killer is "too close" to a hooked survivor but takes into account other survivors near by, if they're in chase, downed, or being carried. So I wouldn't be surprised if their solution would be similar in nature, i.e. looks at how long the killer is within a specific radius of a gen/gens, nearby survivors and gens completed. As for what the effects would be if the game detects a 3-gen play style, I'm not sure. It could be something as simple as survivors get a repair speed bonus.

    I've seen several people throw out the idea that completed and uncompleted gens could "switch places" to force gen spread however I think this still leaves too much up to RNG and on some maps SO MANY gens spawn SOOOOO close together it might randomly replace the 3 gen with another. For example: Disturbed Ward had the worst gen spawns I've ever seen, just to give an idea of what we dealt with: (Map itself courtesy of dbdmaps.com) Each red circle shows about where a gen was and the blue ovals is a random outlier gen that I don't remember the exact spawn for just that it spawned in one of the double gyms.

    If you think you're looking at probably the nastiest 6 gen you've ever seen in your life, you're absolutely right.

    1 gen behind the 2 rows of benches by the Greenhouse, 1 in the Hedge Garden thing right outside one of the entrances to Main, 1 in a low wall pallet gym on the back side of Main by the breakable wall, 1 right off the stairs to the other Main entrance, 1 on the Second Floor and 1 in the Solarium in Main. We were blessed by RNJesus with this map against Nurse of all killers. Lucky the nurse had a fun quirk where she liked to watch the sparks fly off a gen she kicked :). In the case of this map/spawn shown if the 3 gen was to "move" in an attempt to spread out the gens, well it would probably look more like a game of musical chairs as the gens would never stop moving around.

    You would think this map would have a great gen spread every time considering its 172sqT (OG Mothers Dwelling is 188sqT for reference), but we got this, and it isn't the only time I've seen a fowl gen spread on this map or other large maps. So all in all, in my meager opinion, the best course of action the devs could ever take is to NUKE their current spawn logic and rebuild it from the ground up to enforce a minimum spawn distance between gens, and promote even locker placements, and GOOD totem spawns, and a nice hook spread and further more an even scourge hook spread. And so on and so forth.

    BUT as much as I would love to see a large scale map spawn logic evaluation and rework, considering the devs have been doing map reworks for the last few updates that mostly focus on pallet and clutter spawns and this change could launch as soon as January, it doesn't make any sense to me that they would be doing a massive spawn logic overhaul as it would mean they need to revisit all the maps they just "completed" and start over as all of that would change again. Looking at the meager evidence and past Dev actions and responses to community outcry I'm expecting a "Band-Aid" fix like I mentioned in the beginning.

    As for the Onryo rework, I don't think its a "Revert Onryo" because they did specify the rework was necessary, it just didn't hit the mark they were hoping for and they also specifically said they wanted to tackle the "Forced Condemned" play style. I had a few thoughts of some tweaks they could make, all base kit changes and obviously add-ons would more than likely need to change to but I didn't want to spend that long thinking about it. And I don't mean I want to see all of them, these are just a couple of ideas I had that might make the condemned play style less viable or oppressive in the right hands while still encouraging survivor interaction that wont completely shut her down.

    Increase the amount of condemned removed when placing a tape. (Currently -3 stacks)

    Increase the cool down on her teleports to reduce spamming but reduce the cool down of survivor turned off tvs. ( her tp cool down is 10s provided a tv is available to tp, and a tv turned off by a survivor is off for 70s.)

    Revert the map wide condemned gain (for survivors without a tape) when teleporting to the original effect of survivors within x meters of the tv ( I think it would be alright if they increased the range of effect from 16m to maybe 24. And if this change would nerf her slowdown too much they could change survivors with tapes still gain condemned if inside her teleport range but at a reduced rate.)


    A. Reduce the condemned gained when hitting a survivor with a tape and the tape still breaks. ( kinda meh about this)

    B. Survivors no longer gain condemned when hit while carrying a tape, BUT the tape still breaks. ( Potentially add the effect that the next tv that survivor turns off has its timer reduced or a random tv turns back on (but not the one turned off). Not sure if either of these would end up being overpowered but I thought completely removing the survivors risk of holding onto the tapes might be too much of a nerf. )

    C. Survivors still gain condemned when hit while carrying a tape but the tape no longer breaks. (The best options I could think of for this is keep the +2 but only if the survivor is healthy (prevent a new method of forcing condemned by playing in a hit and run style), reduce the gain to +1 when the survivor is put into the injured or dying states.)

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,613

    Pretty sure they confirmed billys getting more than a add on pass. Peanits said anyone listed is getting pretty much more than addon buffs. And this from the q and a.