Okay I'm tired of him
I'm so tired of chucky like he was cool the first couple of times going against him but now it ridiculous 1/3 matches will be a random killer but the other two are always chucky and his hitboxes are insane like his dash can catch up to LITHE like HOWWWW!!!!!
I'm tired of his broken hit boxes and his long dash
And I know some people will disagree with me and thats fine everyone has their own opinions but for me (and I'm sure others) I'm so tired of him already
Bubba can catch up to sprint burst...
Chucky is fine.
What you feel is overexposure. Too much if the same gets boring. That's understandable.
You have two choices if you want to deal with this overexposure.
- take a break from dbd until Chucky-mania has settled down.
- use the extreme amounts of Chucky to learn tricks to outplay him. This can serve as a nice challenge and you can see how you improve against him over time.
The choice is yours.
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What, you want him nerfed ?
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Not nerfed just fixes hitboxes
Like multiple times a chucky has hit a wall or rock and somehow i get injured
Like if that's fixed that I woudnt mind him so much
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The problem with tricks is that it's pretty much the same almost every game
I get tunneled untill I die with no help whatsoever from my teammates or its a baby chucky that just got the game lmao so it's a really bad chucky that doesn't even get a hook or I get tunneled and camped the entire game
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His pick rate has already begun to drop and it will continue to do so over the next couple days. His pick rate will still be higher than average for about another month and then he will probably settle around average. That is how it works when a new killer is released.
Also, his hitbox only looks so insane because Chucky is so small. He suffers the Freddy syndrome where people think he has an insane hitbox, but the truth is, that it only looks that way because the smaller character model doesn't quite fit the normal hitbox.
You have 2 options for now. Either take a little break until Chucky's pick rate drops further or you use this overexposure to your advantage and learn some more counterplay. Eventually this might be fun again because you will be able to outplay these killers more frequently.
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If you get tunneled, the game will be short (good/bad?) and you have a lot of time in chase against chucky.
If you don't receive help from your teammates in a tunneling situation, it's more on then than in Chucky's balancing.
You complained about his chasing power. That's literally all he has. Chucky has no map pressure. He has to do very well in chase.
Every killer can camp or tunnel you, that's not a Chucky problem.
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Ik every killer can camp or tunnel you its just him more cause there are a lot more new people joining dbd and don't know how to play
Or their just really toxic lol
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For the first time since he got released, I didn't groan when I went up against a Wesker.
These are dark times.
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Tunneling and camping isnt toxic...
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It really is but this fourm wasn't posted for fighting
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Are survivors never happy unless it's a perkless trapper?
I'm fed up seeing Blight.
I'm fed up seeing Nurse
I'm fed up seeing Wesker.
I'm fed up seeing Spirit.
Get over yourself and play something else if you're not happy.
He's new and people paid good money for him and are entitled to play him just like you can pick the survivor of your choice.
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It is not. Toxic is when you post insults and slurs in end game chat.
Tunneling is a strategy. Not a nice one for the receiving end, but a strategy still.
Nobody wants to "fight". This is about logical arguments.
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I never get asked, if I like to play against 7 neas in a row btw...
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Usually pick rate drops after 2 - 3 days. The only exception was Wesker. He was super popular for weeks and still he is. I am seeing Chucky will be similar since he is super fun to play as.
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He is one week old, so dont wonder to face him in the Winter-Event a lot. I guess after Year 2023 comes to an end, the pickrate of Chucky will go down.
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Glad you brought up logic.
Telling your opposition in a game what you're doing is or isn't toxic is the opposite of logical, considering that killer mains are the ones doing all the tunneling and camping.
Good try though.
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Now us VS them...
Also... What does it matter what side I'm playing. If I'm getting tunneled I mostly know why.
Your full filling an archetype, you know that?
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Xenomorph also took longer. Killer queue times are about back to normal, indicating a drop in his pick rate and I expect it to be somewhat normal again over the course of the next week.
But I agree that Chucky's pick rate will probably stay higher than normal because he is indeed very fun to play as. Although I doubt, we'll see a situation like with Wesker again.
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i agree, it was really cool when chucky first came out, and i myself am guilty of playing him a little much when he came out but now i've died down to maybe 2/3 chucky plays a week and now just sifting through other killers. the over-exposure to chuky was a little much, got annoying, and now its like "oh i loaed into a match, lets give it a good try- oh wait nevermind its chucky" i still like the killer, but the excessive rounds are a little much lol
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Playing the game isn't toxic. Nor is playing to win.
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If you hear him charging his dash then just don't run away from him(unless you know you're far enough to avoid getting hit) because you can pretty much do the same trick to him that you can do to Nurse where you can run at him and make him miss.
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Curse of a popular killer. Doesn't matter if they are OP, balanced, or weak. If they are played often enough survivors will find something to complain about them.
You are just fatigue in seeing the same killer over and over. No need to justify your boredom by nitpicking the killer. Take a break, the honeymoon period will soon be over.
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The hitbox validation definitely needs some work. I swear he's got a longsword & not a knife, when he uses his power. Stabs at air but you still get injured. Overall I don't find him as played as Wesker was when he came out and that was much worse. You can also do some nice outplaying with his power similar to Wesker & Demo.
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Chucky is the perfect example that hitboxes in this game are completely silly. And devs still dont acknowledge it, they made it even worse. You cant show this to anyone who has some common sense.
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Chucky can cancel his dash into hit by releasing M2
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This is true. Or just switch over to killer and play with whoever you want.
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You guys still get Chucky? Ive been back to facing Wesker for a few days now
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I barely play this game but this killer is same as xeno to me, overstayed his welcome days ago