Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

On behalf of all survivor mains, we're sorry killers



  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,993

    Survivors creating 3 gens isn't being "fixed." Mandy said as much when it was first announced in the anniversary stream.

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 2,116

    Something I have noticed lately is how much Survivor patience/impatience wins and loses matches. Most other Survivors in my matches are so impatient when it comes to saving someone from a hook, healing, etc.

    I totally get that repairing gens quickly and trying to mitigate free Killer chase time is paramount. However there’s this behavior of “go, go, go” that sometimes runs counterproductive to Survival. It makes Survivors reveal themselves to Killers. It makes it a pain to heal in a safe spot away from a hook or a generator (which in some cases is valid!). Overall this impatient mindset where you go through game after game dc’ing, killing yourself on hook, or playing recklessly to get that perfect match eventually leads to losses on the part of said Survivor.

    Playing patiently, slowing down and being careful is a great way of improving your Survivor game. I understand why that is difficult to follow however because chase is fun. Beating the Killer in a chase is fun. These aspects of the game are thrilling even. When I find myself craving this part of the game I decide to play as Killer since that’s most of what you do.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,559
    edited December 2023

    It's not always a survivor mistake. It can be, but it's usually not in more experienced lobbies. A 3 gen exists regardless of how many remaining gens there are if the killer won't leave the vicinity of the 3 gen from the start of the match. The order you complete them genuinely doesn't matter in that scenario. It's actually better to do the other gens first if the killer is only patrolling a 3 gen at the start, as that creates space for your team to run away from the 3 gen without friendly fire.

    It's not nearly as cut and dried as many killers try to make it out to be. There are so many other factors in play that go beyond equipping Deja Vu.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,780
    edited December 2023
    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 378

    The fact that you believe you speak for the entirety of the survivor community is both adorable and delusional.

  • Green_Sliche
    Green_Sliche Member Posts: 699
    edited December 2023

    Xeno is not strong killer. He is also bugged at moment.

    Chucky is also not a strong killer. People who figured out his dash can be looped / dodged and pay a bit more attention to him when he is in stealth mode have no trouble playing against him. He is also slow which makes traveling around and chasing much more difficult than some people think.

    Chase perk buffs are insignificant when gen defense perks get gutted in return. Unless you are playing against clueless people, you will still be losing a gen or two per hook. Nothing has changed much here, maybe got worse for some killers.

    Sadako is in position where she has to slug and use either both green or iridescent addon in order to compete with survivors. Should she equip something else, she becomes worse than old Sadako. Nice buff there.

    Trapper buff. I won't comment this one - it's too funny to talk about this so-called buff.

    Trickster actually got his power where it should had been. The showtime often was either not used or would take place once or twice during entire game. He was also too slow so looping him wasn't much of the problem. Now he is in more manageable and enjoyable spot.

    Demo being back is not a buff or nerf. Demo himself could get a buff to his portals as it takes too much time to set them up in current meta and often he is played as M1 killer unless he manages to set a good triangle for defense very early.

    MFT got what it deserved. Being picked by 4 survivors out 4 in 9 games out of 10. Took them long enough though.

    SoloQ stomp is about skill, luck and coordination. You get decent players - you will often escape. You get trolls or monkeys and don't go selfish - you end up sacrificed. This is more MMR related issue.

    Killers aren't really doing fine ( except classic Nurse and Blight players who play these killers only with top addons ). Most of the time it's still 1 hook 2 or 3 gens unless dead lock is in the game and 2nd hook often ends with 1 or 2 gens left remaining. Killers still have to consider hard tunneling or proxy camping if they want to compete against decent survivors. In extreme cases it's slug only mode where killers can't even afford to go for hooks anymore. I suggest playing as killer a bit more and trying yourself against more organized players ( sfw squads ) which will arrive to you at some point, then you will see how easily can killers be outperformed despite doing no mistake.

  • ironligma
    ironligma Member Posts: 121
    edited December 2023

    I know a lot of people that play more survivor than killer but still say they have a killer main, but it doesn't mean that they play killer more. In terms of survivor main vs killer main, yeah I agree.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • ironligma
    ironligma Member Posts: 121

    I don't know if I'd call it to much from what I've played on survivor but when I'm playing killer it's so different. Definitely frustrating to be looped around a hook until they unhook themselves

  • NueLotusTV
    NueLotusTV Member Posts: 21
    edited December 2023


    This game has been killer sided for years with serious toxicity from survivors in return. But every match is a ######### tunneler or sand bagging survivors who know how to play and intentionally screw with other survivors and BHVR does nothing about it.

    It took them 7 years to deal with campers/face campers and it only works for the first hook. The killers have perks that can litterally end game you after your first hook especially if you're solo queue and see you at the start of the match.

    Survivors items have been nerfed to hell and you can't even heal twice with a medkit. 1/2 of a gen with the best tool box, brand new part is practically useless.

    People who aren't toxic to killers unless they're toxic to them get sand bagged by other survivors and sand bagging survivors don't get punished.

    There are problems, major problems on both sides. All perks that highlight survivors and let's ######### wallhack need removed. All killer exposing perks need removed because no one on a map should be able to see each other through walls at all. If you ain't got the skill to find a survivor without seeing where they are through walls and at the start of the match, you're trash.

    Same goes for survivors. If you need to see the killer through walls you're dog water. If you act toxic to nice killers you are an ass.

    If you tunnel you're trash. Takes no skill. Hands down. You aren't amazingly skilled If you 360, 180, start bagging or blinding killers at the gate, you're just being a dick and honestly if a survivor stays inside the gate without moving for 20 seconds you should be killed. If you wanna wait for another survivor do it outside the gate.

    No this game isn't killer or survivor sided. It's troll sided. Hands down.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,065

    I know I don't have the hours in this game that many on the forum have, but I've still had my fair share of 2 hook matches against very strong Survivor teams and it's definitely felt like there was nothing I could have done to win. So yeah, I know from first hand experience, some Killers are not all that competitive at the higher levels. That doesn't mean Killer is in a bad spot or that it's impossible to win with the low tier Killers. I personally don't have the sweaty mentality that you'd need to compete at that level and I'm honestly fine with that. I mean, that's what MMR is in the game for, right? To get players to a level where they most feel comfortable competing.

    But any Killer has the option to play sweaty, camp and tunnel (as much as I might not enjoy it), equip their best add-ons (which they'll likely never run out of) and bring 4 of the strongest slow down perks. If they learn to use their Killer power effectively, they will still beat or at least draw against the majority of teams that they go up against.

    Not every Killer in this game needs to be Nurse or Blight. There are Survivors out there that would never, ever escape a trial if the likes of Legion and Trapper were buffed way too much by the Devs. There are lots of Killers that I think need a buff, but Chucky and Alien would not be on that list.

    I think BHVR is probably trying to balance the game for the mid and lower MMRs, because that's where the majority of the player base likely is. They can't just focus on the competitive players, as much as some would like them to. I know some play DBD like it's an e-sport, but I honestly don't think this game was ever designed with an ultra competitive mentality in mind.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited December 2023

    Couldn't agree more.

    I mean its a rare thing now that you even get a few steps away from the hook before someone is rushing in for the save.

    Also you usually have your pick of scratch marks and crows at game start as everyone runs around to the first gens giving away their position.

    Its like some players brains just fell out when it comes to smart play and now it's BHVR's job to make sure they can keep playing foolishly and go unpunished for it.

    Yeah when I crave a game of chases and high interaction I don't play survivor I play killer for that.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,528

    Speaking of tome challenges do you have prenomination challenge done? It seems to be bugged. It's only challenge I have not been able to do apart from new tome which just came.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,490

    That is my fear. I totally get the issue when a killer goes out of their way to force a 3-gen, but when the survivors just make mistakes, why should they be told "It's okay you screwed up massively and got yourself into a 3-gen situation, we're not letting that terrible killer player get the win with a totally unfair 3-gen!"

    They say they strive for a 60% average kill rate, but... if they go for all the changes survivors are insisting on, we're going to end up with a much lower kill rate.

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,490

    Yes, but it does sometimes happen when players make mistakes, and so.. as unfair as it is for killers to force a 3-gen, it's just as unfair if these changes punish the killer for the survivor mistakes. That's as I just said, my fear that these changes might do.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited December 2023

    Yeah those points aren't lost on me.

    I just think survivor is the most fun when you have to flee for your life rather than just game the mechanics till the gates open. One is fun the other kinda dull.

    People play and enjoy it for all different reasons but the more they cater to the pure PVP crowd and less the horror survival crowd the less thematic and the more boringly mechanical the game becomes.

    Lets face it DBD's mechanics especially for survivor aren't the most exciting its the threat of elimination that makes games thrilling without that its really got nothing to sell.

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,262

    Yep. Besides Skull Merchant who does it far too often and easily, causing numerous boring games, I really don't see it as a problem. When we do get three gened by other killers, we can often pull it off if everyone keeps running back to the gens the moment the killer is distracted. Sometimes it can get tedious, and you lose, but survivors can help prevent it for the most part -- and killers need to win sometimes, lol. Perhaps in lower MMR brackets its more of a problem as players are learning, but you do learn.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 602

    I wouldn't say the game has been killer sided for years, unless you're talking about nurse. Since release a majority of the changes have been making survivor basekit and perks weaker, killer basekit and perks stronger, and maps more balanced in favor of killers.

    There are exceptions but I feel like the general trend, if you were to plot this game on a timeline, would trend toward "less survivor sided" as the years pass.

    I started playing in 2019 so I can't speak for the years before that with personal experience, but survivor was still very strong compared to killers that weren't nurse.

    But I agree with your conclusion, the game is sided toward whoever plays sweatier and pulls all the stops to get an advantage, regardless of how the gameplay feels for the opponent.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,497

    I must have it done, since I got them all, but I don't know which one this is, can you give me the tome name? There was two tome challenges that were bugged for the longest time for me, one was linked to Spies in the Shadows, where crows startled by survivors just wouldn't count for the challenge, and the other one was Tome 6 Page 1 "Self Preservation". There was a long standing bug report about this challenge and I intermittend tried it again and again, until it finally one day completed. That challenged wasn't helped in the slightest by a very ambigious wording that could be read a couple of different ways. At least with the in-trial counters you can see live when you got a challenge completed and don't have to guess or eyeball it and then find out that you missed the mark by 3s or something.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,528

    Exactly that tome 6 self preservation maybe I give it yet another try and get hopefully lucky like you.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,402

    on behalf of very few of us killers its all good

    i actually like seeing new things happen so u r good and im sorry if you have been tunneled or camped genuinly i hope you have fun playing this


  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,497

    I don't remember any patch notes that it got fixed, but I just tried every now and then again and one day it completed and I was beyond exhilarated. Sadly I can't tell you which way I did it, ie jumping into a locked at once, or killer not finding me 5s afterwards etc. as there are a couple of contradicting posts of how to complete it around.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Pig mains right now.

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185

    I swear there's some killer reddit group somewhere where they come up with these fake "survivor" ideas for posts.

    "We're deeply sorry for this."

    Cringe af whether you are a killer (most likely) or a self-hating survivor.