Why do you hate when killers tunnel but its fine when survivors do it?



  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,930

    Tunneling also means : "A survivor focuses solely on completing a generators and forgoing anything else, such as healing, doing totems, or helping their teammates"

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Yes both sides Tunnel and only the Killer gets called out for it....

    Plus The Survivors Tunneling mean that they are playing "efficiently" but when the Killer does it they are "toxic"

    So why does it matter... until things change this is the way it'll be

    With the changes to healing, Gen regression it's going to be getting rid of a single Survivor mean that there's less "efficiency"

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    for "Gen Rush" the vast majority of posts were all unambiguously complaints from killers about getting "gen rushed". "Survivors tunnel gens" was more of a mixed bag but that's also the one with fewer posts

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I would expect nothing less than killer mains thinking being tunneled is fun

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,228

    The same people in this forum who will complain about that blight on a 1k win streak are the exact same people who will look at people 

    Here's the problem with your argument. This is a strawman. I am sure there are some individuals who act like this, which in that case you are welcome to discuss their positions. However you can't just lump everyone into this group.

    Every person on this forum has different thoughts and nuances about the game.

  • Komi
    Komi Member Posts: 366

    This thread has confirmed that the devs made a huge mistake in even adding toolboxes and perks that modify repair speeds. On launch it was the exact same, killers running ebony moris to instakill survivors because they instarepaired gens. I hate to say but nothing has changed at all, it is the still the biggest issue in this game.

    If generators were guaranteed to always be repaired in the same time then killers would actually focus on actively hunting down survivors, instead of turning the unhooking action the biggest proponent in tunneling. I would actually love to see the results of a PTB that tests this, maybe even players testing it out themselves.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,930

    If killers throw themselves at once specific survivor, that makes your job as survivor much easier "just do gens" as it were.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I speak for myself why i dislike tunneling and why i dont like the tunneling gens argument:

    • The game is not ballanced around a 3v1. It is an easy way for the killer to get a safe win in the early game. It is the way of say "I dont care about anybody else but myself". I dislike this attitude.
    • I have zero respect for killer who are that bad that they have to tunnel. I am not a great killer and i never tunnel and still win most of the time. If i can do it with any killer, you can to. Get better, sorry.
    • There is no other way but to press M1 on a gen. Dull Totems and Chest are a complete waste of time. It is like a killer would deliberatly stay in the corner of the map for the first 60 seconds of a match.
    • The killer on the other hand has a choice to play a good and fun game, or he can choose to play dirty and go for the easy win. Again, respect for killer who wont tunnel, no respect for those who tunnel.

    Said that, i also dislike a lot about survivor players and i have no respect for them either if they come in with map offering, 3 Toolboxes with BNP on Garden of Joy or any other map that is good for survivor. And then rush the gens, get doors open and Tbag like a bunch of kids at the exit gate.

    When my teammates are pulling stuff like that off, i always side with the killer in the endgame chat if there is a conversation.

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842

    Are we really asking why survivors arn't wasting like 20 seconds to go get a brown toolbox or green key from a chest?

    Like you wrote that and thought "yeah I'm cooking"?

    I also really hate it when people try to do these 1:1 comparisons between roles cuz they're not at all similar, survivors legit have nothing to do but gens, they are literally incapable of tunneling their objective but if a killer decides to go after someone else and not tunnel they're still doing their objective. I don't think there's anything wrong with tunneling I just think it's dumb to act like the roles are analogous in the way some people suggest.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    If you can do gen you aren't getting tunneled. People with common sense would not call you for tunneling and in this case you handicapped yourself purposelly but you won anyway.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    The healing changes that butchered Self-Care back in 2018 are among the worst design choices in the game's history.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763


    Awful, really awful. The endless list of unnecessary changes and bad design choices.

  • CountOfTheFog
    CountOfTheFog Member Posts: 2,673

    There's nothing wrong with tunneling but as a Survivor you really don't have anything else to do.

    Your odds of escaping in SoloQ are insanely low so I can't blame them or myself for rushing my objective.

    In fairness, it is your right to tunnel if you wish. There is nothing wrong with it.

    I think nobody mentions the Survivor "tunnelling" because playing survivor and playing killer is almost like playing two completely different games.

    Don't let people bother you, play how you wish within the rules of the game. I just thought I'd chime in and shed light on why it seems like a double standard.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Tunneling helps the Killer in both contexts. When a Surv is tunneled out before 1-2 gens, it is a free win for Killer. When Survivors 'tunnel' gens (by either grouping, or going for the recently PR'd/PGTW'd gen), they give the Killer a juicier PGTW target/easier intel, and group up to throw the game with snowballed pressure.

    Since 'tunneling gens' is something Survivors do to themselves, they are the perpetrator and the victim, so they are doing it to themselves. When the Killer makes sure no one in the lobby other than themselves has 5 digits under BP, then the Killer is the perpetrator and the victims are their opponents.

  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    What is blud waffling about?

    No seriously, what do you mean by this, the point you're trying to make is extremely unclear and I'd love a clarification

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    I've seen a fair few discussion in the past on these boards regarding players "tunnelling" their objectives, both Survivors and Killers.

    These are the Objectives to get the win though. Killers cannot win unless they sacrifice; Survivors cannot win unless they escape. If anything, should Survivors "tunnel" gens at the expense of not healing others or missing out on Totems, then that's all the better for a Killer for easier downs.

    Ultimately, why should it matter what somebody else's opinion be of another's playstyle? Everyone plays differently and for every game which may make you feel like crap then there are others which will be great. Tunnelling eitherside isn't going to go away, so use that pressure to improve skills and learn.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 11,763

    I wanted to find something I disagree with on your comment so I could say: "Think, Marc!"

    ...But I actually agree with what you said here. Damn...

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    Because the tunneled survivor doesn't get to play the game, just like if the survivor was camped by Huntress or Hag.

    The moment a survivor touches a generator or totem, however, I'm absolutely going after them to punish them for being careless and taking the risk of getting to the objective while being vulnerable (injured). If somebody offers themself and takes protection hits, I don't mind changing targets unless a perk is in the way (obsession X Save The Best For Last, ...) so I don't lose the Tokens.

    So far, people have been mostly very positive about my gameplay and sometimes even purposefully halted their objective progression just so everybody can play all parts of the game, like repairing X healing, and chasing X hooking.

    The moment somebody recently unhooked body blocks, then they wanna be chased. Simple. Whether I hook them or not is up to me, and I mostly prefer to take it the easy way by going after the previous prey rather than risking taking the Decisive Strike or something like that.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,596

    I think the main issue a lot of players have is that being tunneled as a Survivor effectively puts them in a time-out corner where they cant play the game.

    Meanwhile focusing on Generators progresses the match in a way that is not seen as obstructing anyone's ability to play the game.

    I think the easiest solution to stop complaints about tunneling is allowing Survivors to do something while being dead so it does not feel like they are being excluded from the game.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    people can't understand that generators being done to quickly end the game quickly which ruins the killers fun and change to play the game just like killers tunneling a survivor out who don't get to play.

    I mean people say chases is the most fun in this game but when I play killer I see one survivor down and hook them but 3 to 4 gens are done.

    chasing out the exit gate don't count as being chased.

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418
    edited December 2023

    That’s a completely false comparison, though.

    you’re not considering the asymmetrical nature of the game: if survivors so call “tunnel” gens, the outcome is a game ending quicker due to survivor efficiency (notwithstanding the multitude of killer meta perks which directly counter this play style).

    If a killer tunnels a survivor out of the game, it gives the killer the sole power of denying that specific survivor any meaningful or fun gameplay. Remember, killers hold the power, so survivors “tunnelling gens” is something that they’re able to intervene in. Conversely, if a killer decides their mission is to end the game for one specific survivor, there’s very little the survivor can do to change the outcome.

    For the record (and before anyone corrects me), I know the definition of tunelling has become somewhat distorted. In my discussion, I’m referring to a killer targeting one specific survivor, repeatedly downing/hooking them, whilst ignoring all the other three.

    Edit: I forgot to say also, the current killer meta is literally kicking/regressing gens. You can’t argue that most killers aren’t brining perks like Jolt, Pop, Pain Res, etc in droves, so survivors are adapting their play style to counter it. Let’s say you’re a survivor and a gen is on 80% and someone’s about ti go down: why would you waste time cleansing full totems, healing, or opening chests knowing that within the next 30 seconds that gen is going to get desecrated by regression perks? As long as the gen-kick meta is popular, survivors will continue to prioritise gens. That’s just a fact.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    So tell me, who wins 99 out of 100 times: the god tier tunneling Nurse/Blight player or the players that hit great skill checks the most consistently?

    Yeah, thought so.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    I had survivors get a gen done in my face as I'm hitting them down them it odd.

    on a side note:

    was going to make a thread on this but they need to get rid of de pipping as killer and survivor,reason most try hard is one some people are toxic and wants to ruin someone day and two they don't want to de pip we should just always safely pip if were not going to pip.

    as killer or survivor they are time like this season well I had some good games and I'm one pip away from grading up then I start getting these BS games I have no control over like being genrushed and getting one hook or being the first one tunneled out.

    and on both sides I have been 1 pip away from grading up to no pips I start getting pissed.

    if I knew I wasn't going to de pip I would care as much if I get genrushed or be camped and tunnel out of the game and I wouldn't try so hard the next match

    because of the depipping and how random BS can happen on either side I start getting pissed and yes I will start tunneling maybe use a mori or using OP items and genrush to get pips back

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    All Killers are OP and need nerfing and should not be able to use Perks ... There! Something for you to say "Think, Marc!" about. :D