What is your opinion about Play With Your Food?

Let me hear your opinions. I think the perk is fine but the condition of losing tokens is quite strict right now, so I think that the tokens don't need to be lost when you missed attack.
It's decent but now overshadowed by coup for most killers. A lot of the killers who wanted to use it were the M1 instadown killers and those are just better outright with Coup.
It's good with game afoot + rancor + NWO for an endgame build though for sure. Kicking a pallet to get the game afoot speed boost then the chase drops so you catch up with 10% haste feels great when it works
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overrated perk , by the time you get 2 stacks or more you already lost 2 gens and the only times where it shines is when you are already winning the game.
not saying that the perk is 100% bad , is just not viable on higher MMR at all with the endurance meta for survivors.
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It focuses on losing chases. Not something a Killer these days has the time to make part of their standard play-style.
That said it is not bothersome for Survivors. I don’t expect to receive anything but the most minimal number adjustments.
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i just wish cooldown for chase was a little shorter like instead of 10 seconds, I wish it was 6 seconds. Also there is bug with Oni and that perk where if you dash and do demon strike, it consumes 2 tokens instead of 1 token.
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Counter-intuitive perk. Killers don't have time to lose chases, and it only really helps if you're not able to consistently hit people. Essentially, it's a perk that only helps when you're not getting hits in as a whole (if you're consistently hitting people, you're only getting one stack at best). It's a perk to help when you're losing. It's better to put on a perk to help prevent you from losing from the first place.
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I love this perk
it’s actually one of this most underrated perks in the game
I enjoy running it on Pyramid head and sometimes hillbilly but that’s usually for an instasaw meme build where you pair it with the perk nemesis and the mothers helpers and the tuned carburetor addons
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As long as you don't try and force yourself to get stacks, it's not bad. Once you realize who the obsession is, there's ways you can get stacks reasonably quick (assuming they're not trying to hide the whole match). We do wish it didn't lose stacks on misses though.
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Myers Tombstone Perk basically 😁
Now I think about it, I might try this on Plague though... it might be boss 🤔
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I'm not saying until STBFL is on the tweak-table. Let's get back to it next year!
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It's fairly decent, if a little hard to play around; the point is to be constantly pressuring multiple survivors (obsession + someone else) to keep your stacks up so you should be pressuring multiple people at once and keeping them off gens.
That's definitely doable but often is highly map dependent so it's not as universally powerful as, say, STBFL or EndFury. Still a bit underrated.
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It's pretty good on her since you don't lose stacks from green puke.
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Slinger loses 2 as well. I don't think it's a bug.
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i use it on her and it's really good. green puke doesn't use stacks, it helps a lot especially if people refuse to cleanse.
it kind of makes sense on slinger, a shoot and hit gives 2 stacks for mettle as well.
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i think I tried for like 5 games a really really long time ago when slinger came out. My guess is that your losing stacks for shooting and losing for breaking chain. Your suppose lose stacks for breaking chain and lose stacks if you m1 during the shot it is likely also bugged... but nobody uses that perk on slinger.
With Oni, you do not lose stacks for beginning a dash but when you end dash with demon strike, it consumes 2 stacks for some reason. It is like blight bug where pwyf would consume for each bounce.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
i agree with you but please take a look at huntress
how about if you hit with a normal you lose one but if you use a special atak you lose a stak even if it does not hit
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I had a specific Old Freddy build that made use of PWYF, and it was quite fun.
But sadly, it doesn't work anymore.
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I actually think it's legitimately good on Wraith as it helps get that 2nd hit he's notoriously bad at getting and obviously it has it's use for Myers.
For anyone else it requires your entire build to support it which usually isn't worth it.
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Well, i learned during the made-for-this-debate, that even 3% speed has a huge impact. Since a killer can get this token at no drawback (just as being injured was no drawback for survivors, the killer can be in a chase around a jungle gym and just be in and out of chase time and again, gaining tokens) and even up to 5% speed, it seems quite overpowered if they wouldnt lose the token.
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It doesn't give two for mettle? I haven't been against slingers but his shot itself wouldn't count. Right?
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pretty sure it does. used to give 2 stacks for wglf, might be fixed but unlikely.
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I don't really like using it just because of the sheer amount of time you need to invest to get stacks of it. It's not a perk you'll typically just happen to get stacks of in a match, you need to go out of your way to get them. So when I'm getting those stacks, I feel like I'm taking a huge risk of letting the match get away from me, since I'm not really pressuring gens or going for downs. Then once I do start going for downs I feel like those stacks get lost pretty fast, even on an instadown killer.
So I don't like using it, but if someone were to tell me it's really strong I'd probably believe the, cause haste in any form can be a pretty big deal.