How can the developers improve SoloQ and tunneling?

Kjøttkaker Member Posts: 77
edited December 2023 in General Discussions

How can we close the gap between SoloQ and SWF?

Many have said that SoloQ need multiple improvements in form of basekits. They ask for Bond, Kindred, Aftercare and Better Together implemented to enhance the experience of SoloQ. It's also been said that SoloQ survivors need to know the exact location of someone opening a Exit Gate and progression bar of someone opening the exit, which should also be applied to cleansing/blessing totems, opening chests, interacting with killer items, et cetera.

Tunneling has been a big problem that many has faced. It's said that the killer who tunnels the survivor is doing the most efficient strategy this game has to offer. Do you agree with this?

If so, how would tunneling be averted? Would basekit, and buffed, Decisive Strike solve this? Basekit Breakdown? A second chance to unhook themselves when they get on the hook too fast or they could be transported to the other side of the map as far away as possible from the killer?

With these statements in place, would you agree with some or all of them? Do you, perhaps, have ideas to make SoloQ a better experience overall?


  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 2,913

    The only good way to improve tunneling is making most killers around the same strength or making chasing with weaker killers actually rewarding THEN nerfing tunneling a few weeks later depending on how well the chase incentive equates to gameplay.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The thing to look at first is what is the difference between Soloq and Swf, that is fairly easy, not only do swf get to chose the players they play with, which gives the somewhat control over the skill level of their teammates, they also have easy access to communication. Of course even in Soloq you could instantly post a discord link or mention a room on the DBD Discord or what not to get the same result, but it takes more time and effort, which is probably why people don't do it... Other than that there is also the language barrier, some people you get matched with in public matches may not speak the same language as you. So to sum it up:

    • Choice of who to play with
    • Easy access to voice chat and therefore ingame communication
    • probably no language barrier

    However it is not really a given that any swf only consists of good players or that they will always make comp callouts, they just have an easier way to do so, the same basically goes for the language barrier, you might still play with people who are not that that fluent in for example english, so text is possible but voice not really or they just don't want to talk, and won't use text chat or whatever... So just because you have the ooption does not mean it will get used.

    As for those differences, the language barrier could be avoided by selecting a preffered language and the matchmaking trying to take that into account. The choice who to play with cannot really be solved I think, you could say figure out a better way to work for the matchmaking but I don't really have a concrete idea here.

    The access to communication could be solved by voice chat / text chat implementation into the game, then there would really not be much of a difference in the capapbilities anymore... You would have the same tools, it is just your choice whether you want to use them or not.

    And before someone comes and says everyone would always only be toxic in voice chat and what not... Every reasonable game with these things has a block and report option for it... You are not forced to listen to that stuff...

    I think everything else than that will just be a bandaid fix because the gap would still exist, it would just get smaller... You could add a ping system, a highlight system so you can show your teammates a totem or a chest with aura, or the killer with killer instinct so it does turn in wallhacks to inform people in your swf if you are getting mindgamed or something... Just so you get a direction of where the killer currently is, compared to a callout via voice.

    I think stuff like that would be the second best option, a chat wheel and some form of callout to highlight stuff, I would however prefer it with text chat, for more information if needed.

    I think those basekit perk solutions would maybe help but still be less effective than the two ways I described before... The question is do you want to close the gap or just make it smaller... depending on that I think it is pretty clear what to do.

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    How can you improve a skill issue? Improve means make it better, you don't want skill issues to be more prominent. You mean reduce, right?

    Well, one way to improve solo queue would be to implement a anti-tunneling feature that prevents "the weakest link" from getting tunneled out without the killer being provoked. Tunneling is justified most of the time but tunneling immediately at five generators isn't fun for both parties. I can't imagine killers getting an easy kill and gaining fun out of that when there's no skill to be rewarded that fun. That would certaintly help out solo queue whilst SWF can counter it so easily currently. I also don't like the idea of Decisive Strike having to prevent such a common, and flourishing, playstyle because, if it got buffed, everyone would run it. No one likes to face that.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I dont want them to change anything about tunelling, leave players some choice and playstyles to use.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    there no way to fix tunneling that wont also hurt killer who don't and sometime you have to tunnel.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 310

    I mean when I started 2 years ago tunneling was still present it isn't new. Im not a vet but I have seen many mention that it's always been used. The weakest link( the player always out of position) will always be the target if killers want to win because the win condition is based off kills not hooks. There's no set time or gens left when tunneling is ok or not, just like there's no set time or gens you can pop within the first 5 minutes. Most killers tunnel because by the time the finish the 1st chase 1-2 gens have already popped and they feel the game is slipping away from them. There's absolutely no reason that at least one gen shouldn't pop at beginning after the first chase. So to be honest they're not really tunneling at 5 gens, unless the killer is camping and the whole team immediately runs in for the save.

    As far as swf and solo q there's not a lot of you can do to bridge the gap. All comms do is allow teams to communicate it doesn't help with looping, and 95% aren't using comp call outs. They also make up like 2% of the player base. On top of that all it takes is a quick trip to the discord to find a swf party easy. I do think basekit bond and kindred would be fine but as someone else mentioned it wouldn't solve anything and adding in game comms isn't the way to go at all. Swf are stronger because they play together a lot simply.

    Randoms with comms will still be terrible except instead of waiting for end chat they'll be screaming obscenenities at a poor wild Dwight all game. Solo q suck because a majority of solo q have they're own agenda and wants out of a match. You can't fix that.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,633

    Perfectly said. Too many base kit restrictions take away any agency the players have in this game, which then makes it a pretty boring and repetitive experience. For both sides.

    What they can do however is to make certain strategies less reliable and improve others. That way, we wouldn't have one go-to strategy but a number of choices that all have their benefits and weaknesses.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,736

    20 seconds of full invisibility and silence after getting unhooked so a targeted survivor can lose the killer.

    soloq though... "new" mmr wasn't that bad i think, i mostly got really really good teammates. although we all need to understand the gap between soloq and swf will always be massive and the game shouldn't be balanced around swfs.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    You can't buff Solo's the way one thinks

    Figuring on what to do with Gens and Toolboxes

    Figuring on what to do with healing and Medkits

    Getting to the bottom of the inconsistencies that the game has (Tunneling, Gen efficiency)

  • verysleepy
    verysleepy Member Posts: 50

    This applies to every game in existence. Guess what they do to fix solo queue? Nothing.

    If you want better teammates, you form a group.

    As for tunnelling, you make it so a killer doesn't have freedom to go for who he wishes and guess what happens to killers? They'll quit due to the horrendous baby step playstyle they have to adopt just to follow the 'rules'.

    Tunneling is the most optimal way to play a killer efficiently. In any other game this would be like killing a healer first, or a mage, or support, it's just the smart thing to do.

    Why do survivors tunnel gens? Because its their objective... oh wait, they can do totems, fhey can pursue chases, unhooks etc. Do they? Nah slam gens ASAP get out.

    Same for killer except its literally one of the only options to compete at high mmr gameplay.

    Show me one top killer able to hook all survivors separately and win in competitive without using tactics like getting hooked targets out of the game.

    If we liken it to health. Imagine each hook is 30hp. Why would you chase someone with 90hp when 2 have 30hp and are one shot kills.....

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,468

    Speaking as a solo survivor, I'm not really sure what they could do at this point. From a business perspective, they're better off appealing to swfs and killer mains because those are more likely to be the long term paying customers. Solo survivors might leave but there's always new ones popping in to replace them. So aside from some minor quality of life changes, I doubt solo will receive any basekit advantage. We are kill rate fodder. Helping our chances of survival means depriving killers of their kills, and as I said above I can't see them doing anything to alienate killers. I'm always happy to share my feedback on the poor state of solo queue, but I honestly don't know what the solution to it is. Better matchmaking maybe?

    As for tunnelling, I can't see them directly addressing it because the tunnelled survivors are still engaging in active gameplay. Unlike with camping, where they're just hanging there doing nothing. I think one thing they might do is simply lessen the blow by removing depipping and maybe adjusting some anti-tunnel perks (like the upcoming DS change).

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 758

    You can't improve terrible survivors by any means.

    Currently better matchmaking should be needed at least.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Be aware of the fact that solo and swf are the same character, game mechanically identical. The difference is player skill, teammentality and external comms, two things that cant be adjusted ingame and the third gets a lot of resistance when suggested to be implemented ingame.

    So that begs the question: How do you bridge a skill issue between "bad players without comms" and "good players in a group with comms" without buffing the "good players on comms" too?

  • Azulra
    Azulra Member Posts: 484

    I generally disagree with most of that stuff- The game is designed with the intention of survivors having as little info as possible without info perks which is why there's a lack of voice chat for the game and the balancing of the game really lays with SWFs depending on if they're using 3rd party comms for a competitive advantage or not.

    The thing that a lot of y'all commonly forget about is that the more info survivors have the harder the game is on killers which is why SWFs are already a hated thing with killers since a SWF can pass info between each other without the need of perks and such allowing them to use strong/sweaty perks(hence why there's a decent amount of killers who dip whenever they get a hint of a 3-4 player SWF). Giving that kind of ability to the survivors in general would make the game significantly harder for killers and even easier for SWFs which, ultimately, results in less people wanting to play killer and the less people wanting to play killer the higher survivor que times will be and the higher the que times are for survivors the more likely BHVR are to put all the BP bonuses on the killer side and start buffing up killers again which will just result in more problems for survivors regardless of solo q or not.

    The ONLY thing that I can agree with is that the progression meter that fills up around the generator icon should be on all actions such as healing, totems, chests, etc so that teammates will know how much longer those kinds of actions will take to finish since that would just be a QoL change.